Keep your desk supervisor informed when you take a break.

Post date: May 22, 2015 6:28:6 PM

Student Assistants,

Please remember to keep your desk supervisor informed when you need to take a break. Even if you step away from your work station for just a few minutes, say to use the bathroom or direct a patron, the desk supervisor needs to know where you are and when to expect you back. Informing them should only take a second or two, but it can be important as the supervisor needs to be aware of your availability. It's their job to make sure we're covering all of our responsibilities, and to do so they need to know where you are.

Also, when you take a break, we understand that to be a 15 minute break. Longer absences need to be cleared with the supervisor and in that case you should be punching out.

Remembering to keep your supervisor informed is always important, but it is especially important during these Summer months when we tend to staff down a bit.

Thanks for all the good work you do. Know that you are greatly appreciated.