REMINDER: Non-Emory access to databases & journals

Post date: Feb 09, 2016 6:48:2 PM

There has been some confusion lately on which users get access to databases and journals by being signed into the Learning Commons or visitor workstations. Here are some important points to remember:

Authorized Learning Commons users

    • The page of authorized users can be found under Learning Commons -> Computer Workstations -> Other Authorized LC Users. Most of these users are alumni and healthcare (please review full list). Your supervisor or LSD staff can look up alumni in the alumni database. You can verify healthcare with their healthcare ID. These users CAN be logged into the Learning Commons. However, if they want access to most databases or ejournals, they must be logged into to the front row of computers directly next to the LSD. Any other computer does not have access to these resources. They can be forwarded to a supervisor or LSD staff member if they have a question about this policy.


  • Members of the public who are not part of the authorized users list can be logged into the visitor workstations.

  • These stations also have access to most databases and ejournals.

**If a user is logged into the front row of computers next to the LSD or visitor workstations and cannot access a specific database or journal, this is most likely because the licensing agreement with the vendor prohibits access. DO NOT login another user with your personal netID and password to access a database or journal from these stations. This is a violation of our contract and licensing agreement with the vendor, as well as university policy.

Let Rich know if you have any questions.