PACE assignment has started!

Post date: Oct 09, 2013 8:53:10 PM

Students will be flocking to the desk this week to complete their PACE assignments. The assignment asks the students to:

  1. Find an article from the New York Times published on the day you were born. Submit the citation in APA style.

  2. Find an article from a volume of the scholarly journal Science. Paste the citation to the article formatted in APA style.

  3. Take a photo of yourself with the reference librarian working at the Library Service Desk in Woodruff Library.

Here's a few helpful tips when helping students:

  • Proquest Newspapers database is the best resource for finding a NYT on a specific date. Be sure that student click "advanced search" and find the option to search on a specific date.

  • You can search the journal title "Science" in the eJournals list or search "Science" in the catalog and filter your results by journals.

  • Proquest has a citation tool built in. You can also use EasyBib to cite resources.

When in doubt, don't hesitate to ask the desk supervisor for help or hand it off to the reference person.