What did Erik call himself in his last life.

What did Erik call himself in his last life.

A--He's not saying. He did give an Italian name in one of Elisa's channeling sessions as a Spiritual name he's gone by in Spirit. He did not make it clear as to when if ever he was called such in an incarnate life. And quite frankly I was greatly amused. I am not even sure if he wasn't pulling our leg to get us to talk about "names" again. I don't see the point because in Spirit names are more about emotional descriptors based upon current spiritual intent as much as preference or any incarnates sense of continuity or comfort. Who knows though. I for one, have not been able to convince him to share as of yet.---

**Although he did give a name to Jamie, during a channeling session with Elisa. Go check out the CE blog posts for it.

I asked him what my name was, and he just say's "Big baby".