Library Service Desk Access to the Microforms for Dr. Goldstein

Post date: Jan 18, 2019 10:6:54 PM


At the Library Service Desk, we now have 8 trays of microfiche and 2 trays of microfilm that Dr. Eric Goldstein will be accessing during desk hours throughout the semester. In order to provide easier access and use, the items will be kept on a cart and in the labeled trays from the Library Service Center.

All items are on 3 Hour Reserve at the Library Service Desk, but rather than checking them out with each use, we will handle them as In Library Use items (no circ in Alma).

Here's an overview of the process.

    • Use of the materials is requested during LSD hours.

    • A tray of microfiche can be pulled or the entire cart can be rolled over to use at the Microform computer stations across from the LSD.

    • Enter the login on a Microform computer.

    • Microfiche In Use cards are available to place in the trays as the microfiche is pulled out for use.

    • The cards identifying the microfiche should be kept with each set when pulled and returned to the tray with the microfiche.

    • When finished, the tray or cart should be returned to the LSD.

    • The cart will be kept inside the glass doors in the LSD office.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you for all your help!



David Smith

Access Services Librarian

Robert W. Woodruff Library

Emory University
