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Library Service Desk
LSD Annoucements
"Attention Needed" Bookmarks for Damaged Materials
"Undefinedresult" errors with EaglePrint
3 new Minolta microform readers now available on L1
3D Modeling Workshops
40 high school students on Tuesday, Oct 10
A caution about test prep at the desk
A few reminders
A Reminder About Accessibility
a very brief outage of Pharos
About zoning
Access Questions from Emory Healthcare Staff
access to e-resource questions
Acrobat Pro installed on the microform reader computers
Active Hold Shelf
Air out returned Umbrellas
Akai music keyboards are now available for check out in Music & Media for using in MediaLab
Alex is out on vacation March 13-21
All New MFPs (L1, L2, L3) Upgraded
Alma & Woodruff Outdoor Lockers
Alma is now bookmarked in Firefox
Alma Patron Requests: Display Call Numbers for Items on Hold
Alumni Databases
Amendments to the "Missing Item" workflow
An update regarding furniture upgrade in GS rooms on L4, 6, 7
Annual Student Technology Survey - participate for a chance to win an Apple Watch!
Another high school visit
Assigned Study Keys
Atlanta Studies Symposium
AV upgrade in group study rooms and the curved TV
Battery pack for compact shelving
Blocked ILL checkouts
Bookdrops by the LSD
BW printers fail to send alerts: be proactive!
Call Number Guides have been added to the look-up station areas in the Stacks Tower
Call Security Immediately
Carrel Charge Slips
Carrel Charge slips
Carrel Charge Slips
Change in Closing Procedures
Change in Printing: Card Swipe Logon
Changes to Desk Tracker reporting
Changes to the Resource Scheduler / Group Study Room reservations page
Check on 213 when you zone on 2
Check room 213 when closing
Check the computers when you zone
Cleaning and office supplies for Learning Commons maintenance
Cleaning Supplies Cabinet
Computer access policy
Computer Desktop
Construction/painting in LC
Contact info for Jerrold and microfilm has been added
Contacting ILL Staff
Continuing with Research Guides Checking
Copying EaglePrint
Copying when closing tickets in LibAnswers
Course evaluations help
Covering Shifts
Cox Hall students are now also cleaning the Learning Commons
Current Process for Microfilm/fiche Requesting
Daily Restroom Cleaning Hours
Database access issues
Daylight Savings
Dealing with the "Supplies Low" alerts on the printing devices when there is no email alert/ticket in LibAnswers
Deep Cleaning Continued: Level 1
Deep Cleaning in Music&Media Library and Matheson Reading Room
Deep Cleaning on Level 2: Round 2
Deep Cleaning: Level 1
Desensitizing Markers @ LSD
Designing Libraries Conference Tours in Woodruff this Sunday October 6th
Desk Tracker
Desk Tracker for Sept 10-23
Desk Tracker reports
Desk Tracker reports
Desk Tracker Reports for 10.22-11.4
Desk Tracker reports for 10.8-21
Desk Tracker reports for April 10-23
Desk Tracker reports for Aug 27 - Sept 9
Desk Tracker reports for August 13-26
Desk Tracker reports for Feb 29-Mar 4
Desk Tracker reports for Feb 8-14
Desk Tracker reports for Jan 28 - Feb 10
Desk Tracker Reports for Nov 19 - Dec 2
Desk Tracker reports for the last pay period
Desk Tracker simplified for LC
Desk Tracker stats, 9.24-10.7
DeskTracker reports
DiscoverE update Sunday Sept 4
DO NOT change the desktop wallpaper
DO NOT print for this patron
Do not unlock room 213 for anyone...
Druid Hills High School at the library December 11
Dry Erase Markers are Now Available for Checkout
DT reports for 10.23-11.5
DT reports for 11.20-12.3
DT reports for 11.6-19
DT reports for Feb 1-7
DT reports for Jan 29-Feb 11
DT reports for March 27-April 9
DT reports for the last pay period
Dusting reference books
EaglePrint $30 allotment for LSD students
EaglePrint info for Spring 2018
EaglePrint recent issue
ECDS now has a phone number
Elevator #3
Email Rich your Spring Break availability by Monday, March 3rd if you want to work!!!
Emory & Georgia Tech Fulfillment Network
Emory Libraries Winter Intersession Hours
Emory Mobile App
Emory Net IDs are a must when using Pharos Remote
Emory Post Office and Document Services
Emory Printing Subsidy Pilot program
Emory Requesting from Georgia Tech
Emory Requesting from Georgia Tech is NOT WORKING
Emory Restricted Access during Finals
Emory University Closed Monday, Sept. 11 Due to Hurricane Irma
Emory's New Waste Management Policy
Emory/Georgia Tech Item Check-Out Process
EmoryCard deposit machines -- "Network Down"
EmoryCard System Update
EmoryUnplugged new certificate beginning May 15
Enter Zoning in Desk Tracker
Enter Zoning in Desk Tracker
Error in call number guides and elevator signage. DC call number range on Level 7
Exam Period begins Saturday, April 23rd - Wednesday, May 4th
Exorbitant Printing Costs
Faculty inquiries regarding collection and/or instruction needs
Fall 2013 Schedule!
Fall Break Reminder
Fiche cards not returned with Fiche
Final list of GovDoc titles moved to Level 2
Find user in other institution
Fire Drill (week of Oct 14)
Fixed: GS room displays do not show reservation info
Flies! Flies! and More Flies!
Flyers at LC computers on L1 and L2 Thursday-Monday
Food procedures for Student Workers
Free Blue Books Available at Entrance Desk
Free stuff for students
Free stuff for students in MediaLab
Frig and Microwave
Frig Cleaning
Frig Cleaning
Frig Cleaning
Frozen iMacs fix: zoning addition
Furniture upgrade in GS rooms in Music&Media, Level 6, Level 7
FYI: Changes/revisions coming to library's food policy
GBL and other printers' paper tray guides alignment
GBL on Friday, Sept 8
Georgia Tech Hold Items
Get an Atlanta-Fulton Public Library card on September 23!
Gifts and Donations
GIS Day event tomorrow! 2-4pm in the ECDS
Goizueta Accounting Career Awareness Program
Goizueta Business Library Printer Maintenance
Goizueta Business Library questions
Goodie bags and PIZZA 12-1 Tuesday, 4/26!
Group Study Room 764 is now open
Group Study Room 765
Group study room consecutive reservations - 3 hour gap requirement
Group study room reservation authentication
Group Study Room Reservation Policy
Group study rooms furniture upgrade update
GS room 115 is no longer accessible
GS room 765 Crestron Panel issue
GT/Emory Requesting UPDATE
Guest Logins
Heads up about high schools Feb. 25 and 27
Heads up about visiting high schools
Heads up: Two high schools visiting this week
Hello crew, your new captain is speaking...
Hello Library Service Desk Team!!!
High school visitors on Friday and Tuesday
How to add your LibStaffer shifts to your calendar
How to Keep Reference Analytics
HVAC in Stacks tower
Ideas for ref desk help with DiscE and ejournals down
If someone tries to print from their device and gets the "Failed to connect to host ATSLABS-PRINT on port 28203 message," tell them...
ILL fines
ILL Procedures
ILL Questions & Fines
ILL shelves have moved
iMacs freeze at login
iMacs freeze at login
Important Rose Library Update
Important update about changes for ECIT and the Electronic Data Center
Important: Desk Tracker!!!
IMPORTANT: Georgia Tech/Emory Network Fulfillment "Check-Out" Issue Corrected
IMPORTANT: Georgia Tech/Emory Network Fulfillment Changes
In Celebration of Open Access Week 10/21-27
Instructions for Resetting Your Affiliate Password
Jessica Perlove is now handling Carrels and Studies assignments
keep an extra eye on the status of the printers
Keep an eye out for COURSE RESERVE items!!!
Keep your desk supervisor informed when you take a break.
Keyloggers on public computers
Keys for Newly Assigned Library Studies
L1 card now kept in cabinet
L1 Deep Cleaning—Final Touches
L1 group study rooms AV upgrade
lactation room complete
Lactation Space
LC deep cleaning: L2
LC Deep Cleaning: Level 2
LC technology removed from Level 1
LC Zone Maintenance page added
lcuser access - iMacs only
Learning Commons Deep Cleaning
Learning Commons section updated
Learning Commons Zone Maintenance Description
Level 1 Desk - Spring Break
Level 1 group study rooms are unavailable for the Summer
Level 1 group study rooms now have AV technology installed
Level 2 Deep Cleaning
Level 2 iMacs testing
Level 3 MFP change
Level One Production Studios
Library Events for 3/4/2020
Library Service Desk Access to the Microforms for Dr. Goldstein
LibStaffer updates
Link to Rich's Party Pictures
Logging into Libanaswers/libchat at the Supervisor desk
LSC delivery delays possible Dec. 17 - 21
LSD Cell Phone Use Policy
LSD Feedback
LSD Handling of VHS Tapes
LSD Printing: Does your print job really cost $10,000?
LSD Student Supervisor Team Member Spotlight:Kevin Niuatoa
LSD students and free printing
LSD& MUSME Customer Service Training workstation now next to vending machine on L2
MacMillan Law Library Hours
MARBL - by Appointment Only
Mark takes over the Carrels and Studies
Matheson closed until further notice (probably Aug. 12th)
Matheson computers removed
Matheson is OPEN.
Matheson Reading Room Closed 7/20-23
Matheson Reading Room Closed on Tue 01/07/2020
Matheson Reading Room Closing, 6/19 at 9:00 pm to 6/25 at 7:30 am
Matheson Reading Room Temporary Closing
Matheson reading room will be closed next Wednesday
Matheson reading room will be closed Tomorrow
Maynard Jackson High School here 1/22 from approximately 9 until 2
MediaLab BW/Color printer is your responsibility
MediaLab color printer
MediaLab equipment
MediaLab is not staffed for Fall Break
MediaLab is open but not staffed for Winter Break
MediaLab is unstaffed on Wed, Nov 21
MediaLab is unstaffed until the end of July
MediaLab resumes staffed hours
MediaLab Spring Break operation
MediaLab staffed hours for the Summer, part 1
Meet Aziza Mustefa
Meet Janae Dunkley
Meet Jennifer Gutierrez
Meet Jessica Todd
Meet Kennedy Lewis
Meet Monika Gindy
Meet Nia Dubon-Robinson
Meet Rose Deighton
Meet Simran Valecha
Meet Zoe Robbin
Mellon Fellows Participants
Message from Robert Kruse regarding printing
MFP update
MFP update: Send patrons with color jobs to music & media MFP
MFPs: if you cannot find the paper jam, check the output tray
Microfilm Reader Stations Update
Microfilm Reader Stations upgrade work in progress
Microform Machines
Microform Reader Access
Microform Readers relocated
Microform still in the Building
Mind MediaLab staffed hours!
Mini Frig Cleaning
MLK, Jr. High School Monday March 25
Moodle quizzes update
More about Printing
Moving books on Level 6 - noisy, lots of movement
Music and Audio Recording Studio
Music and Media Library Coordinator Update
My Print Center: Official Workaround for Printer Issues
MyPrintCenter uploads and printing issues
National History Day -- AND admissions tours
NEW additions to Learning Commons tasks
New Alma Fulfillment Network Go-Live
New Alma UI
New claims returned policy goes into effect Friday, July 1
New EmoryUnplugged authentication beginning March 11th
New feature for EaglePrint: MyPrintCenter
New lcuser password is...
New lcuser password is...
NEW Learning Commons routine
NEW location for business printer cartridges
New LSD Coordinator
New LSD Student Supervisor Team Member Spotlight: Monika Gindy
New LSD Student Supervisor Team Member Spotlight:Madison Bondy
New LSD Student Supervisor Team Member Spotlight:Michelle Obijekwu
New LSD Team Member Spotlight: Abdulaziz (Aziz) Aldakhel
New LSD Team Member Spotlight: John Gulledge
New LSD Team Member Spotlight: Miriam Kilimo
New LSD Team Member Spotlight: Sarah Hernandez
New mobile whiteboards on level 1
New paper location
New passwords for microform readers and Gov Docs station
New Printing Costs for Fall 2017
New Students arrival & Academic Showcase 2018
New subject line required for Report LC Problem posts
New Supervisor: Antavius Franklin
New Supervisor: Yasmeni Sandridge
new tote bags for the LSD
New Website!
New York Times Access
New York Times Subscription Link
New Zoning Supply Carriers
NEW: We no longer reshelve the reference collection
NEW: "Youth About Business" Learning Commons access
NEW: Added instructions for resetting discoverE password
NEW: Annabelle is now a student supervisor
NEW: Area studies book displays
NEW: Authentication Changing for Licensed Resources
NEW: Brand new EmoryCard machine is here!!
NEW: CFDE collection in discoverE & ALEPH
NEW: Changes to discoverE login process
NEW: Changes to Learning Commons tracking on L2 Destracker
NEW: Don't forget your end of the semester goodie bag!!
NEW: EaglePrint student staff
NEW: Email Rich your fall break availability by October 3rd!!
NEW: Emory Center for Digital Scholarship services
NEW: First microfilm reader on left does not focus properly.
NEW: GovDocs access is on visitor station
NEW: Group studies reservations page
NEW: Handout from security
NEW: How to place a request at the item level
NEW: Important changes made to discoverE
NEW: Important updates about ALEPH, discoverE, and Alma!
NEW: Include EPASS & visitor workstations when zoning
NEW: Key to printing cabinets across from LSD is on LC lanyard
NEW: Learning Commons key now in cashbox
NEW: Learning Commons workstations near the LSD
NEW: Live answers to your Fall Semester LSD Updates questions!!
NEW: Locks now on all paper trays
NEW: Matheson closed Friday 2/21 and Saturday 2/22 for an event
NEW: MFPs being replaced Thursday, June 23rd!
NEW: New rule for front desk area
NEW: Old lcuser password works for ECDS
NEW: On 6/30 Emory patrons can request Georgia Tech items in the Library Service Center
NEW: Opening instructions for student assistants
NEW: PACE students are coming!
NEW: Pay attention when checking out ILLs
NEW: Personal documents on desktop are being DELETED!
NEW: Pharos and printing will be DOWN on Commencement Day, May 11th
NEW: Please consult with a desk supervisor when ANY visitor asks to be logged in
NEW: Please use Firefox or IE for your own work
NEW: Printing from laptops
NEW: Printing large files with images
NEW: Printing refund process
NEW: Ref-desk collection has moved to general reference
NEW: Reporting LC Issues
NEW: Reporting Learning Commons problems
NEW: Restricted access for exam period 12/5-12/16
NEW: Restricted access has begun!!!
NEW: Restricted Access is Monday Dec. 1-Wednesday Dec. 17th
NEW: Retrieve your saved files from the LSD computers NOW!!
NEW: Routine tasks update
NEW: Saved, downloaded, and temporary files will be deleted over Spring Break!!
NEW: Schedules & important updates
NEW: Science Commons aka Chemistry library will be open soon
NEW: Shadowed records
NEW: Staff can now request items on the shelf
NEW: Temporary location for toner and drums
NEW: Thanksgiving, Final Exams, and Winter Intercession Hours
NEW: The formerly busted L2 paper cutter has been repaired.
NEW: Theses & Dissertations
NEW: Update to dress code
NEW: User files on iMac computers no longer deleted at every logout
NEW: Visitor computer use agreement
NEW: Want to work over Spring Break? Email Rich your availability by Friday, 2/27!
NEW: Want to work over the summer? Email Rich your availability by April 4th!!!
NEW: We are now KEEPING hold slips from stacks
NEW: We are now responsible for all Learning Commons services
NEW: We now checkout UMBRELLAS!
NEW: Welcome Mark Johnson - our new Evening and Weekend Supervisor
NEW: You can now request items to be pulled from MARBL in discoverE
NEW:Thanksgiving Break
Next Thursday July 19th Matheson reading room will be closed
No more carrel/study apps or keys at the LSD
No more transfer slips at the front counter
no printer alerts are being received in the LibAnswers queue
Noontime Concert in the Matheson Reading Room
Notary Public
Notice about waiving fines
Notices regarding Cox Hall/Gaming Items
Observe and report technology issues when zoning
OCLC Reciprocal Faculty Borrowing Program
Office Mini Frig
One of the adjustable height desks has its motor broken but is usable as a regular desk
Opening shifts: initial zoning procedures change
Orientation activities next week
Oxford Library has reopened!
P.S. Flyers in LC on L1 and L2 Thursday-Monday
PACE 101 classes coming next week!
PACE assignment has started!
PACE is coming!!
Paideia School Will Be Here Thursday
Paper size and EaglePrint
Paper trays
Pay attention to binding in newer books
Payments and Adding Fines or Fees in Alma
Peets Coffee & Tea Summer Closing
Personal belongings and computer access policy
Pharos Remote
Pharos Update
Phil Macleod away 6 Oct – 17 Oct
Phil Macleod on Trip subject coverage
phishing email circulating
Physical Reserves for Fall 2021
Pick up your holiday goodie bag!
Pink Carrel Card Slips now located on top of supply cabinets in front of supervisor's desk
Pitts closed for Good Friday through Easter
Please decline to edit or review a patron's work.
Pop-Up Public Library Card Drive
Poster Printing in MediaLab when there is no staff during the posted staffed hours
Pre-College Scavenger Hunt
Pre-college scavenger hunt on Tuesday, 7/23/2019
Pre-College scavenger hunts
Print release stations keyboards removed
Printer Problems
Printer Status tab in the Learning Commons section on the left
Printers moved closer to cafe on level 1
Printers' notification has been restored
Printing Costs
Printing Issue
Printing on custom paper
Problem with checking out Georgia Tech books
Problems with Eagle Dollars when Printing?
problems with patrons being unable to login to ILLIAD
Prompting users to change their passwords
Pull Service for Faculty to begin Tue, June 11th
Quick zoning update, Business Printer and Recycling Toner Cartridges and Drums
Recent MyPrintCenter issue
Record your zoning in the Desk Tracker!
Refilling printers with paper in the morning
Refrigerator Cleaning
Refrigerator Cleaning
Regarding the Pink Carrel Charge Slips
Remember to add analytics when you answer a LibAnswer question
Remember to CC EaglePrint when replacing toner!
Remember to CC EaglePrint when replacing toner!
Remember to check the Alerts page and delete the posts once you've dealt with them.
Remember to fill in the "Create a Reply" field in LibAnswers
Remember to fill out Carrel Charge Slips
Remember to physically check the printers
Remember to remove your hat at the service desk
Remember to start your quizzes in Moodle!
Reminder about dress code
Reminder about supplies
Reminder Regarding User Purge Dates
REMINDER: You must provide name of visitor to supervisor when logging into workstation
REMINDER: A few notes about staplers
REMINDER: Ask supervisor to check visitor database when logging in a user
REMINDER: Cartridge and drum replacements
Reminder: Check STOR-REQ shelf daily
Reminder: Copy when replacing toner or drum in LibAnswers
Reminder: Do not give change for $100 bill
REMINDER: Do not give out the lcuser password OR log ANYONE in with your own netID & password
REMINDER: Do not sign in visitors to consultation stations
REMINDER: DO NOT sign in visitors to Learning Commons computers
REMINDER: Don't fill paper trays too high
REMINDER: EaglePrint job cost for non-Letter files and MyPrintCenter
REMINDER: Let a supervisor know when a visitor wants logged in
REMINDER: Missing & Claims Ret'd Procedure
REMINDER: Non-Emory access to databases & journals
REMINDER: Plan for your final exams NOW!
REMINDER: Please open umbrellas and let them dry when returned
REMINDER: Please remember the carrel slip procedure
REMINDER: Please remember to track any compact shelving incidents
REMINDER: Probe for information in title searches
REMINDER: Requesting Tech items from the Library Service Center is now live!
Reminder: restart frozen iMacs
REMINDER: Restricted Access is approaching
REMINDER: T-shirt policy
REMINDER: Track EVERYTHING in Desktracker!
REMINDER: Ways to add funds to EmoryCard online
REMINDER: We close at 6PM on Wednesday, December 18th
REMINDER: We no longer accept cash payment for printing
REMINDER: With the warmer weather, please be mindful about the dress code
Reminders When Zoning
Reporting a printing issue which has no existing ticket in LibAnswers
Reporting repair or cleaning needs
Reporting toner replacement in BW printers
Requesting Items in DiscoverE for Emory/Georgia Tech Fulfillment Network
Research Guides Checking
Resolved: Adobe Creative Cloud applications unaccessible in MediaLab
Restricted Access during Exams
Restricted access for finals starts Saturday, Dec. 2nd!
Restricted access for library finals starts Saturday, Dec.8th
Restricted Access period has begun
Restricted Access: Saturday, 12/3 - Wednesday, 12/14
Returning an Umbrella
REVISED Fall Break Schedule
Rich out next week 12/22-12/28
Rich out Tuesday 1/28
Rich out Tuesday, 3/25
Rich's Farewell Party
Room 213
Room 213 (Presentation Practice and Web Conferencing) Technology Troubleshooting Tips sheet
Room 213 = Presentation and Conferencing Studio
Room 213 changes
Room 213 is available
Room 213 is back online
Room 213 is currently unavailable
Room 213 key
Room 213 PC is replaced with a Mac mini
Room 213 reservation requests can be submitted no later than 12 hours in advance
Room 215 on Tue and Thu
Room reservation error when using wireless network
Room reservation via EmoryUnplugged - Fixed
Rose Library
Rose Library Closed 7/26 - 29
Rose Library Closed May 12th
Rose Library Closed to Researchers
Rose Library Closed Tue Aug 13
Rose Library hours for Saturday, July 28
Rose Library hours, Saturday, April 14
Rose Library hours, Saturday, February 1
Rose Library hours, Saturday, June 23
Rose Library hours, Saturday, March 3
Rose Library open 7/1
Rose Library open this Saturday 3/25
Rose Library Open to public on 3/18
Rose Library Reading Room
Rose Library Saturday Hours 12/18
Safari e-books
ScanPro microform reader station moved to LSD
Scheduling Appointments with Subject Librarians
SDL news
Self checkout now only uses EmoryCard
Service Desk Inter-Library Loan Item Check Out Process
Service Desk Special Hours
Shifting books in progress from Level 8 to Level 7
Sibelius is now installed in MediaLab
Sign your full name when reporting a Learning Commons issue
Sign your name when closing tickets in LibAnswers
Slightly Revised Password Sheet and the New Visitor Work Stations
Small Frig Cleaned
Small Frig Cleaning
Small Frig Cleaning
Software Available by Area
Spring Break Hours for the Student Production Studio and the One Button Studio
Staff Refrigerator Cleaning
Staff shirt policy reminder
Stolen vs. Lost Umbrellas
storedownloadd pop up
STS closed during Winter Break
STS closed for Fall Break
STS Closed for Spring Break
STS Closed for the break
STS closed for Winter Break
Student Assistants: "Zoning" Details...
Student printing following library closure
Student Production Studio
Student Production Studio
Student Production Studio is open for business
Student Production Studio will reopen for reservations Sept. 10, available for training now
Student Tech Support Holiday Hours
Student Tech Support is closed commencement week
Student Technical Support
Student Technology Support available to help with Back to School
Student Technology Support desk Summer hours
Studios closed for the break
Study Keys
Suma Space Assessment Toolkit
Summer 2018 Production studio construction and group studies
Summer LC Cleaning Schedule + Spreadsheet
Summer Session II Schedule, July 1st - August 9th
Summer Zoning Reminders
Sunday after Thanksgiving schedule 12/1
Supervisors! Good News! WHSCL has started using its own LibAnswers queue!
SUPERVISORS: Authentication/sponsored account talking points
SUPERVISORS: Changes to "I have never checked out this item" instructions
SUPERVISORS: Claimed returned email template
SUPERVISORS: Clarification on missing requests
SUPERVISORS: Instructions for using Alma offline have been added
SUPERVISORS: New voicemail instructions
SUPERVISORS: Patron email section added
SUPERVISORS: Remote Access for Emory Retirees
Talking Points for Level 2 Changes
TAS exceptions
Temporary Holds
Testing EaglePrint server monitoring notifications
The 1st floor vending machines have been moved
The circcounter password has changed!!
The hits keep coming!
The Jones Room
The microfilm station password has changed!!
The Obama Letters
The other accessibility desk broke
Thursday, April 13th in the Schatten Gallery and Jones Room
THURSDAY: Research IT Day
Toner levels
Tour Group Friday
Trash vs. Recycling
Treats for you!
Umbrella Care
Update on DC range
UPDATE: DeskTracker and passwords have changed
UPDATE: Emory EPIC students can be logged into the LC
UPDATE: Group Study Procedures
UPDATE: Group study reservations for some grad students
UPDATE: How to sync your LibStaffer calendar to your iPhone via Google
UPDATE: New process for booking group studies
UPDATE: New TimeCard adjustments page
UPDATE: Questions about personal devices
UPDATE: Revised student assistant handbook posted
UPDATE: Storage requests from the new Library Service Center take 1-2 business days
UPDATE: Student technology now staffed on L1
UPDATE: Waiting on new alumni directory login
UPDATE: We are NOT replacing the business toner
UPDATE: Woodruff_Library_BW queue goes to BW printers AND bizhubs!
Updated Instructions for checking out and returning Reserves items
Very Important!!! Replacing Printer Ink & Toner Supplies
Visiting high school on Wednesday
Visiting Scholars
Visitor Material Requests
Visitor Station #3 installed
Visitor Work Station Computers
Waiting List for Library Studies
Waste Demo Events this Thursday
We are locking keyboards when closing
Webcam in 213
Wednesday Night! April 5th! Educated = Empowered Women's Panel
Were you a first gen college goer?
What's a Card Catalog?
Where can I find the Visitor Material Request form?
white boards blocking the emergency exit in room 212 area
Whiteboards installed on Level 1
Windows computers removed from Level 1
Woodruff ILL on Monday, May 13th
Woodruff Library Room Reservations for 214, 215, 875, 874,773, 422, etc.
Writing Center for Summer
Writing Center satellite desk hours
Your help is requested for Master Planning!
Zone 3 zoning
Zone 3 zoning
Zoning and Desk Tracker
Zoning Computer Screens
Zoning in LC in the mornings
Zoning Reports
Zoning Reports November 9-15
Zoning Stats for the last week
Zoning time: enter it AFTER you zone
LC Access for selected summer groups
UNCF/Mellon Fellows
Basic Circ
Compact shelving form
Course Reserves
Reserves FAQ
Item Types and Circ Rules
Equipment Procedures / Maps
1-Week Equipment
Erase data from equipment
Erase SD Cards
Group Viewing Room
Lost 7 Day Equipment
Laptop Information
Goizueta Business Library
LC Call Number guide
Science Commons
Cannot print after the installation
Change a barcode
Change lost item to claims returned
Chatting at the Desk
Check In (Discharge) an Item
Check Out an Item
Checkouts, Returns, Renewals
Circ Notes
Claims Returned email template
Clocking In and Out
Closing the Desk
Compact Shelving
Connecting to a share (external server) on a Mac
Connection Refused
Copying items that aren't 8.5" x 11"
Courtesy Account Verifications
COVID Closing Procedures
COVID Opening Procedures
Create a Fine for Lost Markers
Create a proxy
Credit a fine
Customer Service
Damaged items
Dark Storage
Declare an item missing
Declare item lost and charge patron
Delivered Items
Desk Tracker
Document Services
Dress Code
Emergency Contacts
Emory Card
Contact EmoryCard
EmoryCard Balance in Parentheses
EmoryCard Balance Issues
EmoryCard Refunds
Insufficient Funds
Other ways to add money
Georgia Tech Fulfillment Network
Checking In GT Patrons, and Returning GT Items
Gov Docs
Gov Docs databases
GovDocs workstation
Group Study Reservations
GT Fulfillment Introduction (Checking In Patron & Returning Georgia Tech Items)
Guest cards
Hold Reports
Hold Requests
How to connect to a share (external server)
How to Copy
Learning Commons
SDL Software
ECDS Software
Library Spaces
Lactation Room
Opening the Desk
Opening & Closing
Print Supply Checklist
COVID Opening Desk Procedures
Printers (including MFPs)
"Copier Disabled"
49.4 CO2 Service Error
Blank print jobs
Connection Refused
GBL Printing
How to Print from an LC Computer
How to set single-sided printing
Jobs not showing up
Jobs print slowly or not at all
Load Paper in Tray 1
Most Common Printing Issues
Pharos Remote
Printing popup window does not appear on our iMac
Repeated jamming
Request for paper other than letter-sized
Scanner failure
How to Fax from the BizHub
How to Print
How to Print from the BizHubs
How to Scan
How to transfer files from an iMac to a Mac laptop
I have never checked out this item
If Word freezes...
ILL checkouts and returns
Individual Study Rooms and Carrels
Instructions for Resetting Your Affiliate Password
Job Duties
Jobs Printing Slowly or Not at All
Jobs that don't show up at the release stations
Jones Room
L1 Closing Procedures
L1 Opening Procedures
L1 Tasks You Should Be Doing
LC Zone Maintenance
Library Privileges
LibStaffer & Calling Out
Load Paper in Tray 1
Logging in -- Emory students, faculty, and staff
Logging in a visitor
Look up recent activity for a specific item
Lost, Missing, & Claims Returned
LSD Student Handbook
LSD students contact info Stations
Mark an item claims returned
Microfilm Email Notices
Microfilm on the Expired Holds List
Microfilm Requests for Emory patrons
Microfilm Requests for Non-Emory patrons
Microform Readers
Missing Items
Modify an account (change to alumni)
Monitor not displaying anything
Most Common Printing Problems
New MFPs currently only on color queue
New User Account
No internet connectivity
No internet connectivity
Offline Circulation
Offline Circulation (for use when Aleph is not connected to the server)
Oxford Requests
Patron Accounts
Patron Emails
Pay a full balance
Pay selected fines
Paying & Waiving Fines
Place request at item level
Presentation and Conferencing Studio (room 213)
Print a Hold Slip
Printer Names + Locations
Printer Status
Printing & Pharos
Printing for Yourself
Printing for yourself or coworkers
Printing From Personal Laptops
Printing from Personal Laptops
Printing Page Ranges
Printing popup window does not appear
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