Printer Problems

Post date: Apr 04, 2017 4:47:54 PM

Please remember to make checking the printers part of your zoning routine. If there’s any indication that a printer is jammed or in any way malfunctioning, please address the issue as soon as possible. Also, please manually check the paper levels. The alerts are not occurring with enough regularity to depend on them exclusively.

Last night two of our black and white printers jammed, then all of our patrons went over to the one printer that was still working. That one printer ran out of paper at about 1:00 am. When a printer runs out of paper it doesn’t automatically reject a print job. Instead, it charges the patron then waits patiently for us to add paper. After 5 minutes, it loses patience with us and it deletes the patron’s job. The patron is left poorer and still wondering what happened to the print job. So please check the printers and fill the paper trays, especially so at closing.