Oxford Requests

From the Item tab...

1. In the upper pane, highlight the specific Oxford copy that you want to request.

2. Click the Hold Request button on the right.

3. Enter the patron's barcode or Net ID in the pop-up window and click OK.

4. In the Create Hold Request window, set Request Type to 03 (No Recall) + click OK.

5. In the event prior holds exist on the item, 2 pop-up windows will arise in succession. Click Override in the first; click Cancel in the second.

The item will appear on a report received by Oxford, who will then pull the items and put them in-transit to us via campus mail. This whole process can take 3 - 5 days (especially because campus mail does not run on the weekend).

Note: If a patron says they are trying to request an item but the system won't allow a pickup location other than Oxford, take a look at the item's record. Most likely the item belongs to a main campus library and is currently available in the stacks. Only faculty and Oxford students and staff may request books in our stacks. All other patrons must visit the owning library and retrieve the books from the stacks themselves.