Current Process for Microfilm/fiche Requesting

Post date: Jun 07, 2017 9:52:10 PM

1. A patron typically places a request for microform using the Visitor Material Request Form found on the Woodruff website. We receive the request in our libraryservicedesk Outlook account.

2. In order to format the request and print it out, open the Visitor Request Form located on the desktop.

3. Copy the information from the email request and paste it onto the Visitor Request Form.

4. Enter the date the request came in and initial in the space provided. Print the form.

5. Move the email over to the folder for the Visitor requests.

6. Now, look up the Microfilm/fiche and see where the item is located. Check the list of microforms that are kept here at the library. The list is posted at the supervisor’s desk.

7. If the item is located on Level 1, retrieve the item and bring it to the LSD.

8. If the item is located at the Library Service Center, place a request for the account MIC-REQ1.

9. If the item is not at the LSC or on Level 1, tell the patron that we cannot access this material at this time. If they are Emory, they can place an ILL request. If not Emory, they can go to their home library to place an ILL request.

10. Send an email to the patron letting them know that their request has been received. If the item was on level 1 and is now available, let them know it is now available. If the item was at the Library Service Center, let them know that we have placed a request for them item in the system, and that the item should be available within a couple of business days. When it arrives, we will notify them.

11. Make a note on the form that the patron has been notified, and file the form as a new request. The file will be in the Visitor Materials Requests file, in the drawer to the left of the Circulation Desk.

12. When the item arrives, notify the patron that the item is available. Make a label for the outside of the drawer that the item is going to be in, and place the item in that drawer.

13. Pull the form and make a note that you have notified the patron.

14. When the patron arrives, pull the item and let them use it.

15. When the patron is done that day, if they intend to use the item later, check the item out to MIC-REQ1 then return the item to the corresponding drawer.

16. If they are done using the item, and they do not intend to use the item again, shelve the item on the Stacks cart. The stacks team will then either reshelve it on level 1 or return it to the Library Service Center. Pull the form and make a note that you returned the item. File the Request form in the Completed file.


17. Ten days after an item is either placed on hold or checked out, the hold or loan will expire. A notice will arrive in the libraryservicedesk Outlook account letting us know. At that point, pull the Request Form to determine whether or not the patron still needs the item. Check the dates for which they requested the item and look for any other notes that may pertain to how long the patron hopes to use the item. If you find no indication that the patron still needs the item, remove the hold or return it in Alma. If there is some doubt about where or not the patron is through with the item, contact them for clarification.