Active Hold Shelf

Post date: Apr 10, 2017 8:29:24 PM


When reviewing the Active Hold list remember to research any discrepancies until they are resolved. If you are unable to resolve a discrepancy before the end of your shift, make sure to leave your list at the supervisor’s desk and point out the discrepancy to the next supervisor.

Some helpful tips on resolving issues:

    1. Look for the book on the temporary hold shelf,

    2. Or the STOR-REQ shelf.

    3. Is it on the Stacks cart?

    4. Is the book oversized? It may be on an adjacent shelf where there is more room.

    5. Check ALMA and look for clues. Is it checked out? On Reserve?

    6. Could it have been placed on the corner of the supervisor’s desk while you were busy looking elsewhere?

    7. You may need to email the patron to see if they picked it up without it having been checked out properly.

    8. It may still be in the Stacks department area.

    9. Could it be at one of the circulation work stations?