Phil Macleod away 6 Oct – 17 Oct

Post date: Oct 06, 2019 5:57:19 PM

I will be away from Emory 6 Oct – 17 Oct.

I will have email access for most of the time and will be able to deal with most matters remotely. But if cases arise where students need immediate assistance or if it is something that I cannot handle remotely, Lori Jahnke has agreed to cover Latin American & Caribbean Studies in my absence, and Melissa Hackman has agreed to cover African Studies (but she will be gone between Oct 11 and Oct 15).

Contact me if you have any questions.

Philip S. MacLeod, Ph.D

Bibliographer for Latin American & Caribbean Studies, Luso-Hispanic Studies, African Studies and Comparative Literature


Fax 404-727-0827