LSD& MUSME Customer Service Training

Post date: Nov 15, 2017 1:29:36 PM

Hello LSD Team,

On October 18th & October 24th, the Library Service Desk, and Music and Media Department, teamed up for a Customer Service Training facilitated by Mr. William O'Neal of Emory Learning and Organizational Development Department entitled "Fantastic Service Behaviors." In this training, we discussed topics such as, "Why Customer Service Matters," "Why Customer Service is Important," and "What's the Goal of Providing Customer Service?" Our customer service training attendees also participated in a role play session where teams were asked to demonstrate particular customer service scenarios that was intended to give our class a hands on opportunity to share knowledge with each other about customer service. This class was extremely informative, engaging, and empowering to both departments as we go forward seeking to build upon the excellent customer service that we currently provide. Please read below some personal feedback from our students about this training, and a few pictures from our class. I appreciate everyone who was able to attend, and I hope that we continue to be mindful of the fantastic service behaviors that we learned during this training.

Lyndon Batiste

Customer Service Training Feedback:

One of the things that I was amazed by when I came to the United States was how a meal at a restaurant or a grocery shopping trip can be more than a mere business transaction. The unique nature of customer service here in this country is something that many fail to observe and some do not even appreciate. This is not to say it is perfect, but its importance to the culture is something worth admiring. The training session that I participated in last week, showed me why customer service really matters and how it ought to be delivered. When I first heard about the training, I honestly did not expect to learn much from it, but William O’Neal—the facilitator, did not just make it interesting and informative, he went beyond and made the session entertaining and interactive. The things we covered in that session were relevant to what I face on a daily basis in my job, from how to deal with a frustrated customer to how to interact with my coworkers. I walked out from that session with an appreciation of what I do every day and a greater understanding of what is means to be behind the counter and provide service to a customer. -Abdulaziz Aldakhel


The Customer Service Training was a useful reminder of the customer service etiquette one ought to adopt while interacting with patrons. The facilitator was dynamic and engaged a variety of methods to elicit our participation, such as completing quizzes and role-playing. I enjoyed the role-playing, particularly observing what fellow colleagues do in specific situations. I also found it useful learning how wording our responses has great impact on how patrons perceive our services e.g. telling patrons what we can do for them vis-a-vis what we can't do for them. -Miriam Kilimo


I felt that the training really allowed for all of the service desk students and supervisors to come together and reflect on our positions. We were able to share experiences , relate to one another, and give each other advice. The facilitator of the training was very engaging and made the training very fun. -Nia Dubon-Robinson


I enjoyed the motivational speech/customer service training because the session was very interactive and felt less like a lecture. The speaker was also very enthusiastic, so everyone remained attentive throughout the session, and he gave many realistic examples of the kinds of difficult situations we are mostly likely to encounter while working at the service desk. I also liked how we were able to voice our own opinions about topics discussed during the session. -Kennedy Lewis


Hi Anne Marie and Lyndon,

I wanted to thank you both for organizing what was the best customer training session I've ever attended. I've been working at the Music and Media Library since May 2015, and I've had to sit through prior sessions that were quite frankly horribly boring and not very helpful. The sessions in the past were about 1-1/2 hours and were very LSD specific. It was one person lecturing with a PowerPoint presentation going through the tasks of the library one line item at a time. No one participated and no one asked any questions at the end. One of the main takeaways from last year's session was to smile a lot. Literally that was it. And no snacks were provided. 😞Therefore, when I received the email that it was that time of year for customer training I brought my knitting with me since I was preparing for the worst.

In actuality, the 3 hour session was highly entertaining, informative, and had real world application. The speaker was charismatic and incredibly engaging making the 3 hour class fly by. Needless to say I did not do any knitting. I learned new information about best practices and realized that there are things that even I could be doing better. It was also really helpful to break out into smaller groups. I got to work with students that I don't normally see and it was beneficial to hear what they had to say. It was gratifying for me as a supervisor to see students that could use costumer service improvement really connect with the speaker and come up with some really great answers to difficult patron questions. Regardless of what career you're going into, I felt like this customer service training was useful. The speaker did a great job of allowing students to ask questions and because he was so approachable, normally quiet students voiced their concerns about interacting with patrons. And there were great snacks! Yay! 😊

Many thanks again for a lovely and informative afternoon!


Kimberly E. Schrimsher

Art History Department

Emory University