Zoning in LC in the mornings

Post date: Sep 27, 2016 2:54:59 PM

Yes, Learning Commons in the mornings can often be in a great disarray and full of trash. We know that it takes a great deal of time and effort to zone it completely and properly. Please take all the time you need to zone Zone 2 and Zone 1 in the mornings. It may take close to or even over an hour to zone. But there is no alternative except for leaving it unfinished, which will be very obvious, especially on the main floor, Zone 2. Unfortunately, that has been the case for the past several mornings in a row.

Desk supervisors—when you have two students working the morning shift, please send both of them to zone Zone 2 in the mornings when zoning is a challenge. Then both of them can take care of Zone 1. Zone 3 can be taken care of later. If you have one student only, let the student take the time to do Zone 2. Please always ensure that the students have and take all the time they need to zone properly.