Afraid of "Evil"?

Someone once inferred, 'that I should be worried about having negative spirits, the devil and evil influencing me'.

There are several things to keep in mind when talking about the mystical and all things paranormal. Most evangelical, orthodox, and fundamental sects/groups from the Abraham religions (Christian, Muslim, Jewish) have big problems with such experiences and all things 'paranormal'. For them, there can be no divergence in belief. It's either their way or the hyway.I am fully aware that from many view points I am crazy. From many religious view points I am damned and dancing with "evil" so-to-speak. To be quite honest, there is nothing either side can do about it other than pray and hope the other will change and see the light.

I think, in American society it is often forgotten that we have the freedom to believe and practice whatever we want in so that it does not infringe on others rights to do the same. I know a lot of religious groups believe that is wrong. In such cases, each side can be content that the other will "discover" the truth, in the next life to come...

What really bothers me is that each of us finds the others "stance" or belief to be an aboration. That each of our feelings are hurt or offended. In which case all I can do is to go back to the information on What is the best Religion ?

As far as having negative or evil spirits come through, the thing to remember is the law of spirit vibration - LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. Meaning; What type of person are you deep down inside? How do you live your life? How do you think? What is your moral, ethical, and spiritual make up? When ever I "talk" or try to explore Spirit I pray and try to

connect with God and the light of Heaven first, and then my spirit guides, and ask with every single act and thought that it's done for the highest good of all.

Then I ask God and my guides to help ground me in earth and heaven's light. I ask for help in cleaning and clearing my energy, aura, and spirit, opening me up to Gods spirit and light, and if it be his will to open me up to any communication. I ask for help with protection of my body, mind, spirit and soul. I ask for protection from spirits from the lower planes. And then I seek direct communication from my Spirit team.

And when I am done, I always thank God, and my guides and communicators for the instruction, information, insight and guidance.

Not once, not ever has communication been scary. And it has always been of higher and elevated moral instruction and love. I've actually seen in my minds eye, and during lucid dreaming, Several times, I've seen my Spirit team sending other spirits away from me. I've seen them around me standing guard. My guides tell me over and over again, to keep my mind on God and I will be fine. That they and the light of God will keep me safe. That even though I will and have encountered other spirits that as long as I keep this in mind, To ask God for help, that I will have the moral

high ground to deal with most situations. Thus it was vital that sensitives keep obsessions at bay and under control. That they should seek to improve their spirit and spiritual health first before they attempt mediumistic experiences. If you'd like to read more about how I think on this topic; please look at the list of books I am reading. I consider myself a Spiritist-- akin to a Spiritualist. The material/books I point out will guide anyone to further information as to what I am talking about.


Take a loook at the "catagoies" in blogs or websites with articles. You can find a lot of related useful info there. One such place I like is Erin Pavlin's blog and articles. Good no-nonsense material. Check out the catagories at her blog-HERE

Raise your vibration

Protection, Sheilding, and Prayers