Logging in a visitor


Please remember to notify a supervisor when a visitor (includes alumni, healthcare, or guests) or other authorized LC user wants to be logged in to the learning commons or visitor workstations.

Once the supervisor on duty vets the user in the database, you may log them in. If you log in an alum or other authorized LC user into the learning commons, make sure to report the workstation ID back to supervisor.


Our method for tracking non-Emory user logins to computers is as follows.

This requirement comes from IT security at Emory. This means tracking any authorized learning commons user or visitor who asks to be logged in at our desk. These stations will not advertise the login method. The instructions below apply to all authorized LC users such as alumni, healthcare, etc. as well as visitors at the guest work stations.We now have an account to view entries of guests who sign in at security. We have a link to login and can find their entry to add their computer login information when they come to our desk. ONLY SUPERVISORS can edit these entries. Once the supervisor confirms the entry, a student assistant may login the user. Make sure that you get the workstation name "iMac 222” or “WML Guest 1”, etc." when users are logged in.


1) Click on the "Visitor Login" bookmark in Chrome at the supervisor's desk.

2) Enter LSDSupervisor as username. The password is found on the passwords sheet as Visitor database (bookmarked on Chrome) to record guest work station use.

3) Click on LibSat

4) Click on Reports on the left, then Feedback Management -> Forms Feedback

5) In the Forms Feedback screen, you need to find the user for the name they used at security and find their entry in the name column on the left. Once you find that, click the paper and pencil icon to add computer login information.

6) On the entry form, select Private Note and enter the user's computer login to the right. For example, "User logged into iMac 222." Click Update in the bottom left of the screen to save changes.

8) This will add a note and timestamp in their entry to view their computer logins