Remove a Hold

To delete a hold from the Patron Tab:

  1. Click the Patron tab, then enter the patron's barcode or Net ID.

  2. In the side bar to the left, under Patron Activity, click on Hold Requests.

  3. In the upper pane of Hold Requests, highlight the hold you’d like to delete.

  4. Click Delete.

  5. In the popup Confirm Delete window, click Yes to proceed or No to cancel the deletion.

To delete a hold from the Item Tab:

  1. Click the Item Tab and enter the item's barcode.

  2. In the upper pane of the Hold Requests, highlight the hold you’d like to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

  4. In the popup Confirm Delete window, click Yes to proceed or No to cancel the deletion.

**Note: If you are removing a hold for an item that is "on-hold" at our desk (UNIV), you must delete the hold, remove the item from the hold shelf, and check in the item.