National History Day -- AND admissions tours

Post date: Oct 17, 2019 6:37:0 PM

Hi everyone,

This is a heads up to let you know about what's happening on Saturday October 19.

Rose Library is hosting National History Day from 10am until 2pm which is designed to help Middle and High School students engage in historical research. So Lolita Rowe has publicized that Rose is open and I'm partnering with her by staffing room 314. We have no idea how many people to expect.

ALSO on Saturday, we are once again giving tours to parents/students visiting Emory to attend an Emory Admissions event. I will be giving those tours. They take place at 1:30pm and again at 2:00pm. I will meet those who want a tour at the security desk.

Also -- NO idea how many people to expect for these tours.

Thanks all for your hospitality to all these random folks!

