Visualization practice 1

Practicing Visualizations with Erik

Below is an email exchange between CEF members Jason, Robert and Sharon regarding visualization techniques with Erik. Funny but powerful stuff. If any of you want to act as teams to practice your channeling/visualization techniques, I’m sure Erik would be glad to entertain you. Since he’s very easy to channel (and very, very chatty,) I strongly recommend these exercises!

Email Exchange

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Jason wrote:

Erik the Jedi Master- what color is your light saber?

On a lighter note: I offer an amusing email conversation between Jason, Erik, Sharon and in a separate email and phone call to Robert.


Jason to Robert

11:55 AM Nov. 17th

Ask Erik about light sabers! and ask him for a description of my light saber! ha ha ha!!! (it’s not dirty, I was watching star wars)


Jason to Sharon

Wed, Nov 17 12:36 PM

Boo! Ha ha! How’s your visualizations going? Any more luck or progress? If you wanna try something funny, Ask Erik about light sabers! and ask him for a description of my light saber! ha ha ha!!! (it’s not dirty, I was watching star wars). Then tell me and I’ll see if you got it right!


Sharon to Jason

Wed, Nov 17, 1:16 PM

Cool!! I’ll do that this afternoon. I get way weird visuals. While I’m cycling or running I got Erik as a cheerleader! He jumps in the air and swings his arms wildly… Lol! Also, while I’m sitting quietly meditating someone likes to stroke my cheek.. I’m working. I’ll get back to you about the light saber!!!


Jason to Sharon

Wed, Nov 17, 1:24 PM

That’s F’in awesome Sharron! Last night I was visualizing Erik and Jillian and I as cheerleaders. It started cause Jillian was jokin with me and I said I’d always wanted to be a cheerleader, only it wasn’t for boys and Said I wanted pom-poms! ha ha!! Then Erik put on a dress and started cheering!!!

Those images he gave you are SOOO Erik. He pulls shit like that All the time. He says, “What! Your not the only creative in the family and then he’ll morph his face into something goofy and weird!


Sharon to Jason

Wed, Nov 17, 2:24 PM

Ok! I’m about to go meditate.. Before I do Erik just played a hilarious trick on me… He added a station to my pandora and fixed it so I couldn’t change the channel!! Lol. The station was weight watchers yogurt! I had —- and his friend —- in the backseat and I’m going, what the hell is this crap!!! So funny. After I was subjected to that for 2 minutes I went back to my music where he played somewhere over the rainbow…. Then —- complained that he didn’t want to hear that either!!! I was laughing out loud.. I always feel a little nuts when I do that and XXXX says, “what”?


Jason to Sharon

Wed, Nov 17, 2:29 PM

I love “Somewhere over the rainbow and play it a lot” ha ha!


Sharon to Jason

Wed, Nov 17, 2:51 PM

Ok… Here goes. In the bright light of day words came in to my mind… “Girly, pink, ribbons”. Then I sat in closet and opened my eyes. I asked Erik to send me a vision… This time it was different. I saw a hot pink glow in the dark saber with a matching handle… Lol. Be honest with me… How off am I?


Jason to Sharon

Wed, Nov 17 2:53 PM

Last night I had every intention of unpacking some boxes, but I ended up eating and watching star wars and falling asleep on the couch. Well, I wanted to go to bed, but Erik made me keep it on for the Yoda fight scene. Sigh…. He wasn’t there, but mentally tuned in still.. He kept making ninja and sword sounds through the whole movie. And every now and then I would be startled with his usual, goofy cometary and yelling. So I said to him,”Hey Erik, what color is your light saber? And he said, RED!,” and I said, what color is mine? And he said, “PINK! with streamers and rine-stones!” ….. Darth powder puff here, Beware the power of the pink force! Ha ha ha!!! Which is really funny cause I think of myself as an old fashioned laid back “good ol boy”. He’s so good at getting us in touch with the inner child.

OMG, I am giggling so much I wanna pee!


Sharon to Jason

Wed, Nov 17, 3:02 PM

Wow! So my first guess was right! The words in my head were, Girly, pink, ribbons… Aside from rhinestones the words in my head conjured up the same thing!!! So I am doing it! He said streamers. I said ribbons… Same thing.


Jason to Sharon

Wed, Nov 17, 3:04 PM

BINGO!!! We have a winner! That’s all it takes. Trust- belief- intent- and ‘talkin’! :) Giggle!


After I got done emailing Sharon, Ha ha!! After I confirmed the visualization with her, Erik came to me and was giving me goosey warm fuzzies all over and just jumping up and down in my mind hugging me, hollering we did it we did it… woo hoo!


**Robert on the phone said he got the same visuals when he asked Erik!

**He’s (Erik) been so Naughty lately! The day before yesterday I was trying to meditate on the walk across the bridge to the bus stop and he kept popping in with crazy ass antics and visuals. I was trying soooo hard not to laugh and be grinning like an idiot in public! And he just worked harder and started singing, Made you laugh, made you laugh.” hee hee…..

**Oh, and last night on the phone, I asked Erik how come a guy from Texas talks in such a surfer Dude, biker, skater way of talking? Where’s all the cool cowboy gear? And then he show’s Robert and I– him all gussied up in cow poke clothes leaning against the side of a building with a thing of hay in his mouth, big boots, big buckle, big hat. And we were like, WOW, that’s hot Erik! And he said, “Yea, I can line dance with the best of them too!”. ha ha ha!


LOL! Erik is good at lightening the mood. :-)

I told ya yesterday on the phone that when you asked in an earlier email to get Erik to show me your light saber, he showed me a hot pink one. Then he said “and throw in some jewels for the handle”. I thought that was so funny and got a kick outta hearing you tell me the same thing when we spoke.

I must say that Erik is showing me his Cheerleading routine now, complete with mini skirt and pom-poms. Hey Erik, hairy legs and mini skirts don’t mix! One word for ya Mister, NAIR!! HA! He’s laughing now and giving me the finger. teeheehee…

Lub y’all lots and lots!



Thanks for sharing yet even more Erik. at the very least you could refrain from flashing us in ur mini skirt. ha ha!


There are 10 comments to this post.

      1. Be Free My Angel says:
      2. November 21, 2010 at 9:27 AM
      3. Well, I never would have guessed that Jason had a pink light saber with ribbons and rinestones, go figure ♥
      4. Reply
      5. Pat says:
      6. November 21, 2010 at 2:31 PM
      7. This is such a great post Elisa.
      8. In researching Richard Bartlett’s Matrix Energetics it states that in the first day of his workshop he plays raucous music, acts silly and completely irreverent. What he is doing is getting the participants out of their left brain.
      9. He says it is very important when doing energy work to completely work out of your right brain. So he stimulates creativity at his workshops– totally laughing and having fun. He never gets serious with any of the healings he is doing or teaching he is doing.
      10. I see Robert, Jason, Sharon and Erik doing the same thing. They are tapping into their creative right brain and are connecting to that higher energy level.
      11. Thanks for sharing this information Elisa! It really brings to light how important it is for us to “let go” and not take all this so seriously.
      12. Reply
      13. Pat says:
      14. November 21, 2010 at 7:24 PM
      15. You know Elisa…maybe that’s why some of us who are really “left brained” (logical and analytical) like I am and probably you are have such a hard time with meditation or channeling…something to think about.
      16. Reply
      17. sharon77 says:
      18. November 21, 2010 at 7:59 PM
      19. Thank you for posting this, Elisa. I am still learning. Relaxing and just having fun helps. I struggle at times but I know when Erik is here. He is easy to channel. He loves to mess with my Pandora radio. He is not a fan of the music I like to hear. It is sooo funny! I think he thinks I torture him with my music so he wanted to torture me… So funny! I love when he messes with my music…
      20. I am so glad you posted this because it was a defining moment for me. It was Jason’s idea. I was so unsure of myself. I went with it because i know he talks to me. I know he visits. If anyone out there wants to make that connection with Erik all they need to do is ask. Don’t hesitate. It’s easy and fun… Also, i love being a part of the Channeling Erik Community.
      21. Reply
      22. Betty says:
      23. November 22, 2010 at 8:40 AM
      24. My deceased sister does goofy tricks, too.
      25. In 2007 when we moved to the Colorado Rockies, my sister (who was of course ALIVE) kept bugging me by phone 2000 miles away to get a chest freezer. She said we were so far from a grocery store, we needed backup supplies. She wouldn’t stop nagging until my husband went to Lowe’s and bought a freezer. Then she was happy. After she died in 2009, a curious thing happened. My husband and I went to bed about 10 PM. There was no one else in the house. I came downstairs at 6 AM the next morning and found the freezer lid wide open. Now the odd thing was, if we had left it open the night before (which we didn’t) why was all the food at the top still frozen solid? I mentioned this to my niece and she laughed, “Sounds like Mom.”
      26. Also in 2009: we have a shower room which only I use, because I like it better than the shower in the master bathroom. It has a gooseneck shower head which you can adjust to whatever height you want. It is flexible, but actually rigid so it takes some doing to adjust it. It stays in position and does not droop. One morning I went to take a shower, pulled back the shower curtain and the gooseneck was COMPLETELY TWISTED like a snake and the shower head was FACING the wall !!! And still RIGID. I asked my husband, “Was there some reason you twisted the shower head?”
      27. He looked at me like I was nuts. “I haven’t even been in there,” he said. I mentioned it to my niece and she said, “Sounds like Mom. She often messed around with her shower head before she got in the shower.”
      28. And finally: my niece said, “Mom never used the formal living room except when she was talking to you on the phone. She’d sit in the upholstered swivel chair in the living room and talk to you there instead of on the kitchen or family room phones. Several mornings when I walked through the living room, that swivel chair would be rotated around just like she did when she was taking to you…and you know there is no one else in this house since Mom died…except me.”
      29. I haven’t had any strange happenings from my sister in 2010. I imagine she and her husband are having fun on the other side. No doubt in whatever healthy, happy configurations they have chosen.
      30. Colorado Betty
      31. Reply
      32. Denise says:
      33. November 22, 2010 at 9:31 AM
      34. My ex-father-in-law sends skunk smell and ex-m-i-l sends baking cookies smell.
      35. Reply
      36. Jason says:
      37. November 22, 2010 at 3:10 PM
      38. Erik told me this afternoon to tell Steve he wants cookies during steves visualizations. That boy is such a sugar addict. Help us all at Christmas. Leave cookies under the tree for Erik or he’ll give you stinky sock smells. Right now as I type he says, “Make me treats or it’s funk at 3am!” :) hee hee. That boy needs a time out! Giggle…