Check Out an Item
1. Move to the Loan Tab, .
2. Swipe the patron's card.
3. Scan the item's barcode.
4. Click on to print a receipt and complete the transaction.
5. Remember to demagnetize the item before handing it back to the patron.
Potential Pitfall #1: The patron doesn't have his card and doesn't know his account number.
Solution: Use the [...] button next to the patron dialog box to locate the account by the patron's name. Remember...
search by last name, first name
SELECT THE CORRECT ACCOUNT (ask the patron to confirm his middle name/initial or address)
if the patron has multiple accounts (as in the case of proxies), use the appropriate account for the transaction
Potential Pitfall #2: The patron doesn't have an account at all.
Solution: Get the supervisor on duty, who will set up an account for the patron if appropriate.
Potential Pitfall #3: The patron has a block (e.g. Expiration date approaching, Patron has 1 recall overdue, Patron exceeded his max debt, Global Block - 07 Contact UNIV staff..., etc)
Solution: Get the supervisor on duty, who will investigate the issue.
Potential Pitfall #4: The item record does not exist (message = Unable to find item)
Solution: Get the supervisor on duty, who will use the Catalog Record and Create Item button to set up a temporary item record.