Suma Space Assessment Toolkit

Post date: Apr 25, 2016 5:32:12 PM

We are testing Suma Space Assessment Toolkit - a web app to take stats. For Monday-Wednesday this week, we are taking counts for the 48 fixed computer stations on Level 2. Please take counts every hour 10am-10pm using the iPad sitting on Rich's desk. Here is how:

  1. If it is not open, launch the Suma webpage from the iPad's dock. Note: if the page does not open, make sure the iPad is connected to EmoryUnplugged, NOT EmoryGuest.

  2. Click on "Start Collecting."

  3. From the drop down menu under "Select a collection program," choose "Collaborative Work at Fixed Workstations."

  4. Tap on the "L2 Fixed Computer Workstations" location on the left. A (0) will appear next to it. Note: you need to tap on the location first to be able to count. If there is no (0) next to the location, you did not tap on it.

  5. For each of the 48 fixed computer workstations on Level 2:

    • Under "Computer Workstation is in Use" select Yes or No

    • Under "Number of Users at Computer Workstation" select the number of users, 0-3. If the number is >3, enter 3.

    • Click on "Count"

      • Note: in case of an error, you can undo a count by taping on "Undo last count" in the top left corner. You need to complete all steps a)-c) before you can undo a count. Do not use "Abandon Counts" - it will erase ALL you counts.

  6. Repeat step 5 for all 48 workstations. Once you have finished, the count number should be 48.

  7. Once done, click "Finish Collecting" in the top right corner. Click close in the window that pops up

  8. Sign your name into the appropriate (day and time) Suma Counts box.