Imaginative Release

To release what hurts you must imagine it. But many have a problem with this.

Imagination is not an abstract delusion of electrochemical neurons. It is emotional thought made manifest as physical energy. What is imagination made up of? To many it has not tangible application to what they perceive as proper reality. They feel that what they imagine could never possibly be real. That somehow whatever they think, feel, or visualize could never be transmuted into any reality, let alone a 3 dimensional one, Gawd forbid another dimension. So if one's imagination is a figment of unreality could the possibilities available to us on a soul level ever be seen, let alone realized?

Imagination is more of a spiritual organ than anything else. It is the tool the higher consciousness uses to express emotional intent. It is married to inspiration, visualization, and feelings. There is no separation in this. The 3 become one as they manifest into thought. Carried forward it is processed by the ego in control of your body. Moving down the layers of the greater you it is recorded, remembered and enhanced by the brain. Seemingly so it is then presented as a fresh creation in what appears from out of thin air. Know that nothing that exists came from nothing. All is connected to a source, in fact-The Source.

As a Spiritual Communication tool, Imagination not only is co-created by the self, it co-creates with other consciousness to manifest all that IS. It is the ever leaping spark. It is as real as you feel you are. It is as real as you perceive all the elements of your being to be. To some, this is quite limited and of small import. To others and those in Spirit it IS the key to the higher functions of the self. It is the stuff the universe is made of. It communicates, it creates, it interacts. Connections of thought, feeling, mind, and creations are not stumbled upon in the dark voids of transcendental space. They are made. They are created and are flooded into the void. Do not empty the mind. Fill it with all that you are capable of.

Make your dreams come true with the imagination of your highest possible self. Put them into active intent and live for yourself today. For what you can see, is not limited to the eyes. What you can see is only limited by your perception of how you function.

To accept that every part of you has real life is to enable your higher communication abilities. It is to touch that part of you that is always aware of Spirit. It is the mind's eye that flashes with clairvoyance and reflects, absorbs and creates thought. While teaming with symbolic pictures and meaning, you are not simply just trying to sort data. On many levels you are interacting with other realities, dimensionality of you, and those around you. Even those in Spirit. In Spirit this is the main method of communication. It is about the merging of emotional energies. Of which imagination plays a key role.

People fear to trust their imagination out of fear of loosing themselves or who they are. The fear delusion, they fear judgement, they fear labels of who they should and shouldn't be. They fear that they could never possibly see truth if all is a simple visualization. It stems from the view that we are a piece of flesh. That nothing beyond this flesh could ever be expressed as a reality that we could ever identify with.

Not so. Just the opposite is true. Once all of our mental functions are embraced, the key turns, and all the energetic aspects of who we really are can be engaged. It is our birthright. Our place. Once found, the real work can begin. Real life can start. So a failure to release what pains us is not about a failure to DO; It's a failure to imagine.

We need to imagine who we are, who we may become, who we were, and who we wish to be within any given situation. We need to imagine, and accept that what is seen is not just some shadow truth, but can be realized into our 'owned' truth. To release what ails you, you need to allow yourself to feel what you imagine and then compare it to your highest possible self. How can you let go of a feeling if you can't visualize yourself, if you can't visualize that feeling moving through those around you. How can you possibly interact with Spirit if you can not picture them.

Never wait for what you hope to be real, to be handed to you. Imagine the possibilities and create what you desire. To do otherwise is to limit your possibilities. Concentrate, focus on how you feel, visualize what is behind that feeling. Imagine you with and without that feeling. Imagine you with or without the cause of that feeling. Make a choice to see yourself in new light. This will bring release. Never bury what you feel as you will only be digging a deeper grave. Visualize, Imagine, and feel your way to express your highest possible self. It is worth the work. You will find your release. You will. I can imagine you as perfect, just the way you are. I can imagine me in you. I like what I see.