Jobs not showing up
Cause 1—human error (frequent):
Entering the wrong identifier in the Pharos popup window—users MUST enter their Net ID or guest card/dept card number at the computer workstation in order for their cards to bring up their jobs;
Swiping an EmoryCard other than their own—the card ID won't match the Net ID entered in the popup window if they don't belong to the same person;
Using the wrong printer—jobs sent to the color printer will appear only at MFPs.
Cause 2—large job (rare):
The user didn't give the job adequate time to spool to the print queue as large print jobs (long PDFs or image-heavy Word docs) can take several minutes to spool. If the user logs off the workstaion before spooling has completed, the job won't ever make it to the print queue.
If the user still logged in, tell the user to return to the workstation and wait for the job to finish spooling. The progress can be checked by either clicking the printer icon in the dock or by going to Apple > System Preferences > Print & Fax > Open Print Queue.
If the user already logged off the computer, have the user log into a workstation and resend the job, confirming that spooling has completed before heading to the printers. FYI: the printer icon appears in the dock when spooling begins and disappears when spooling has ended.