Hold Reports

1) Click on the Alma dropdown.

2) Under Fulfillment and Resource Requests, Select Active Hold Shelf. This produces a list of items currently on hold at Woodruff.

3) First sort the list by Call Number.

4) Export the list to Excel by clicking Tools and Excel on the right side.

4) Click on the downloaded file in the bottom of the browser to open in Excel.

5) To print out in the best format once its sorted, select the columns to print, beginning with the call number column.

*Items without a call number should be Georgia Tech items from the LSC. They may also be

6) Then click File -> Print. Under Settings, select the following:

Print Selection

Landscape Orientation

Click Print.


1) Click on the Alma dropdown.

2) Under Fulfillment and Resource Requests, Select Expired Hold Shelf.

3) In Alma, you have four tabs with different lists:

Reshelve: Items need to be removed from hold and returned to stacks

    • Mark off each item on your printed list. Then, once you confirm your list matches the Reshelve list in Alma, you can select items with the checkbox to Reshelve.

    • Once you do this, you can return the items to the cart.

Send to Circulation Desk: There should not be any items in this tab. If items show up in this list, let a supervisor know.

Send to Library: Items need to be removed from hold and s put in transit to another library.

    • Mark off each item on your printed list. Then, once you confirm your list matches the Send to Library list in Alma, you can select items with the checkbox to put in Transit.

    • Once you do this, you can return the items to the cart.

Activate Next: Items need to be removed from hold, checked in, and placed back on hold at our desk for the next patron.

4) Follow steps 3-7 as above for EACH tab. HOWEVER, when printing out multiple lists, it may be helpful to label each list when printing so that you can differentiate. For example, you can simply add a row with text naming the list: