Opening shifts: initial zoning procedures change
Post date: Sep 08, 2015 8:11:28 PM
These are new zoning procedures for the opening shift depending on the number of students working the shift:
1 student: initial zoning on Zone 2 only. Begin with the printers (refill the trays starting from the bottom). Take your time to thoroughly zone, attending to every piece of furniture that needs attention and cleaning every table, whiteboard, etc. that needs cleaning. After the initial zoning, the student should continue to maintain Zone 2 regularly. When the next student comes to work, that student takes Zone 1, following the same procedure (printers, thorough zoning). The next student takes Zone 3.
2 students: both perform initial zoning in Zone 2 and then both proceed to Zone 1. After the initial zoning, one student takes Zone 2 and another—Zone 1 for regular zone maintenance. The third incoming student attends to Zone 3.
3 students: all attend to Zone 2 and then all proceed to Zone 1. Then one student mans the desk, and two others proceed to Zone 3. After the initial zoning, each of the students picks a zone for regular maintenance.