Printers (including MFPs)

It's important to remember that Learning Commons prints thousands of pages per day without incident. Admittedly, there will be flukes and errors from time to time. The best we can do is figure out when printing problems are readily solvable vs. when they need to be reported and then act accordingly.

Do NOT print jobs for patrons unless it is the case that our equipment has failed in some definite way and we honestly owe them a re-printing. Forgetting/losing one's EmoryCard, not having any cash, and being in a rush are NOT acceptable excuses and do NOT warrant free printing from us. If you do make an exception for someone, please make sure it's justifiable—if you wouldn't feel comfortable making the exception with your supervisor watching you, then you shouldn't be doing it. As good general practice, anytime you make an exception, let the person know what the actual policy is so they understand you are doing a favor and not something that will be repeated. Even if it's only a page or two, free printing sets an expectation that puts your colleagues in a difficult position when they uphold our policies.​