Research Guides Checking

Post date: Jun 07, 2017 12:49:50 PM

As we did last summer, we are checking research guides for working/non-working links. If everyone spends an hour a shift on this, we will get done in no time.

Please go to the Research Guides Checking tab on the Bookmark bar.

Open up a document.

Check to see how far the previous person got on checking the links.

    • The guide link is in the upper left of the worksheet.

    • Column F will let you know if a particular area is done.

    • Figure out where the person stopped and pick up from there.

    • Check every link. If it is not working

      • Write the page name you are on

      • Include the page link

      • Section name / Link name

      • Link itself

      • Notes on the link if it works but does not go to where you expected

    • When you are stopping for the day, please try and stop at the end of a section. This will make it easier for the next person to pick up where you left off.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask myself, Mark, or any of the LSD Staff.