Transforming life as we know it

Transforming life as we know it.

All discomfort with life, all chaos, all stress, all challenge, all strife, turmoil, and pain comes from the veil of separation caused by self illusion that one is apart from a greater co-created reality. This reality is the divinely pervasive love that connects all that is.

The suffering of life binds consciousness to endless cycles of karma. Suffering is a symptom of understanding one's self as apart from this love. It is relieved only when one transforms one's understanding of self as being A Part of, this greater reality.

For within this new view comes the ability to manifest new intentions, thus creating new realities. These new personal realities, when shared in service to others, acts as a trans-formative agent. This action alters the group perception and beliefs of the groups you cohabit with.

Actions such as these alter the cycles of life for systems of consciousness in such a way as to move whole societies to new phases of spiritual evolution. And thereby creating better lives and experiences for all. This is work, the great work.

But, the key is to understand that Knowing is NOT the same thing as understanding. This only comes through experience. New ideas of life, must be tried out and life manifested in a physical way. So that experience becomes not about physicality, but that life becomes a conscious spiritual experience.

This co-joining of thought, emotion, co-creation and action harmonizes reality. It clears perspective to what really matters. It serves, it heals, it builds, and transforms. It allows us to live life to the fullest extent every moment. So that life becomes not a burden, duty, or chore, but a joy to serve, explore, and learn from. Ultimately an expression of the love we are all capable of. --- My Spirit Teachers