Talking Points for Level 2 Changes

Post date: Jan 08, 2020 3:35:21 PM

We have reduced the size of the print reference collection. Low use materials have been moved to the stacks or the Library Service Center. Materials more frequently consulted are staying on Level 2.

    • Materials moved to the LSC will temporarily be unavailable during the move, but as soon as they are added to the LSC collection, they will be requestable via DiscoverE.

    • Former level 2 reference items moved to the stacks or the LSC will remain non-circulating and will need to be used onsite, as before.

    • 1950-1980 Census will require enhanced cataloging, and these titles will be available post-enhancement.

    • Questions about United Nations materials: contact Chris Palazzolo, Head of Collections, Woodruff Library,

We are creating a quiet zone for EPASS.

Microform readers are moving to a new location creating more quiet space in their former location.

· Microguides are currently located on the gift shelves in the Level 2 office area. The guides should return once the shelving is installed.

In the long term, we will refresh the furniture and shelving in the area around the service desk.

The front entrance to the library will be renovated summer 2020.

Other questions, please ask your supervisor. For questions that can’t be answered easily, take the patron’s contact information and send the question to David Smith (, Lars Meyer (, and Chris Palazzolo (