Reminder: Check STOR-REQ shelf daily

Post date: Feb 27, 2019 4:26:56 PM

Hi Circulation Desk Supervisors,

I just wanted to send a quick reminder to check for STOR-REQ requests every day. These are generic requests placed for patrons who do not have an account with us. There are approximately three areas to check:

  1. When printing the holds reports, make sure to include the column that has the patron name or ID number. This will allow you to see that an item is on hold for STOR-REQ. (Remember that anything on hold should be on the hold report, and anything on the report should be on the shelf. Anything different should be looked into or brought to a supervisor’s attention.

  2. Visually check the hold shelf for items on the Stor-req shelf.

  3. Check the request folder in the filing cabinet to the left of the Circulation supervisor desk.

Here are some indicators in the process to look for:

    • Storage requests only take a few hours or a day to arrive. Friday requests should arrive on Monday. So if there is a new request form in the folder, make sure the request has been processed in Alma.

    • If there is a new request that was placed, there should be an item on the STOR-REQ hold shelf within a day (or by Monday for Friday requests).

[An oddly important note: when STOR-REQ items first arrive, they will probably be shelved by call #, as there is no patron information with the item. When doing the evening holds, please pull these items and place them on the STOR-REQ shelf. They SHOULD get noticed with the morning holds list, but the sooner the patron can be notified, the better.]

    • If there is an item on the hold shelf, the patron should have been contacted and the request form should have been updated.

    • When the patron is done using the item, the form should be notated and filed as completed, the hold should be removed in Alma, and the item should be sent back to Storage. (Note: for some reason, if you remove an individual item hold, check the item in twice)

(There can be an item on the hold shelf, with a form in the “materials in use” folder, but the form should then indicate that the patron is still using the item, and the duration.)

I know this is a surprisingly complicated process for a simple thing. But we noticed that a few forms and items weren’t matching up this morning, so we were discussing the process. Please let us know if you have any questions about the process---or even if you didn’t know about it and want to know more.

