a very brief outage of Pharos

Post date: May 11, 2017 7:6:31 PM

At 8:30am on Friday May 12th, there will be a very brief outage of the Pharos application that serves the EaglePrint service. If all goes as planned the outage should last no longer than a couple minutes.

During the outage, I will be applying a license update that will allow us to use the Pharos embedded print release application on the new Multi-function printers that are being installed in a few locations next week.

The reason we are doing this during business hours is to use this as an opportunity to test the alerting component of the LITS-managed monitoring application that will allow us to be immediately notified of any future outages.

I will send a follow-up email once this license update has been applied and we have verified that everything is back online.

Robert Kruse

Academic Technologist

LITS Student Digital Life

Emory University
