New LSD Team Member Spotlight: John Gulledge

Post date: Sep 07, 2017 2:11:4 PM

1. Where are you from? Originally from Columbia, SC but most recently from Auburn, Alabama.

2. Where did you go to college? University of South Carolina

3. What program are you in at Emory? English Literature, Ph.D

4. Do you have post-Emory plans? Either law school or join the professoriate.

5. What do you do for fun? Video games and happy hour with friends—I probably enjoy too much of both. I also ride horses (hunter/jumpers) when I get to visit home.

6. What is your favorite Movie? The Empire Strikes Back is objectively the best, but my heart says Fight Club or Dead Poet’s Society.

7. What is your favorite Song and by whom? “Rhiannon” by Fleetwood Mac

8. What are you looking forward to in this job? Helping others in learning, creating, and spreading knowledge.

9. A favorite quote? “I have perceiv’d that to be with those I like is enough.” -Walt Whitman, “The Body Electric.” (I am also partial to “Out Vile Jelly!” from Shakespeare’s King Lear.)

Please welcome one of our newest LSD Student Supervisors to our Team!!! Mr. John Gulledge....