What is the spiritual mission of plants


If every living being has a spiritual mission then what is the spiritual mission of PLANTS ?


"What does the term mission mean to you? And what purposes might such context apply to that which is considered Spiritual? How do you view a plant? Is there diversity in what you know as flora that may influence your question?

A soul is a collective unified conscious energy that seeks to understand presence within contextual moments.

There are innumerable variety of such energies. And equally diverse individual intentions of the conscious self and group associations of the self. The moments created to understand are as infinite as all that is.

These moments are creatively created by directed emotional energy. It is a type of spiritual energy. All forms of consciousness have such energy. Now the degree of awareness that energy resides in, is variable. How you may perceive and interact with such depends on how you see the matter of matter. Never the less, it is of the same essence as you, only differing in quantity, vibration, and expressive intent. All life, All life is born out of the same source to know, experience and understand all that is, all that was, all that may be.

Thus, what you term purpose of plant life; will greatly vary in relation to your own purposes. In such context, this interaction is a joint Spiritual mission or a exercise in getting to know yourself. A partnership of association if you will.

The Flora in your terms as you are relating to pertains to that which you conceive of as plant life around your manifestations, your physicality. That whose space you share and that which helps sustain you. In such scenarios the basic existence of flora is an expression of energy in which is a purpose, as well as their interactions with you, which provide contextual relationships to the world you understand. These are basic Spiritual purposes. Ones to be grateful for. For how you feel about these purposes will tell you something about yourself. This will further your understanding. "--- Voices of Spirit