L1 Opening Procedures

To get the desk up and running...

    • Clock + sign in using the phone in the Level 2 staff area.

    • Get the L1 keys and copy card from the key cabinet in front of Tara's desk.

    • Log into the L1 computer as circcounter.

    • Open Pidgin and keep an eye out for new messages throughout your shift.

  • Open Chrome and log into Desk Tracker--remember to record all patron interactions.

    • In Chrome, open the lc console in a second tab—please monitor the site and address any equipment issues as they arise.

    • Log into the LSD site and read all new announcements.

    • Deal with all the posts on the Equipment Alerts page and remember to monitor the page throughout your shift—it is your responsibility to address any printer and bizhub problems as they arise.


Note: Anytime you leave your station, please...

        • lock the computer (ctrl+alt+delete) and cabinets,

            • take the keys and copy card with you, and

              • put up the sign directing patrons to Level 2 for assistance.

    • Pay attention! Please do not lose yourself in your own studying. Remember that your primary duty is to help patrons.

        • Stay alert.

          • Look approachable.

            • Be mindful of those around you and their needs.

    • When the next student on duty arrives, log out of any personal accounts and go upstairs to clock + sign out.

Important: If the next student on duty is late and you need to leave, please do the following:

            • Put away any desk supplies and lock the filing cabinets

            • Lock the computer (ctrl+alt+delete)

            • Put up the sign directing patrons to L2 for assistance

          • Return the keys and copy card to the L2 supervisor

Many, many thanks!