Emory University Closed Monday, Sept. 11 Due to Hurricane Irma

Post date: Sep 10, 2017 7:37:19 PM

Emory University will be closed Monday, Sept. 11 due to severe weather conditions related to Hurricane Irma. Based on the current track of the storm; heavy rain, destructive winds, flash flooding, and tornados appear likely. This closing applies only to the University. Emory Healthcare employees should refer to the EHC intranet, www.ourehc.org, and emails from Emory Healthcare for information on operations and procedures.

For shuttle service updates, go to: http://transportation.emory.edu.

Continue to check this web site for updates, or call Emory’s weather information line at 404-727-1234. Updates also will be sent to the All-Emory listerv, on the official University Facebook page, or @emoryuniversity Twitter feed.

Emory's Office of Critical Event Preparedness and Response (CEPAR) is working with teams across the University to ensure the sustainability and safety of the community. There is no need to evacuate Emory campuses; the community will follow the procedures to shelter in place should we need to do so. The University’s emergency notification system will be used to send out urgent actionable information.

CEPAR strongly encourages those in the Emory community to download the LiveSafe app for preparedness and safety resources available on a mobile device. For general information on preparedness and safety, go to the CEPAR website. Make a plan now. Know where to seek shelter, know what to do during a weather emergency, and stay weather aware.