Mellon Fellows Participants
Post date: May 31, 2018 2:41:2 PM
Hi All!
The Mellon Fellows participants are supposed to be coming through the library Friday afternoon, which is tomorrow. The group includes participants from Emory, Arche schools, and South Africa. Here’s a link to the program page.
The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Program
Message from the Coordinator. The Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship (MMUF) Program is funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and is one of the most distinguished national/international honors programs with a seventeen-year history at Emory University.
The processes for this program change a little each year, with multiple departments spending a few months planning the services that surround the program. Below is what we have arranged for this year. Please let us know if there are any questions or if you encounter challenges.
Accounts: Their accounts have already been loaded into Alma as Undergraduate students, with an expiration of 1 year.
ID cards: They won’t have an Emory ID this year (the overall process changes every year). So we should ask for a general photo ID, but if they don’t have one, verify their contact information.
List of participants: I made a list of all the participants and put it in our notebook for Approved User Groups (I think that’s what that’s called.) The folder label is “UNCF Mellon”. The list is alphabetized by last name, with the column of their last name highlighted.
Printing: They are supposed to get a printing card, with money already loaded onto it. They also have netID’s. So printing SHOULD work for them the way printing for Emory students works. But check their cards and see if they have a number. It’s possible that we may treat their printing process like our guest printing process. And, as always, if it doesn’t work, print for them as a courtesy (assuming it’s only a few pages), and let us know what the challenge was. We can work with Robert to resolve those issues.
UPDATE: Mellon Fellows will need to use the number on the print card to print, just like guests.
Student Digital Life: Michael Buchmann made a nice flyer to give them, with instructions, for technology support. I will leave these at our service desk. Since the Student Digital Life support desk will be closed by the time the group participants come through, we thought this instructional manual might be helpful.
Let us know if you have any questions. Thanks for your patience!