Cleaning and office supplies for Learning Commons maintenance

Post date: May 22, 2015 6:51:44 PM

I placed Learning Commons (LC) cleaning and office supplies in the drawer labeled "Learning Commons Office Supplies." There are spray bottles with Windex and water and paper towels. There are also markers (black, red, and blue) and erasers. Please take a spray bottle of Windex, a spray bottle of water, and paper towels every time you go to zone (zoning = cleaning, staging furniture, attending to printers and other found technical issues, and we will cover that in detail during training that will begin on Tuesday, May 26).

More supplies can be found in the cabinet on the other side of the printers' wall across LSD (the cabinet under the huge dictionary). Use FR480 key on the Learning Commons Keyset 1 block (found in the key cabinet) to unlock it. The supplies cabinet has Windex canister for refills, paper towel supply, alcohol wipes, Simple Green wipes, Lysol wipes, 3M cloths, and more. Here is what you should use for cleaning:

For general surface cleaning: Windex + paper towels

To remove pen marks: alcohol wipes

For keyboards & mice: Windex sprayed on paper towel

For PC monitors: 3M cloths

For iMac monitors: a small spray of Windex in the center + paper towel. Clean monitors when there a lot of fingerprints

For whiteboards: eraser and then water + paper towel

​For heavy duty furniture cleaning: Simple Green wipes​

Markers and erasers: when you zone, please ensure that every whiteboard has 3 markers of different colors (black, red, blue - there are also some greens, which we will not be replacing as they are hard to clean) and an eraser. Resupply as needed. Let me know when the supply runs low and I will buy more.