Microfilm Requests for Emory patrons

1. Emory person places the request for microfilm under their name.

2. Item arrives and patron receives an automatic notice.

a. Find a drawer in the microfilm cabinet where the microfilm can fit.

b. Make a label for the item or add the item to the existing label. Include the title of the microfilm, in bold, and the microfilm number.

3. Patron arrives and asks to pick up item.

4. We retrieve item from the drawer. Ideally, we would check the item out to the patron.

5. Patron uses the item.

a. If the PATRON IS DONE with the item—

a. Check the item and see if it ever got checked out to the patron. If so, check the item back in and place it back on the cart.

b. If there is a hold on the item, remove the hold, then check the item in twice. Then place item on the cart

b. If the PATRON IS NOT DONE with the item—

a. Fill out a Visitor Request form for the patron and the item. Make sure to clearly indicate the patron’s name, contact information, and approximately how long they need the item (you may want to get this information and then let the patron go). Then make sure to clearly indicate the title of the item, the Microfilm number and title. File the form under Materials in Use, under the Visitor Request Form folder.

b. Check the item out to MIC-REQ1.

c. Put the microfilm back in the drawer.

d. When the patron is done with the item

i. Pull the form from the Materials in Use folder within the Visitor Request Form file. Make a note on the page that the item is being sent back and the patron is done. Date and initial the note. File the form in the Materials Sent Back folder.

ii. Check the item in.

iii. Place the item on the Stacks cart.