How to change the energy of the past?

You might have heard before that we can change the past by changing the energy associated with our past experiences. This sounds very woo woo, I know. But it's really not. Lets think about what the phrase, "Past energy" means in this context. Emotional thought is a form of energy. It courses through us, and is reflected out into the world around you. It shapes and provides a tool to interpret our interpretation of experience.

One way to shift our perception of who we are in all that is, is to look at the profound emotional experiences in our life and not only think about them, but feel, feel ourselves in the light of hindsight. Then we can compare this feeling to how we feel about our-self now, in this very moment. Make a list. Start briefly, and in 1-4 words, jot down a list of profound life experiences. Experiences that left a deep impression on you. Experiences that you suspect have shaped you into who you are today.

For now, just list them out. Then look at them and contemplate the feeling the memory of them evokes. Just make note of it. Now, fine tune the list and fill out things you may have forgotten. For good, or bad it matters not. If it becomes too much, put it down and pick it back up later. It's ok. There is no rush in the path to self exploration.

While examining these feelings think back to the experience and visualize those around you. Wonder how they felt at the time. Try to guess what they may have thought about the experience or how they may have seen you. Was it valid? Or is your information incomplete and you simply don't have enough information to make a judgement call about how they felt. Were you aware of anything else in their life that may have influenced your perception of how they felt about you?

Next, tell yourself you are going to look at each entry you have listed and jot down the first thing that comes to mind, that you learned. Judgement for good or bad doesn't matter. You can learn fear just as much as love. No judgement, no labels.

Now pause. Think about the feelings the lessons engender in you. Is that feeling an accurate representation of how you feel now? Is it how you see yourself now? Is it who you want to be? If not, then you can safely discard it with the sure knowledge that you are more than this experience.

The last step is to pick up the list again and next to each one list out what you are grateful for either because of the experience, as a result of the experience or in spite of the experience. Again, no judgement. You may very well simply be grateful that you never have to experience it again. Or you may be grateful that it helped you overcome fear, or know greater love for yourself.

How did it go? You have just done a mini-life review. If your feelings about how you perceive your self have shifted in this new introspection you have shifted the energy of the past. This altered and new energy will bridge time space and reflect into your now moments. You have increased your personal awareness. You just shifted.