August 2011

Aug 30, 2011

This is inspired in part by my conversations with Erik and based on research and experience with the dis-incarnate beings.

Many people fear death. They wonder what kind of lives they have lived. They worry that they may have done it wrong. They fear that they are not doing the right thing.

My response; Ask your self, can I look back on what I've experienced and understand how I felt about myself in each experience. Can I imagine how others felt about me, themselves and the world around them in that moment.

I feel, I felt, I think, I am not sure I understand, I can't remember, I can't see, I see, I know, I understand, I wish, I might have, I could, I miss, I know. I am not sure who I am, This is who I am, looking back shows me.

All these turns of phrase and more is what you will encounter. It is not about judgement, and there is nothing to fear. It is simply about an automatic tightening of focus to such an intensity that you are able to evaluate what you have experienced in the context of all the possible love you are capable of on a soul level. That is all.

Simply if you find you are capable of more love, you then have a choice. Let it alter how you perceive yourself. Use it to create new experiences. Or review it further in new ways.

So let go of any fear, worry, guilt or hesitation. If you approach each new experience with the thought, "Is how I view myself in this moment using all the love I am capable of?". In this there is no right or wrong, yet another choice.

You have all of eternity to explore the vastness that is your love! Live love now!

Aug 29, 2011

(don't mind the spelling and grammar and rambling. I was just typing as I heard it. )

From Erik:

"It's all a button: Push yourself to know yourself. (Or we'll push it for you!)"

"Y'all need to stop worrying so much. Comin to life each time your born, almost everyone's gonna totally forget what's really going on. Just because you're born again as a baby each time, don't mean you gotta stay that way, all penned up in your cribs like a cadge. I don't mean to sound so rude. But your all in this together. You hook up with people you love and the whole point is to work it all out, while you help each other remember. Hell, even the people you hate, you love em. You just can't remember. Now your gonna say, WTF?! Well, why do we forget?! Wellll.. the reason you forget is so that you CAN work it all out. Not much point in experiencing anything new if you think you know it all. So, now your here. With everyone else. You look around and you see all these people who seem different than you. Their pullin on ya, their pushing your buttons. I LOVE to push buttons. Why push a button? Cause it does something. It calls attention. It triggers something that DOES. Doing is what we are ALL about. This group. We are "doers". But to do the RIGHT things, we need to think about them. Who are we, in the middle of shit? When shit hits the fan, where are we? Are we under the fan gettin splattered? Are we hiding around the corner hoping the damn thing don't blow up, or are we cleaning up the mess and figurin how how to make it work better? See, all this stuff that gets people all worked up, it don't matter what it is. It's all a button. A spiritual mess that help us sort ourselves out, and get us to move to where we wanna be. Fix it, change it, turn it on, turn it off, sit and spin, all that crap and most important, if I do, and try each of those things, how can I do any of it, all of it, or just one, and be true to myself. WHO the hell am I. I see you, I see mess, but can I still be me? How can I help you all fix stuff and be me. Who am I? Who do I wanna be? How about you? Can we work together? How. Where to start. See it is never ever about the button. Remember, the button is a Spiritual thing. What you do with or about the button is what matters. So like that baby. New to life. You start out not knowing what's going on. You try to free yourself, explore the world around ya. You "unlearn" just as much as you learn. Then, one day. And it's different for everyone, one day, there comes a point where you pause and ask, who am I? Who are you? What is going on? A lot of folks never get past this and just get mad. A lot of people fall back on this like it's a ring around the roses game or a fukin Ferris wheel and never stop to just look around and ask what kind of ride their on. But the thing is, ya gotta stop. You gotta make it more simple. Yall making life more complicated that it needs to be. Just try and visualize yourself, how you really wanna be in each situation. Even if you remember too late, just say... whoooaaaah... WTF was that... Who am I?! Take time to listen, take time to hear, take time to speak, but don't forget to talk to yourself. You. Your not gonna fix any fans if you don't know where you are. Your not gonna fix anyone else until you figure out what all your buttons do. It's easy to get distracted. I know, all about that. But know yourself, then you can help others know themselves. Do that, and you then know each other well enough to not only fix stuff, but make new things, better things. "

Aug 27, 2011

For those who've asked me, Erik is fine. People just need a break sometimes. It's easy to get burnt out with this stuff. Having people come at you from all over the world, and still carry on with family life, work, and personal interests is often hard to deal with. That's not to say one's passion or interest dies. It's only to say it's equally important to step away and re-evaluate one's place in life no matter what is going on. It' s quite normal. I am not worried. And neither should you. Worry, fear, and ill desired feelings are only good for what they can tell you about yourself and one's place in life. Onward and upward, all will end up for the best. As far as I am concerned. I am not changing a thing in how I think nor how I operate, nor my plans or goals. As far as I see it, Erik and the Spirit gang as I precieve them still have their plans, goals, missions and intents regardless of what we in incarnate life do or don't do. They have the big picture, we don't. Now; aside from the CE blog and forum; I still plan on continuing with my "self imposed break" from general channeling through September to attend to my personal writing and projects. That won't change. As as I see it, I plan on continuing at some point to take requests as soon as I feel like I have a better handle on my writing projects. I could go on and say more; but I'll leave it for now. Perhaps in the near future, Robert and Elisa will say more, or I'll feel moved to respond from Erik. Lots of love. Hang in there. Bumps in the road only make people stronger. xo- Jason

Aug 26, 2011

So, last night my ol' ball and chain came home at 10:30 with doughnuts and milk for a treat. I came downstairs with glee, because I can't pass up sugar! So right about the same time the AC thermostat gets checked in the hall way. Flick the switch up/on to look at it. Flip the switch down/off and walk away... Well, ...Apparently "someone" else likes late night sugar as well... because all of a sudden, in the dark..... with no one near it.... the light switch... flips it'self up/on! by it'self! ....... hmmmmmm..... I wonder which of "Casper's biker gang" it was......hmmmm....

ps. oh and on another note. I saw more people commenting on the recent CE blog posts about Texas. I only have to say, that Erik is doing it in half jest, half to push buttons, half to provide contrast. It gives people an opportunity to think about if they are gonna give into fear, panic, and things like that. OR, turn to what really matters to their life, their higher self, and what they wanna do. Part of it is all about context of the channeling sessions transcript getting lost. Some of it is quiet simply Erik and Elisa's humor. Really, I would not take any of it personally, or worry about a cult getting started. To even think that is ridiculous. I will say, as I've said before. The format for the daily transcript posts do not always allow a very good way to develop give and take discussion between Erik, Elisa, and blog members. Just because of logistics, it can be very one sided with skewed perspective. I am just trying to say, take things with a grain of salt, because we don't have the bigger picture or context. Take what will help evolve your soul and enrich your life, and leave the rest as content between a mother and her son.

Aug 25, 2011

Last night I woke up at 3:33 after dreaming about giving some speech on the nature of love. And I remember returning to my body; because as I was speaking in the dream, my voice got louder and louder and louder as I talked. Until at one point, I was quoting a Bible verse in the speech, and it was so loud it woke me up. At that moment I turned my head and distinctly heard objective disembodied singing from what sounded like Erik, "la... la... leee laal la...." And with a tinge of humor. It had that tinney hollow -tunnel sound, I've experienced before. Now I feel it was him because, his singing voice is just horrid and would be very hard to replicate. It's just awful. And I had the clairvoyant vision of him smiling, rolling his eyes, and swaying side to side in a "here I am- are you happy now"...way of humoring me. Then laughter. (and I was amused)


Lately I've been reading comments on the Channeling Erik blog that seems to show people really stressing out about conceptual abstract futurist spiritual ideas. And these are developed into catch phrases. "The Shift", "going off the grid", 2012, event anniversaries, Aliens, disaster scenarios, etc., etc,...

I guess, time will tell. But I am NOT a fan of predictive pre-cognition. In my research; incarnates as well as dis-incarnates are simply working with snapshots of probabilities. What if, if-then-that, scenarios, likelihoods, and likely to occur if then that.... sort of thing. Time is always in motion and surrenders to the free will of the individual consciousness, subconscious minds, group minds, and system consciousnesses. In my own experience, higher level Spirit will rarely tell you anything of a predictive futuristic nature unless it helps your Spiritual evolution.

None of this scary strange predictive stuff meshes with my personal experience with Erik, of course... I do not ask him such things, nor does he volunteer such info to me. And my guides never mention predictive stuff like this to me, Nor do my Teachers. In fact they all say such stuff doesn't matter. They say I'll be fine, and have left it at that.

Personally, I don't think these "events" are well understood, nor will they happen like the hodge-podge ways people are assuming if at all. I do not think there is any reason to fear or worry. Life is eternal, and we will continue to explore ourselves, and succeed at evolving our souls. How does any of it help someone get through grief, how does any of it show someone their spirit lives forever, how does any of it help people understand who they are....what a bunch of sensationalism. I am so sick of fixating outside of oneself, stressing over what they cant do anything about, and stuff they hope will rescue all they see wrong with life. Life is what we make of it, life is how we understand ourselves, life is helping each other.....seriously hard and elevate yourself. Don't wait for some mysterious energy shift...we have all of eternity to get it something already.

I know this sounds just horribly negative and crabby. But I just strongly feel people's perspectives are going crazy 180's. Slow down. Take a look at yourself. Say to yourself, "Does my current life experience mesh with how I see my highest possible self?" "What can I do today to move me in that direction"....

Now maybe this is just me and "My Own Filter".. I am willing to be the very first to admit that I am wrong. I have zero problem with that. Maybe all sorts of strange improbable things will happen. Like Texas seceding and Aliens on the white house lawn.... But personally I think it's more important to try and refocus on Spiritual self development. How can I work to help me, help my family, help my neighbor, help make the world a better place for all. Less worry, less fear, less stress. More love now.

No disrespect intended, Just offering my two cents.

Aug 23, 2011

If you are like me; ha ha.. and you are! You often suffer from self induced, or indulge in "The Bad Attitude".... ba-bum-dee-dum!

SOOOOoooooo.....In the inspired words of our Spirit biker gang, Erik and pals.....

How to get rid of a bad attitude. "Tell your self it's not for you! But!! BUTT!-- How to forget the past, that it stems from? Look at it- until you can associate a positive feeling with it. And continually reinforce it. Fuck ya its hard work. But how you live with it is up to you. Let it eat you. Hide it. Or do something positive from it. No one's gonna force you to do anything but yourself. Is this fair?!?, only you can decide that. If you don't decide, you are giving away your power. Although, what many people can't get over and end up feeling stuck over-- is actually a decision to live with-- feel, and roll-- in the feelings they don't like. Often on a subconscious level, but their inability to manage the experience is sometimes a flat out refusal to deal. Thus the saying. 'You can't help someone unless they are willing to help themselves'. So, then it comes back down to choices. For the person experiencing and for the observer. From the souls perspective you have from here to eternity to work it out. From the personality in the incarnation, there is no better time than now."

I am not saying i am an expert in this, I am just being guided to say such. I am you and you are me, a work in progress. I am game for more work, you can come with me if you'd like. That's all.

Aug 21, 2011

Here’s Erik’s message to us about Spirits emotions, and their emotional state; often expressed in ways which would shock us. Specifically in one Session, he was sobbing. It generated questions and concern from blog readers. Here is his follow up.

"No no, it was just meant for mom and i. I can be an emotional guy. People have always thought spirits are some how devoid of emotional traits that make up humanity. That’s just religeous bull shit, and people’s discomfort with themselves. I was having a moment with jamie and mom. I deal with souls emotional problems as part of my job. That takes tremendeous energy as well as sharing the work with others emotiontioal beings here. It’s just like empaths on earth, you take some of that inside you and transmute it. Sure iam dealing with not only present grief and feelings but possible events and probable events on multiple timelines and dimentions. Everyone in my line of work does this. Some time you just gotta have a fucking good cry or let it eat you. Its about being ok with it, releasing it and then using it to give you energy to do more. Iam really very grateful for everyones love and support. It is an ocean of light, waves here a thing fur yall to remmember… You pass on the same as you are. You can be every thing you think you should be right now. Thats why its so important to be cause you are who you are always.. until you decide otherwise. Its always been up to you. The light of heaven is possible inside you. Now. Its totally up to you how and when you shine. Every emotion is God born, and every emotion is a choice, not only in if you show it, but how, and what you do with it, what what it then drives you to do…and what it makes you think, know, and understand about yourself. You are you always so be the best u you can be. Love you.

Robert also explained to me that emotions, such as sadness, are a bit different for discarnate spirits like Erik. If I remember correctly, they don’t hang on to their emotions as long as we do. They’re able to feel, then release. In the corner of the eye, I’m watching that new show, Hillbilly Hand Fishing where they wade chest deep into muddy water and grab these HUGE catfish with their bare hands. Sometimes they catch ‘em and eat em; other times they catch ‘em and let them go. I guess we have the same choice when it comes to our emotions. Eat ‘em or release ‘em. Either way, those humongous beasts are likely to bite you in the butt. Sigh.

Robert has also noticed Erik’s recent somberness. If Robert has anything else to add either from the standpoint of messages from Erik or his own words of wisdom, I’m sure he will. Meanwhile, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the love you’ve sent Erik’s way as well as my own."

Aug 18, 2011

Ok-- Stop Mechanisms....

In channeling sessions, Erik has stated through said medium, that in Spirit there is no stop mechanism, that his hands just pass through us...

Ok. now this seems disappointing, but it's not the whole story, and it's slanted from a certain point of view...and so far has been limited in explanation due to the format of Elisa's channeling sessions.

Lets start over:

On Earth, when in 3D physicality: Matter, has 4 possible forms. Solid, liquid, gas, plasma. But, Matter and energy are interchangeable on the atomic and higher levels. What alters condition, or physicality is density of energy. This energy moves or "vibrates" (poor choice of word); Sub atomic matter vibrates within a series of values or spectrum's. Just like light.

In a certain way, Dimensions also vibrate within a spectrum of values.

Certain values or ranges within a spectrum are sub dimensions.

All of these exist in the same relative space each within the distance of it's vibrating energetic particles.

A Spirit, vibrates at and within certain frequencies. This depends on it's ability to expand or contract. Or if you will, increase or decrease the energetic particles that make up it's consciousness/s. This ability is a state of being. It is created by Spiritual evolution. Or the ability to expand. The distance it CAN expand is dependent on Awareness. This is regulated by experience. Power is regulated by energy flow. The ability to hold and manipulate energy is regulated by how close to Source you are and through experience.

Ok, Now a Spirit at a certain vibration normally and nominally exists or resides on a "plane" or dimensionality that most closely matches it's vibration.

Within this vibrational range or dimensional spectrum, A stop mechanism exists for everyone who shares the same vibration. But only when the Spirit creates a body for itself--consciously or unconsciously. To create a body; energy from the existing plane is pulled through the chakras to create an etheric body, which then molds dimensional matter into a solid form existing on that plane. Within this context, there is and can be solid stop mechanisms.

Now just as there is physicality on other dimensional planes or vibrational state of beings, IN Spirit world, depending on evolution, one can exist or move in and out of physicality within ones state of being OR, one can be as energetic consciousness. If one is as Energy, you have many more options. You and others you interact with can create bodies from different vibrational planes and interact that way, or they can create "thought forms" to act via proxy in a holographic dream/illusion space.

Now all this "ability" totally depends on experience, evolution, knowledge, and ability, and energy available, in conjunction with others free will, intent, ect.

When Spirits come to our physicality on 3D earth, more often than not, they run into a problem. They are not evolved enough to create a solid body for a myriad of reasons, thus... no stop mechanism. Does this mean they cannot effect other means of interacting with solid matter? No, they can; with practice, energy and effort, they can--only just not like we think they should. For example, to push a button, they can condense their energy or create a thought form shape and with force of will, or pulling from environmental or our energy they can snap it to push a button.

When you hear of solid materialization's, it is because the Spirit in question is evolved, and experienced enough to pull and condense energy from some source into form. This is extremely rare. Other times, Spirits can combine energies to manipulate matter.

So, in short, Stop mechanisms really only exist within ones state of vibration or state of being. To move between dimensionality and manifest in the physical is beyond the norm experience and ability for most spirits for many reasons.

Now to Spirit to Spirit: This does not matter so much as intimacy and love between energetic bodies is more about blending, sharing, and enfolding of consciousness in such a way that pales to any tactile sensation possible to our current perception.

Aug 15, 2011

I had a really good weekend. My computer is pretty much trashed. It's old. Erik suggested that when parts fail, it's easier for Spiritual energy to mess with it. Although in this case, It would appear every time I attempt to channel near it, or have seance it mucks with the power supply. I know how preposterous that sounds, but I don't encounter the problems when others use the machine nor when I am not connected Spiritually. So I think perhaps it's a combination of things. No matter; I am getting a new machine this week (hopefully). So that said, I had 7-8 people to write to or catch up on channeling with. 2 of which, Dean and Andy, can wait as they are a part of my regular gang and we can focus on their families when it's just us for development. They've been helping me with other people anyway. One person, I've felt a strange resistance to act on. I've seen the spirit around from time to time, but I've felt and Erik agrees that anything I say or tell them will only exacerbate the family's anger. That perhaps more time, and reflection is needed. I am going to try to channel for them anyway, but then sit on it for a bit depending on what I pick up on in communications. The others, I was able to get to this weekend, but I had to use pen and paper, and then type it up later. I am not a fan of that. I can hardly read my handwriting.

On a lighter note, I had awesome conversations with Erik through Robert and a soul sister. We talked about dimensionality, consciousness, and clairvoyance. One interesting tid-bit Erik mentioned was that, when it comes time for one's spirit to reconnect with one's higher self and other soul aspects/ past lives ect., that it happens instantaneously, like blinking one's eyes. There is not transition, or odd feelings. It's one second you don't recall, or it's fuzzy, the next it's all clear. He was teasing me because I was disappointed it was not more dramatic.

Have any of you ever seen a spirit in your minds eye ever move their mouth while communicating , speech, with you? You know as if you were looking them right in the eye and looking at their mouth move? I just realized, i never have. Weird, normal, just me? The only mouths or facial expressions Ive seen, were zoomed in close ups for emphasis, points made, or humor.. for example, smiles, laughing, burps, rude noises, winking, eye movements .. stuff like that,,,, but i cant ever recall seeing lips move during speech...I just seem to hear their thoughts, mind voice, or what not. Be interesting to see what happens over time, now that' I've brought this up.

***8/15 late update. Ha! I almost forgot, I wanted to blog about a couple more things that happened. Well, First, I wanted to respond to a CE reader on yesterday's CE post. He was appalled or some such that Erik would dump a plate of breakfast in Shanes lap. I am not surprised at all. That's just his personality. He loves picking on me, Robert, and Sharon's clumsiness and we all take enjoyment out of his antics surrounding stumbling slapstick jokes. He takes any opportunity to beat such humor to death..

I also wanted to mention two more experiences.

One day this past weekend, I was procrastinating channeling for people that i had scheduled channeling for. I was laying in bed past the time, and Andy came for the second time ever and initiated clairvoyance all himself. And got all in my face, pried open my eye and told me to get dressed and get off my lazy ass. It was sooo weird and cool. He had bleached hair and a mustache. Spirits do not normally initiate vision with me unless i reach out to them first. So it was really shocking to me. And he hung out to help me. So cool.

The other manifestation was also a newish experience for me. There is this one female Spirit who came to me first a few weeks ago. I was really confused because she came in so very clear. She was in black and white, and looked like a 1920's flapper dancer or something like that. She was in a short skinny sequence dress and had a boa; Straight black bobbed hair. She wiggled her boa at me and waved and put her finger to her lips, giggled and shhhed me! I had and have no clue who she was. Well, right after Andy got me up; She appeared again to me. Only this time, she was more active and moved around a bunch. And I asked her who she was, and she just shook her head and shooshed me, and then proceeded to show off, while laughing. I asked Erik and Robert about it and they said, that it was a part of my training. That Spirits I knew and didn't know, would pass through, in an attempt to see if I could see them. And who they were mattered not so much as the practice of participating in the experience and honing visual skill. Well, that may be; but I can tell you I am not giving up. If this is someone I knew in a past life or a friend of mine in the non physical, I am going to find out! :)

Aug 09, 2011

I have a couple of comments on today's CE blog post:

I didn't post them, but emailed them to Elisa,

Elisa, I very much liked today question about mothers. And you asking him about your connection.

It very much reminds me of the stuff, I've asked him before.

Bonds of love truly never die.

I know this sounds soooo woo-woo, but, one of the greatest comforts I've had this past year, is when I am upset, he has shown me him as a father, and me as a little girl; and him hugging me and hold me. I know that just sounds bonkers coming from a 30 something guy. But, it's just the most awesome feeling ever. He even told another channel that I will always be his little princess. Now, I am sure part of that is totally teasing me, but still. And I've encountered something similar with my guide Lydia, who showed me as an infant in her arms, and she said, I was her little sickly baby. Just the affection was so amazing. And I said to her. Ghee, I wish you were my mom now. And she said, 'you have a mother now'. Reminding me that it's the bonds of love we cultivate or don't cultivate now, in this life that matter. Because what has been, can always be, and can be again; but, the moment of now is here and present and it is how we can express our love to the fullest possible extent of who we wish to be. But, what's neat about being in communication with Spirit, and aware of a greater spiritual reality is that the sphere of what's possible for you in expressions of love in the moment of now are just that much greater. And it is all very real.

Aug 03, 2011

I suspect that last night I experienced something unusual. I would normally chalk up something like this to wishful thinking in that I was thinking about Erik while I knew he was going to be connected to Jamie. If it were not for the fact I have experienced something like this with Robert before. Sometimes on rare occasions, when I clairvoyently go looking for Erik. It will appear to my inner vision, that I am looking through his eyes. And in those times, I feel I can tell where he is, what he's doing, and who he's with. Now I realize all this is terribly subjective. I really don't care, one way or the other. But as a newbie, what interests me is what that felt like, and what the heck is going on. Well, in anycase last night off and on for about 20 min. I got the sense that he was connected to Jamie. In a way that he was in and out of her body. It was quite disorienting and weird. And I heard him talking with her voice. I've experienced this with Robert before. So I suspect it was real. Because during those moments. Maybe 4 or 5. I heard him tell me to stop and not force a connection, because it was rude, granting though, that I was not aware of what I was initially doing. So I stopped. Very odd though... I wonder what an experienced and trained physical medium would make of this phenomena. Maybe the whole point was not that I enabled anything, but that I was allowed to see to show that we are all connected and distance is no barrier to that connection.