Moving books on Level 6 - noisy, lots of movement

Post date: Feb 22, 2017 1:22:18 AM

Please be advised that as we are now moving books on Level 6, some temporary patron "discomfort" may occur. Student Shifters will be using five (5) carts daily all day that will be constantly loaded and unloaded in the process of moving books. This method is the most optimal and time saving way to work because of the larger-than-usual travel distance of getting items to their proper place on the shelf. Ideally, we should finish shifting the non-N's on Level 6 by the end of May, 2017.

Each of the five carts will be loaded up at the beginning of the day, but will be emptied at the end of the day. We will do all possible not to unnecessarily block the aisles. If a patron or a shelver needs to retrieve or reshelve an item from the spot where we are working, there should be no reason for apprehension. Shifters keep books in call number as they work (as it is a part of their job). Shifters also stand prepared to assist any internal patron or library user find a sought-after item.

Thank you for your patience.
