Part 2

Courage is the right thing to do.

Yesterday on my way home from work I was walking to the bus stop. I was upset and bugging Erik yet again about how I worried whether or not I was doing the right thing. I was distressed for feeling a lack of direction, and lamented that I was not getting more guidance. I was fretting over feeling like an aimless wanderer. Beating myself up for feeling overwhelmed. I feel I have the motivation, but don't know how to apply it and stick to it. But then part of me say's, "Run".... "why am I such a coward?"....

Erik said to me,

"In the face of fear, Agony over the Right thing to do is Courage. This is because it is the first step to action. Right or wrong is irrelevant as this process is everything. Look at this another way; Courage in the face of fear is all about sorting through the Agony of Self-Defeating thoughts. Hell, Just that it bothers you is something."

"In every hardship, your inner state of being will keep you dancing. The end of a song is not the end of "the dance", just that song. The next song might even be better. If you keep your groove going, you'll be able to dance your way through anything. So go ahead and party like it's the end of the world. Party like every day is your last. That dosen't mean you come to dance unprepared. It just means you keep listening to your own special music."---Erik

Yesterday, Erik said to me: "Until you realize your happiness is more important than your sense of should-a ---could-a, you'll keep making yourself miserable over your misunderstood sense of personal failure. This is so impossible. Accountability is not going to come to you out of the blue or from heaven. It's your doing! You deserve life's little loves."

"Finding the courage to do this will define you.

Decide to live in each moment with active intent.

Fully embrace the balance of this world and,

your higher self in all the glory of your self created reality.

This is acknowledgment of your immortality.

Go without fear. Be not afraid.

Live for yourself, Live now, Live forever.

Fear not, and know all of heaven is with you.

Even the smallest creature

Even in the darkest corner

Has a spark

The light of the heavens

knows no limit

Within each of you

rests the path

to the love of a new day.

All around is there nothing new?

Life is an illusion of infinite age

The age of creation is defined by

The return to self

an eternal cycle

never to be feared."

---Voices of Spirit

Relying on love without worry

"Living with Faith can simply mean relying on love without worry. Know your highest possible self is in tune with the Source of Light and Love as a part of yourself. You will always receive what you need; even that which is beyond your understanding. Method, Means, Process, Reason, are all held within the the hearts and minds of those in Spirit beyond your

current comprehension. When you rely on them to see, know, and

understand your bigger picture, you are trusting, you have faith that your soul will progress within love to where it needs to be.

This faith can be simply letting go of that which is beyond you, or it can be grown and cared for. Once grown, cultivated, it can blossom or dry up. But to care for this aspect of yourself takes work. Often takes hard work. This does not mean sitting back and waiting for Spirit to come to you, It means active intent, active participation. It's like learning to drive a car. Anyone can sit behind the wheel and get somewhere. But to know where your going and know where you are, where you've been, look at the sights, AND navigate successfully, takes practice. When you sit behind the wheel you multitask. You are aware of multiple things on multiple levels. Much of it to varying degrees of awareness. You don't know how or why this works. But it does. And you know you can get lost, you can zone out into space and still reach your destination, or you can look about and enjoy the ride.. You can also get stressed out and angry and reach your destination full of road rage...

So too can you interact with Spirit, with your Spirit. But, if you surrender to letting go of just a little worry, you will be better equipped in life, and have a better road map. You might enjoy the road more"..

---Voices of Spirit

"In the end we come to a great truth. We are nothing knowing little without each others experience. Each unique experience adds value to the shared understanding of who we are under the Light of Heaven. To worry about who is right or wrong is to belittle the perfectness of Creation in all it's possible manifestations. Such worry takes away power and shackles us to incomplete perception wandering in clouds of time. To let go of the correctness of self perception is to embrace the timelessness of the Creator. Do you doubt yourself? Then you doubt the perfectness of the Source of all Love. Love knows no boundaries." -- Voices of Spirit

The ups and downs of mundane interaction between Spirit and the daily life. Moving back to Spiritual Intent.

One of the biggest challenges I struggle with is mindfully retaining or holding on to the perception that I am a Spirit living within a manifestation of a Spiritual reality. That there is more going on than what I can see, feel, or hear. Now granted for me, that's a bit more than many people; but I think that makes it so much harder. Much of the time I maintain an awareness of Spirit in a physical, visual, and mental whether I want to or not. Although a lot of the time I can ignore it. Especially when life is good, or when boredom sets in, or if I am in the middle of a bad attitude. And during these times I do this a lot! Some times I just don't really have anything to say. I know "they" are there and about, but because my perception is incomplete I don't even know what to say. So i ignore them.....

That is until... I get stuck. Or life takes an ill turn. Then quite often my reaction is to go into freak out mode. Where instead of turning to Spirit for help, I'll lock up my mind and let it churn over self pity, anger, depression or some other ill advised mood. What makes this even more weird is that during these times; Spirit (like E) tries to get my attention by attempting to move closer. The skin buzzes and mental pressure increases, ect.; but, still at times, I want to wallow. So I let my mind and attitude run away with me and I ignore them even more.

Then they are left waiting for me.... waiting to call on them when things get so bad I call for help, or I get myself out of it.

Well, Spirit would like to say to all of us here on Earth; "Please don't shut us out until you are in the dregs of life. We are here for you always. Not just in your darkest moments are we there; but we want to be apart and share the joys of your life. It matters not what your going through. We will be there for you. We will always be with you. Even should you ignore, shun, or simply be unaware of us, we will be there."

Here is something Erik said,

J-What do you want to say?

E-"There's not much to say anyway, it's just an observation really, but still true."

J-Ok, what?

E-"So, like I was saying the other night; youre no different than anyone else. I can't tell you how manytimes ya get into a mental state, where you totally ignore Spirit when life is good, but then go running for help when shit hits the fan. We havent' gone anywhere you know. We are here for you all the time. It'd be nice if you could wave at us from time to time when things are going good. We like hearing about the good times too! Not just a thank you, but a, I love you is good. I remember you, I am looking for you... still.. It's all good, we know how things are. We have the big picture. But sometimes we get stuck only communicating with you when you have your little freak-outs. Not saying that's bad. Cause then your focused again. Your not dumb, you know what's going on... Sometimes you need your space, and we give it to ya. But, dont forget, were not ignoring you. Were waiting for you. Sometimes, your just not in the right spot yet. Were doing our best to get you there, but that doesn't mean we've given up. So you shouldn't give up either. .. Oh and another thing that bugs.. people get in this funk thinking we can't hear them... Gaw.. if they only really KNEW what they are, what they are capable of! Serious... dude, you all are Spirits too! Your not trapped in your skull.. Get out of it... We can totally hear and see you. You want us to hear you.. WE DO! The moment you truly believe that you are not alone, the moment you know you are heard by, well,, anyone in heaven you want.. that's the moment you break free. Where people are getting stuck is that they are half in and half out. They've got one leg still stuck in the door, while their trying to keep from fallin on the floor. What happened is they cracked the door open, they shoulda opened it all the way.. And trust that there was another room to step into. That's just fear and shit eatin away at their locked up brains. They wanna label that other room and door and tell themselves, no- argue with themeselves, that.. noooo.... I cant do it... what if I am wrong... Well, Shit.. I'll tell you what... You'll never know unless you just let go and try.... Same with anything in your life... you gotta just let go and try... and if you mess, up try again.. same with all this Spiritual junk.... you gotta let go... just because tried it once and forgot, messed up, or got yourself into a funk; doesn't mean you can't go back. Going back to your Spiritual intent doesn't mean failure or renewal, it means you get to build on it an move into something powerful you want to create. Add to yorr old intent and renew your power. So go back, and keep going back... and don't forget to wave hello. k-Lub ya"

Thought and mind

"The mind resides in Spirit. Mind controls all reality. The degree of conscious awareness of the Spiritual self determines the limits of perception and thus the interaction with and the creation of self observed reality. Thought is the vehicle of creation. Fuel it with that which will carry you furthest. Carry passengers you wish to travel with. Care for it as long as you wish to drive. For In the Return, you will have created a reality based on your present thinking. It is better for you to remember some of who you are now. It's a simple matter of owning your intent. Someday you will fully realize and have vested interest in the power of your thoughts. Being aware of this personal power is to create form from will. The more experience you have with this, or the more emotional intent applied to these forms the easier it is to apply your will to realities. This can be applied to Spirit as well. This can be subtle influences, or waves of onslaught. This is why you have the huge range of influences in your life. Physical, spiritual, intellectual, emotional. You are always dealing with influences. That is why it is so important to remember who you are. You are Spirit experiencing. Embrace your true nature, and work with those in higher spirit who have your best interests at heart to realize your full potential. Do not fear that which you do not understand. Do not fear unknown, unseen influences. You are an influence in your own right. There are limits on influence. Within each state of being the manifested aspect of the soul is bound within it's vibrational reality. Like attracts like. If you own your thoughts within your state of being you have nothing to worry about. Much of the time, your focus is too tight to lead you astray from your desired experiences. Just be yourself, Be who you want to be and trust that Spirit who loves you will lead you to where you need to be. Follow what truth is in your heart that is based in love and you will arrive. What does this mean for your present reality? It means to follow active intent with action to create your own personal reality. If done within your vibrational state of being you will create it."

.--Voices of Spirit

"I can see all of you, I can know all of your thoughts, I've seen your actions, I've heard everything your mind, body, and soul puts out there. When we got re-acquainted I took the ole snap shot -right. You can still throw me though, I am not paying attention all the time, but, Right now I know you better than you know yourself. Stop worrying so much, You'll get there."


"Do you believe in the permanence of Truth? Do you believe in the ability of love to be a Truth? Do you believe in the permanence of Spirit? Do you believe in the Spiritual nature of Love? Then do not fear the permanence of Love. A mutually connected Truth in Love never dies. Know this. To doubt the power of your love is to limit who are. To rediscover this can be one of the greatest joys of Spirit in Transition. Why wait?"--Voices of Spirit

Q & A w/ Erik:

"E- I feel weird, I feel weird about how I feel. It feels like I want to feel something I don't think I should feel."

Erik says, "Feeling stuck in the moment? Feel weird? Like you got this funky sense of embarrassment, shame, or uncertainty... almost like your letting some unknown force or person down? Your not being selfish in asking, 'what the hell'. . Your not being weak.. your doing what your suppose to. Question who you are. It's good. Your getting a peek at what your soul wants. You have plans, goals, you want to know things about yourself and grow from it.. You are fine. You will be fine. This is normal. Now go live in the now and embrace who you are. "

Q & A w/ Erik: Feelings of Spiritual awareness

"I sometimes have trouble with my feelings of association between my place in my spirit family and friends and my earthly family and friends. I wish the two could seamlessly mesh, but they can't due to things like distance, and 3D history. Never mind that in all cases I am precieving only a small fraction of reality, and who everyone really is. I know I need to really focus on me, not them. It's hard to juggle it all."

Erik says,

"Oh, Dude, Damn straight it's hard... It's damn hard... ha ha ... damn.. damn damn... (hand on mouth rolling w/ laughter)... OK, look, Damn is what I said when I started remembering... When you come back and realize just how much people are blind, blind living in their bodies, doin their thing. and Trying as hard as hell to remember what the hell they are suppose to be going through,,, and WHY,,, wtf! It's such a trip. And then you go; Oh yea, shit that was me! Damn.... Well, look, it's like this. The whole point you feel so disconnected is because in most cases it's supposed to be that way... You have to have it or your not going to immerse yourself enough to get out of it what you wanted! It's like a little kid.. right? Your a toddler. right? you wanna learn to walk, you wanna feed yourself, you want talk for yourself, you wanna know what's outside that front door. But all you do right now is shit yer pants.. (laughing).. Now you look to mamma and pappa, you look up to them, and you see them as some mysterious love beings that take care of all your needs... but you wanna just DO for yur self, Right? Ok, well are your parents gonna teach you, protect you, or let you on your own? Or are they gonna try to create a balance to help you learn, grow and protect you, so that you, you, can create the best you as possible?... Those little moments in the now, like pulling yourself up on the mantle or bookcase to take your first step, and what that feels like IS all about what life is! "

"The courage to look while stuck in the moment can bring attention to that which is uncomfortable. Peace from this discomfort comes when realization that reason and purpose matter not, but only when what one can take from passing through the moment is a true essence of who you are, will courage be fully expressed." --Voices of Spirit.

Erik quote:

"You are loved so much that you are given the family (physical & Spiritual) that you need not want. We give you time to work on you, before the return to us, The real return to you."

Many people are worried about Erik being too busy to interact with them in a Spiritual way. They would like to ask him questions, or they seek advice, or desire help learning, or seek help with facilitating communication. Or they would just like his help in his capacity as guide, or some other assistance. While he is very busy he'd like to remind everyone that Spiritual communication is not bound by space time of our linear existence. That your thoughts will be heard; and that even if his focus or activities prevent an interaction with you, that your message will reach it's destination. You all have guides and angels who will step in and fulfill this role. No one is alone. Sometimes your intent may need to be examined in proper context. Which might explain communication problems. Remember a key aspect relating to guides and angels in our lives... "Speaking to one, is speaking to all". So if you are in need and worry about a Spiritual connection. DO NOT worry. You are heard... The universe wants to help you, Don't feed it your wants or you will want more... feed the universe what you know when you are in the moment of now and it will respond... Rather than lament what you desire....incorporate this want into an inner knowing, and the universe will move around you creating a new reality within your vibrational state of being.

Today's messages,

"Thought is energy, emotion is the wellspring of soul energy. Communication with you burst forth from our will with unbound emotion, surrounds, propels this thought as if it were solid. Rushing to your personality's pathways a connection is made. Your receptiveness is one of acceptance, surrender and focus.

You soul is but a part of the song of All Heaven. Each personality has tones of symphonic dissonance and harmony. You ask our name, names are nothing to the sound of your soul. All know your sound, how do you wish to sound?

Lessons there are for everything. There is no reason to learn anything other than that of which there is to experience. Within that is the self realization of enlightenment, the knowing of one's self within the all.

Only by knowing your neighbors heart will you understand your place.

Very often Spirit when returned home, will have not yet remembered the physics of the state of being they reside. They will have forgotten that their soul vibrates at a certain speed and it is known by such. But their base etheric body will be first to remember. Unconsciously they will attempt to navigate but know not how. Tossed about on the winds of heaven they will become disoriented. To reorient takes work. In such states, new arrivals will become saddened on their seemingly lack of ability to return to those they love. Some may experience difficulty matching vibrations of those they left behind. Such experiences can be overcome through guidance and experience, and of course remembering. This is part of our work. The return to self can take time. Do not loose hope. Once the return is complete the return to you can begin!

Just as your name has sound so too your soul. Just as your name has an image, so too your soul. The beauty of art, the simple symbol or the crude slash, could be you.

When you combine thought with image you move your intent in powerful force. Your personality is a channel for your higher self and your intent will push through the strongest storms of your life.

Like attracts like. You state of being, your state of mind, your words, your thoughts are a powerful attractor to all Spirit. High and dense states. Don't be scared. Most do not care, nor do they listen. Only true love or true fear seek companionship. Your loved ones hear because they wish to. Those in darkness hear because they do not hear their heart."

---Voices of Spirit

"The inner sight, the mind's eye is the dream realized through the conscious awakening, to the truth of your Spirit. Every awakening is different and unique as every soul in creation. This inner vision is the dream, it is the clairvoyance, it is the knowing that you can manipulate your vibration in the context of visualization. Perception is only limited to the boundaries you set for your existence. Normally, the incarnate is limited to the conscious perception of one visual input at a time. That which comes from the flesh of it's organ. But buried within the cellular structure lay the energetic connections that married with thought, belief, and action, enable the incarnate to manipulate it's energy to perceive with it's ethereal and astral organs. This is a joint effort of the soul and personality between planes of existence and the connections in between. Also unique in every individual, the power of this perception is defined by the state of being of one's Spirit and the higher self's desired focus. The real method of this focus is emotional intent. Emotional intent within ones state of being is the focus of life. From this, thought is borne into all action. The course and quality of your active emotional thought has bearing on what you perceive, both in your created realities and in the mind's eye." ---Voices of Spirit.

"Don't worry 'ABOUT', Don't worry about anything. It's pointless. The only point to "get" is your personal response to "who am I"...This, Who's you? Who's them?, who's Erik, who's Elisa, All this verbal shit don't matter. Who is that person? What'd they say? What do they think? What would Bobbie or Bobby do? Don't matter. What matters is what matters to you right this second. In that second what you feel is what matters. Not what you think. Not what you feel about anyone or anything "thing" or idea. What matters is how you feel about yourself within this very second. If you don't know or don't understand, don't worry. That, that, is the whole point of everything. That is what we are all here to figure out. Not not figure out, work out. Do do do do what you feel your highest possible self would do. Work out who you are within yourself, this life, amongst your neighbor- who are you. Who do you want to be? Why? How do you see your self? Why? How do you want to see yourself in and amongst 'all that is' in creation'.... do you think that it is even possible? Wanna find out? How you gonna do that? Think I know? Think anyone of you knows enough to tell the other how it is? ? Well, it doesn't matter, cause nothin matters but where you are this second. If you think you know how you feel and you think you know why, are you sure? Are you sure of who you are in amongst all of creation? Are you more? Less than that? Any debate is trivial to figuring out who you are and what you want to do with that. You think these beliefs you hold are who you are? Do you think they are who you are, the totality of who you are in 'all that is'? Why limit yourself. Why not say, I don't know, but I want to find out. I am sorry. Here, I am sorry, Lets' start over, Let's help each other... Let's skip worry. Skip worry about who's right, who's wrong, and why. Let's skip things that divide us. If it tightens your heart, skip it. Let it go. It don't matter. what matters is what will bring you together to help you help others and yourself. What do you have in common. What can you build in common, what about another can you look them in the eye and say, 'who you are makes me love myself, love life, let me help you'. This human shit, this them's and they's, you said, I said, don't mean crap against, how you feel. (or to 'us'). Managing this is one of the greatest things you will ever do. Because if you can balance all your crap and still say with heart, I love me when I love you. I am in love with life with you. Life right now is who I am and I am lovin it. Then you've really found out somethin bout yourself. So many people don't get the chance to express this in a physical reality of their own creation. And that's the whole point. You all are here for very good reasons, What will you make of your own creation, what does that say about yourself, and how will you share it. I want to help you lift yourselves up. All of the Heavens are open to you. How will you arrive? --peace"


Erik, How do I love myself?

"OK, dude, here's the thing. Love, people think love is something they need to do. They think that it's somethin you gotta find, or take. That's not what self love is about. It's not anything you can find, or something another persons gonna be able to give you. No one can make you feel it. No one can show you the way. What's going on is that people are reacting to the shit in their life. IT can be awesome, or crap. But what they are doing is feeling uncomfortable with how they feel about what they are experiencing. This can be buggin you, or making you hate yourself, or hatin other people. Don't matter, what their doin is seeing themselves apart and outside from their reality. And most of the time they've created that reality through the choices they made or didn't make. So then they feel resistance to how they "really" want to be within that experience. They know on a soul level how they want to be. They want to be who they really are and be ok with it. It's just that they are not paying attention to themselves. They are looking everywhere but where they should be. Their self. Love has never ever been about looking outside. It's about looking in and accepting who you are, shit and all and just smile, just simply surrendering to yourself. Surrendering to the experience. Only then can you find the peace that letting go gives. And in that moment, it's a now moment, then can you see that person you wanna be. You can then freely make the choice to move to or twords that perception, that idea. This moves you to who you always are, what you love about yourself. The return to the self, the remembering of who you are. This is always greater than you see yourself now, It is always a journey of love. There is always more of you to love. Always more to understand. This is self, love. Surrender, acceptance, be. Who I wanna be helps me be, feel, and understand. I love the feeling moving to this gives me. I wanna help you feel this too. I love how I feel when we work together to feel this. This is unconditional love of self. The knowing that you are worthy, and despite and in-spite of anything life seems to through at you, you wanna keep diggin your self up. At the bottom of that pile is a heart of gold you always had. Dude, just let it shine. Your worth it. You'll love yourself for it!"

(don't mind the spelling and grammar and rambling. I was just typing as I heard it. )

From Erik:

"It's all a button: Push yourself to know yourself. (Or we'll push it for you!)"

"Y'all need to stop worrying so much. Comin to life each time your born, almost everyone's gonna totally forget what's really going on. Just because you're born again as a baby each time, don't mean you gotta stay that way, all penned up in your cribs like a cadge. I don't mean to sound so rude. But your all in this together. You hook up with people you love and the whole point is to work it all out, while you help each other remember. Hell, even the people you hate, you love em. You just can't remember. Now your gonna say, WTF?! Well, why do we forget?! Wellll.. the reason you forget is so that you CAN work it all out. Not much point in experiencing anything new if you think you know it all. So, now your here. With everyone else. You look around and you see all these people who seem different than you. Their pullin on ya, their pushing your buttons. I LOVE to push buttons. Why push a button? Cause it does something. It calls attention. It triggers something that DOES. Doing is what we are ALL about. This group. We are "doers". But to do the RIGHT things, we need to think about them. Who are we, in the middle of shit? When shit hits the fan, where are we? Are we under the fan gettin splattered? Are we hiding around the corner hoping the damn thing don't blow up, or are we cleaning up the mess and figurin how how to make it work better? See, all this stuff that gets people all worked up, it don't matter what it is. It's all a button. A spiritual mess that help us sort ourselves out, and get us to move to where we wanna be. Fix it, change it, turn it on, turn it off, sit and spin, all that crap and most important, if I do, and try each of those things, how can I do any of it, all of it, or just one, and be true to myself. WHO the hell am I. I see you, I see mess, but can I still be me? How can I help you all fix stuff and be me. Who am I? Who do I wanna be? How about you? Can we work together? How. Where to start. See it is never ever about the button. Remember, the button is a Spiritual thing. What you do with or about the button is what matters. So like that baby. New to life. You start out not knowing what's going on. You try to free yourself, explore the world around ya. You "unlearn" just as much as you learn. Then, one day. And it's different for everyone, one day, there comes a point where you pause and ask, who am I? Who are you? What is going on? A lot of folks never get past this and just get mad. A lot of people fall back on this like it's a ring around the roses game or a fukin Ferris wheel and never stop to just look around and ask what kind of ride their on. But the thing is, ya gotta stop. You gotta make it more simple. Yall making life more complicated that it needs to be. Just try and visualize yourself, how you really wanna be in each situation. Even if you remember too late, just say... whoooaaaah... WTF was that... Who am I?! Take time to listen, take time to hear, take time to speak, but don't forget to talk to yourself. You. Your not gonna fix any fans if you don't know where you are. Your not gonna fix anyone else until you figure out what all your buttons do. It's easy to get distracted. I know, all about that. But know yourself, then you can help others know themselves. Do that, and you then know each other well enough to not only fix stuff, but make new things, better things. "

"Many of you worry that you desire life no more on this earth. You are desireous of a cesation to this plane of life. Do not be troubled. You retain your free will. Who you are will never be diminished. The opportunities for experience, progression and understanding are far beyond your present vision. The opportunities will unfold for you as your awareness expands, you will not be disapointed nor will you disapoint. Life beyond is without measure. In both Spirit and Phsyical there are worlds beyond your comprehension that you may take part of. There is too much joy in All that IS to worry over that which you do not understand in what may be. Look within and focus on what may be in you, and what to do will unfold as naturally as breath to the rising sun. Your light will shine forth and illuminate your next step. That choice is always yours." --- Voices of Light

"To release the weariness of life is to re-employ the certainty that you create life as opposed to having to pass through it.

It is when you engage the knowing of all you are capable of will you see that your free will can set you free to express yourself.

To express what is innate in you is to surrender to a state of being that is in harmony with all the joy you are capable of manifesting.

Life is worth living if only for remembering this. To have this dawn upon your awareness is to move forward into ever greater experience.

This will be your release. "

"If it would calm your nerves about any life change, think upon the possible vastness of your soul's experiences through your perception of time and space. You are not just a spark a mote on smoke aflame, your soul is like the roaring fire with deep glowing embers that have burned with many a life. Not only are you aged with experience and time, you can easily compare the ages of man, his history and see that change is a constant bed side companion. As decades merge into centuries, societies give way to peoples, and culture gives way to ages and epochs. You will see that change is an ever present Rolodex of cards forever in motion, repeating itself as it spins around a life. Where it pauses will depend on conscious choice or unconscious choice. But each card has been written and read before. What you do with it this time, will always depend on you. You may pull the card, reinsert it, or change it. Change will always be of value. You can not but hope to be a complete index of all you may be. You are full of possibility. The probability of any experience will always depend on your awareness. As such, it expands and grows to be more. So too the choices available to you. Ease your hearts and minds. You will find your way. You will remember. Love experienced is best created one small step at a time." --- My Spirit Teacher

So the other night I was talking to Erik and Robert on the phone and usually serious conversation devolves into jokes, innuendo, and totally silly antics. Although sometimes, (lucky Erik) Erik gets to listen to me bitch about life... (grin).. I am not sure what I was complaining about, but it was something along the lines of, "Gee, I bet you sure get tired of listening to us"..... He said, Well, once you transition you will totally see your conversations differently. They will seem very different and take on new meaning". At the time, I didn't really pay much attention to it. But this morning, while walking to the bus he elaborated a bit more.

Erik said,

{Life is a co-created tool. When you transition, you are exposed to all the emotions thoughts and actions of others who have shared their life with you. You are never on this journey alone. You see how each other felt and thought about every thought or action you took. You rely on each other for this.....I promise, when you transition all your conversations you had will seem very will see where you were guided, you will see what was and was not some regards if it wasn't for your co creators much of life would seem a farce. That's how much everyone on earth means to each other. .....That's why its so important to reach out to others. Because you enrich each others experience and help each other evolve...when you don't, when you play the us vs they games, you reinforce the illusion of separation and it takes so much longer to understand who you are. You experiences become more limiting without each other. Because of your neighbor you can feel just how much more you are.

"There's a difference between an inner knowing- and knowing what you,- think, - you want. Many times you allow yourself to forget or ignore the want because its an uncomfortable emotion or mental resistance. Instead of seeing a want, you psych yourself into thinking its something you know. But really its just a messy unexplored belief, and not who you really are. When you get rid of what feels like a desire, you'll be able to see what you know. You'll be able to feel with honesty."

-- talks with Erik

"Most people who want to channel, do not understand what they really want. What we all desire is to remember our connection to Spirit. We want to feel it everyday. We have been trained by our society to think that communication is limited to what we read, hear, and see. That outside of approved history our imagination, feelings, and senses are divorced from Spirit. That Spirit and body must be bridged. That is such a croc. You can not have one without the other, you are one.

Many are stuck, they think that spiritual communication equals words. They forget that communion is not about voice. It's about reconnecting to what you feel, what you think.

Put forth your thoughts and feel what comes next, not the reply, not the sound, not the words, but just feel. Spirit does not verbalize, but projects thoughts and emotions, which you interpret. A fleeting image, a brief sensation, a flash of color, a sensation, a symbol, a resonance of inner music, and inspired guidance can hold far more data that any word you can recall.

What you can create, you can explore with feeling. If you surrender to the simple experiences as being a valid experience what you feel can show you that you have never left Spiritual communion, and that communication is all around."

-- talks with Erik

Talks with Erik about life: Conversation, channeling, and thoughts from the other side

I know some of you out there think life totally sucks. That you just can't bare your situation any more and you obsess about release from it from time to time. Then you go beat yourself up cause you feel shitty about feeling shitty. Here's a suggestion. You came here for a reason. And for most of you it wasn't to put on a cape and save the world. You came here to put on rubber boots and slop through shit so you could understand not only why it gets there, how it's pooped out, not to figure out how to just clean it up, or make it spic and span, but to experience what it's like to take your boot off stick ur foot in it, squish your toes in it, rinse/wash it off and say... Wow... that is sooo not me...... Look around, see others standing in it? yell at them... HEY GUYS! Lets help each other clean up our shit...... It's about experiencing all life has to offer, the good AND the bad.. together. It's not that your here to figure out what's good or bad, but that it's about coming to a better understanding of what is and isn't your shit.... get me? If you focus on crap around you, your just gonna see more crap and it's gonna stink! Instead focus on you, what's inside of you while going through it, and seek to understand how you feel about it, and how you feel as you work with others to clean off. People get sooo fixated on accomplishment, doing, but they don't know what... they only think they want something outside of themselves and get pissed when they only see shit. It's not that your seeking something, it's that your seeking to know who you are wading through experience. You can use that understanding of the experience and how you feel about it, to learn how to get clean, help others do the same, throw shit, shovel it, sell it to farmers, become a rancher, raise cattle, let all the animals loose, or learn to grow wheat. or some shit.. heh heh.. ... So the next time you feel like wandering off to hill country. Know you're not escaping anything. You still have shit on your boots. Just look at it, how does it make you feel, cause until you figure that out, you're not going to care enough to wash it off or do anything about it. And you don't want to carry it with you. ---- Talks with Erik

You are never resigned to be who people think you are. The main reason is because you really don't have a fair or honest perception of what others' think. What they think is none of your business.

If you worry about the contents of some form describing you, Your going to be stuck on some label. You are not going to look at what doesn't fit in the blanks.

Worry is a total Bitch! She whores around with shame, guilt, and anger. She's gonna be that ugly feeling in the morning you can't wash off. Why worry in the first place. No one said you had to go down that dark alley. But you were hell bent on checkin out your red light. Dude,.....just say no.

Jason said Feb 16, 2012

Talks with Erik about life: Conversation, channeling, and thoughts from the other side (Jason here. sorry for the spelling and grammer. I try to write how it comes across, if I worry about english, it bumps the connection.)


Looking for secrets is often not so much about uncovering truth as it is about seeking what gleams beyond you. You cant store treasure when you dont know where to put it.


The only secret is that you return to earth with everything you need. The question is not when or what, but how you come to remember this. It is only then can you really uncover yourself.


Many lament knowledge, skill, or experience they feel they should have. Because they misjudge what they do have they feel somehow cheated, left behind, or abandoned. Unworthy...thats such bull.....dont you know that everything important is learned in kindergarten? Everything else is just practice.


When you hold onto one emotion your shoving the rest to the corner. That pile didn't disappear. It will keep piling up until you drown. Don't be a hoarder. Air your house out, look at each emotion. You wont feel like home unless you know what you've got. That doesn't mean you have to be a neat freak or that you cant be a slob. It just means if you run across something that doesn't serve you, or you don't need, you know what to do with it.


Alot of folks run across the phrase, God in all things, All that is, or Alpha n Omega. But they don't really give much thought to what that means. Most of the time they fixate on Spirit, God, the other side - as something, someone outside of themselves, separated. In fact, a lot of theologies advocate just that. Those thoughts were developed on Earth. The plane of duality and illusion of separation. But Heaven aint somewhere else that you need to agonize and petition over. Its always been in the here n now.....not now or latter...get it? So folks see this stuff around them and they think...omg (oh my God), what am I doing? Well, Heaven would ask,....well what are you? What do you want? Then people say shit like,

"I want or dont want".....and then they complain....... see....just as heaven is here in the now, and God is everything....your words are not some chump change or nickle and dime.....ur damn powerful.....but you forgot.

Look at ur words....want, dont want, and I wish........those are not manifestation tools. They are subtractive focusing tools. Yea math..haha

Of subtraction.

Those words dont create squat. They are used to get you to drill ur focus down inside of you to take away and look at each layer of desire. But their not smart words...they only self replicate more of what they are. What it does is peel layer after layer off your perception. I don't I don't I don't I want I want I wish I wish... Whelll... what is there??!? once all the layers are gone through? What are you doing with what you DO see? But that dont mean you leave the tool in the dirt, it means you look at what your digging...this is gonna show you that life aint about what you do or dont "want", its about recognizing, remembering and seeing what u do have, got, are, am, have, and doing, now, not someday, now.

So as soon as you start to say, i dont, i want, i cant, want....stop and go wash ur mouth out with soap.

Look at urself in the mirror and say, I have. I am. Today I can, Im thankful for.....

Thats another thing,

Be grateful not, for having been given or handed something, but grateful for opportunity to creatively express yourself in any given situation. Cause thankfulness without co-participation, co-creation or reception of something that doesn't let you share or further the experience, take action in the only recognition of what you think you're lacking....your thoughts are so strong. If you only, focus on, being grateful for being given what you seems or think you lack - you just going to ride the hamster wheel some more....what you really are gonna learn here is to be grateful for the opportunity to really explore who you are in all that is. The opportunity, the free will to create who you are in any moment. If you focus on opportunity and what you have you will be happier and manifest more of thats something to celebrate.


Tip. What do u do, when it feels like my head is spinning and i can shut off my brain from uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

Stop drop and roll. If you really want to stop, Stop what youre doing, look hard out through you're eyes into the room, move them around and look all around you quickly and think, find something physical to do in that now moment. It will temporarily disengage you from inner hamster wheel....but to warn you; Some people are here to feel. And their gonna wanna roll in it. They are here to learn clarity and discernment...not ignoring their inner life.


Peoples physical experience kinda wobbles on the tip of nail. Don't see much... Only see from a tiny point of view. That's what looking into the dense wood of life is like. Ever so often your world shakes as though life is being pounded on. Well.... That's because in Spirit you are not that nail tip. Your not even the nail. Your the dude driving the nail into the wood looking down at what your building. Your creating something. Your getting better at it all the time. Someday your gonna be a master craftsman! Your gonna see the big picture then. But if you really wanna get into what's being worked on. Just look back up inside yourself and feel each of those shakes and follow that feeling back up into the nail as it passes through wood, and into the hand. It's only by following those feelings that your gonna see where the next nail is gonna go.


E: (Erik m)

It's not that you have thoughts. It's that your thoughts have you. Because they created you.

J: (Jason)



Yeah. How do you feel about that?


I dunno, I suppose I don't get it.


What's to get? You feel and then you had a thought to express it in a more tangible way. Where did that feeling come from?

J: I dunno, I guess cause I just did. I was there, and I just reacted cause I wanted to. I suppose I was curious.

E: Yup, that's how it all started. It's not that it had a beginning, or has an end, it's that you started because you were curious.

J: My head hurts;

E: Let it go, you'll still be here. Me too. Just feel what comes and choose how to express it, no sense stressing about was always was.



Why do some feel that there are differences in those who are psychic and those who aren't


The keyword here is why do they feel, not what are or whats the possible differences, the reasons for many involve a decision to retain an openness, for others physical action mixes with energy, but for the rest such as those who are taught to expand,

It's all about perspective of belief. Those who embrace such things believe in the validity of what is termed subjective. Those who feel resistance, struggle with the subjective as being a valid belief. But either is somewhat misleading, for both lines of thought are labels to understand the experience of feeling conscious awareness. Really it's an attempt to describe the process of allowing one to feel in such a way that can be expressed as physical. It's ok, It's AOK, because that's what this journey is for. It's about coming from a point where you assign value and judgement on emotions, to then being OK with that, to then find yourself moving in to realizing that it's not about being OK with what you believe about emotional experience, but that you allow yourself to accept it as simply as a valid possible experience.



How do spiritual friends happen?


When two consciousness's experience a blending of emotion that serves to further similar thoughts; An understanding, an energetic alignment will occur. When such alignment evolves in shared expression, a range of shared experience will be co-created. It is not the value of love or absence of love in these experiences that engenders a fondness; It is the harmonies created when these two energies balance each other. Many emotions can be had from this blending. The key is that shared experience creates more unity, more balance than experience alone. These co-creations can be understood in ways not available to singular expressions. Which is why such deep value is placed. It is that value that has so much meaning for your kind.

(meanwhile Erik is sarcastically singing the barney song,... I like you.. you like me... we are a big habby fam-i-leee".... ha ha ha.


All processing of experience that involves knowing is but a tool, a label, a limit in perception. All processing of experience that involves understanding is felt, causality of possibility, an openness of awareness....(my guides)


Jason said Feb 23, 2012

Talks with Erik about life: Conversation, channeling, and thoughts from the other side:


J to E

Q) Why can't you tell me what I want to know when I want it? Why cant I participate with Spirit the way I want?

E to J


"This is about your life, not us. It's about you, living. Stop worrying about what you think you want or what we want, and focus on what you have to share, and what you can do now. See, cause living's not about anything that's going to complete you or finding out an answer or Spirit making you happy, or taking away your pain. Living is about doing-- right now. 'It's like Yoda said. Do or do not, there is no try.' It's important to know that even that saying, is not about right or wrong or lack or gain, have or have not. It's really about you simply making a choice and knowing that whatever you decide is OK. But it's about doing, not worrying about what you "think" you might want to do. See Jason where you get stuck, it's that you get bored or you get into these emotional mood swings where you ignore what's behind what your feelings, and so since you see us, but because your physical, you are only seeing part of the picture. And so then your latching onto us, totally ignoring what's right in front of your face. Your never gonna feel fulfilled, satisfied, or at peace if you ignore the "now". And your never going to know who and what you are unless you allow yourself to just feel now and then live life with abandonment in that feeling. Another thing that gets you and other folks stuck, is that they think the moment of now is a continuous linear stream. And that once focus and action is taken that they can let go and coast forever. And when that doesn't happen they get upset. But you know time is illusion. Time is focus, perception depends on who's looking and where they are looking. It's about choice. And it's more about a series of choices, a series of eternal now moments. So how you do manage then? Just keep this word on your lips. Choice. With every feeling, choice. With every circumstance. choice. Within every experience. Choice. Today, in this moment, what is your choice? You may think that your choice is limited, or not what you'd like, or should be, have... but STOP! When you think, feel, or speak anything but the decision. You have stepped outside of the moment and the choice is given up. Go back to that moment and say, Is this me? Is this love? What choice do I have in this moment.

That's what matters. You. Your life. Now. Everything else is outside of you. It's in that moment that we wait for you. It is that moment you will know. It's in that moment that 'want' is released and you'll understand that participation is spirit is the default and there is no separation. It's in that moment you will feel you."

Jason said Mar 05, 2012

Something that Erik taught me...

You cant' feel your heart, unless you listen to it's beat.

All you have to do is ask, Is this love?

If it's not, is this emotion something you need to feel?

What can you learn about your self from this moment?

It's not about the action, or circumstance.

It's not about the pain or joy.

It's not about the life your in or wish to have.

it's not about what you do or don't have,

It's about who you are in that feeling moment of now.

It's from that spot, that you set your beliefs about who you are.

It is what connects you to your experience.

It's what you reflect outward.

It is your message to the world,

It is who you are.

And to express yourself within that feeling is a choice.

How this is done, is a choice.

We often encounter resistance, stagnation, and fear

when confronted with this choice.

We come up with long lists of excuses

on why we can't or why such experience is.

We seek to bury ourselves and how we feel

as though it were the experience.

The experience is never in the effect,

the experience is in the choice that creates cause.

If this feeling is not you.

If this feeling does not represent who you are,

If you do not believe, what you feel this feeling means.

Then give yourself permission to find comfort in your choice.

It's ok. No matter what you choose all life continues. So do you.

Even if the only choice you see is a simple affirmation.

The affirmation that this feeling does not define you.

That you are more than any experience.

This is a choice you have.

Choose life. There is always more.

Just like you.

E: (Erik m)

It's not that you have thoughts. It's that your thoughts have you. Because they created you. Erik Medhus~

Jason said Apr 18, 2012

Some of the more recent messages from Spirit, Erik and the gang to you:


The most important part of any probable past, present, or future is you, right now.

All is forever held in motion by your view even should they not seem to exisist.



Hope is not a wish.

Hope is not given.

Hope is created

when you take the feeling

of your hearts true expression

and you act.

Hope is yours to create.

How it plays out

will always be up to you

when you let go

of expectation

beyond yourself.


Even if you currently feel -- that you will not be able to pull it all together, and accomplish what you "think" you "might" in life. Know, that because you have knowingly entered into the process of feeling this journey, thinking about who your are; You have already accomplished a lot. That is worth celebrating. It is worth taking another step. Don't get lost in doing. Find comfort in being. Once you're in that spot, you will be able to feel where to step. --E


Validation without faith in yourself, in your experience, is useless because then one does not try to understand and apply the lesson of experience. --E


Some Spirits may be harder to understand because their primary mode of communication is via emotion, symbolism, or like associative impressions. Which is a combo of the two.

Others only know the instant data download. It just varies. --E


It's time to take what love you feel and start again,

that one step in any direction that brings you joy and comfort.

This time, it's yours, the single step that is a choice. --E


The desire to loose our-self in those we love

is not so much about desiring their love,

but that their love feels like home.

Did you know

that is what it is like

to love forever as a spirit in Spirit? --E


"When it rains....., sure it can pour, leave us soaking, miserable, and dreading the weather. But sometimes it's just an opportunity to show off your dancing skills as you strip down and run through puddles seeing how big of a splash you can make." ---E


"Many of you struggle with family interactions. They get pretty emotional. Stressful. A friend and I here in Spirit recently had this to say to loved one going through a tough time, You all might find it useful as well.

It might be helpful to you if you thought family life like a puzzle. A game. Except that it's made up of emotions. Each piece is not a physical event or even an action, but a feeling. And the point of this game is not to achieve completeness, but to mix and match the pieces to create a form that feels right to you. Feels comfortable. What is unique about this sort of puzzle game is that you are not on the outside moving pieces on a board, you are a set of pieces. It's like in the movie Harry Potter where they became the chess board and the pieces and they had to puzzle out where to put them for freedom. In this case the object is to create not the way out to safety, but to create your own personal comfort. It's a balancing act in which you create your comfort while expressing your desire to manifest love.

Rather than looking at your family members individually and as a unit, trying to figure out how you fit in; Simply look at how you feel about yourself in their reflection. All this sounds convoluted and too involved. We know.. but when trying to determine what you should and should do or act, if it feels like worry. Ignore the worry and instead focus on what feels right in your heart to do right by you for your own reasons. It is only from that place of now in the moment that what actions unfolds will be right by yourself. In that moment you will have access to what creative love you are capable of. If you need to be there physically for an individual family member then do not let their own desire get in the way. Because of their own very tight focus on their own emotional experiences they are like children. Some times they are unable to see outside of themselves. As such, adults work around them and through them. Once you "feel" that you have addressed your own needs as best you can, you can rest assured you have done what you can within the limits set by the others. Then you can focus on dealing with any excess energies left hanging around." --E


What-da-ya think Erik?

- "bout wha? Your doing great. It aint about getting shit done, its about feeling it the best you can and being honest with how you see yourself...its only when your in that spot that doubt, worry, and fear are gonna float away...cause when your in that zone...where you know lookin at your self and you say,..this is or isn't me...but its helped me to see.. I am grateful for that, cause now I can move on.:.. take it with me or let it go.:...yeah...that self reflective honest zone....just lettin your self feel and knowing where your choices lay..shiiitt, even if that choice is just another day, cause you still got some love still to share..that's honesty man.....its worth knowing that your worth sharing..:..its your zone." --E


People get really messed up by mixing expectation with meditation. Which is why they find it failing them. There are many ways one can meditate that do not follow form or function. In spiritual communication, all that is required is a means to slightly detach the mind from physicality. Most people do this best in an activity where they do their best thinking or non thinking. Where they excel at just being in the moment and yet letting go of whats around them. For instance; running, driving, cooking, gardening, music, art, writing, any activity where the mind doesn't need to linger with intensive focus. Where you often find yourself letting go and time slips away. Thats meditation.

It is in these moment you will have your greatest successes in spiritual communication. In this spot there is no expectation, there is just your oneness with the moment. The zone. -- Talks with Robert and Erik


A common question from people directed to Erik or their guides or Spirit, is also a question I've asked as well:


When do I get to come home?


"You'll never be home until home feels like what's inside you. A cryptic answer yes, but we are pointing out the point of life. To experience yourself, to remember yourself, and to express who you are through self mastery. So while you want a finite number to count down release of what seems exile, know that your term is self imposed. So again, we say, when who you are feels like home, you will have arrived, you will have released yourself" --E


Erik also said,

"Worry causes brain rot. Think, feel, and let it go. You tell me all the time, you can't help it. You say, easier said than done-- Erik. You say your trapped, stuck, need answers--hell, demand answers. Here's the deal. You didn't come here with failure as an option. Wash ur mouth out with soap. That stuff stinks. Just spit that shit out. And even if you think it, don't say it. YOU are perfect. You came here with everything you need to explore and express who you are. When you don't know what to do, where to go. Just take any ol step and try to be OK with just "being". Once you've gotten into that comfort zone, the rest will start being guided to you. You'll pull it to yourself. It will come all natural, just be patient! It will be what you need, not what you think you want. Let that go too. Instead, think about what you do have and what your grateful for. That will show you the next step to take. Not worry. Remember, every time you say I can't stop drop and roll. (grin)"



How can I achieve an inner peace?


Breathe. Inhale what you need. Exhale what you don't. Let it nourish you where it will. Energize you as it flows in.

Inhale through your mouth. Let it Fill you. Hold it, close your eyes and try to feel all of you in that moment. Everything you are able, you are in that very moment. Nothing else exists. The feeling that hangs suspended on that breath is what you need. Let it roll down your body as you exhale. Push it out your nose. Know that you have released not only what you don't need, but you have transformed what you have used. In it's passing you have moved on to the next moment. There is nothing else.

Know that even in chaos, life is the held breath. So you can focus on taking it in, holding what you can, and letting go of the rest. That pause is not a call to surrender to what seems to fill your lungs as to focus on a rhythm that lets you feel who and what you are in that moment. That is learning about existing in the present moment and knowing that just as you can take in something, you can let it go. What remains is where you are at. You can then refocus on it, and try to see how it balances throughout your body. --- E


"When it rains....., sure it can pour, leave us soaking, miserable, and dreading the weather. But sometimes it's just an opportunity to show off your dancing skills as you strip down and run through puddles seeing how big of a splash you can make." --Erik

Q & A's with Erik


What does it mean when I feel conflict with what I think I should or could or might do, with this funny resistance I feel right now?


"It means, that it's not that you shoulda coulda woulda do anything, but find the comfort of balancing and coming to terms with the emotion behind that feeling of resistance.

There are many reasons that we can experience emotional resistance. It's not just a physical reaction. It's a psychic reflection of your spirit driving emotional energy through the physical construct of this life. Driven from past experiences; past lifetimes, past choices; all channeled through your mind and body into construct formed by your beliefs, feelings, your desires. And so when confronted by this flow, it can feel like an onslaught, or like sludge, or like a barrier. But it's none of that really. It's you holding focus in one hand, and perception in the other. At the center is your comfort zone that you are trying to reach. It's not necessarily that you have to achieve anything, but rather you have to choose what and who you are in that moment. Really that moment is now.

So I always say, not only to just take a step; not only take a step towards what brings you joy, but your higher joy. Don't give into worry. Worry will come if you hold both hands out and refuse to look at what's in the middle. What's in the middle is what feels like you. For some, this is going to be the scariest thing you have ever attempted. For others it will be like lacing up your boots with assurance that you can do it. And yet for some of you it will be the relief of taking off shoes and socks and wiggling your toes in the mud. Just let go and squish it between your toes and laugh. Just figuring out that what you feel is ok, that it's ok to feel, is having found that comfort, that moment where you found you! That's life. Real life. It's from that spot that you will automatically do what is in your best interest, you'll want to do for your greater good. And if truly you are in that spot, what's right for the greater good will happen automatically. But like I said, it's about finding your joy. What's love? Who are you in that moment. It's about balancing the flow of life. In it's stream, create your joy by surrendering to who you are." --Erik

"Dear C.E. Community,

When Spirit presents situational scenarios that seem dire to your current perspective, it is an opportunity to view your emotional reactions to one of the series of probabilities that exists for individuals as a likely to occur event based on the free will choice of the individual observing, in conjunction with the collective consciousness of the the group creations the individuals participate in.

In All That Is, what may come to pass already has, and is concurrently being experienced by some dimensional aspect or facet of the souls who choose to express themselves in those constructs. To be presented with such visions via a medium is to offer you a chance to choose your comfort, or what you fear. Within these poles you may find your balance through love or any other emotion manifested in your unique way. How you come to understand this is for you and the conscious endeavors you participate in.

You look for right or wrong, but that is a label that we can not realistically give you, for you are the better judge of that, for you are us. It is your decision as to what and how you experience your emotional perspective. Some of these perspectives do indeed have less than pleasant consequences with less than pleasant effects to your own unique causes. But these are dimensional probabilities and not necessarily understood or viewable from your present conscious focus.

Nonetheless, an aspect of your greater soul will experience it and come to an understanding of yourself through such experience, thus your present focus will participate in change. As you can see, this is not simply a linear physical experience, but the psychic journey of your greater consciousness on many levels.

To pass along this information or concept through a medium in a linear physical experience is not always constructive as it might be, due to perception, belief, and personal judgement about such perspectives. Lost in translation. As such, simply know that 'Earth plane' will always remain a place of duality. A tool to conscious incarnations to explore in depth hands on focus.

The great hope you feel now is not the promise of a physical transformation, but the promise of enlightenment in each of your emotional consciousnesses. With this new outlook, what you manifest as physical duality will become more and more in line with your highest possible self, thus transforming your world. Through this process the possibilities to enact such changes are as infinite as the choices you make as a collective society. It not only affects you on a social scale, but your very DNA of the hosts you share your experiences with. And so future life becomes a panacea of opportunity and choice that moves from unpleasant to pleasant, though still within a range of dualities, in which your physical system was born. This system is the physical universe within which you all agreed to participate in. You have a collective power to alter the poles of this duality on Earth. And how this manifests depends not only on individual perspective, but as a collective.

When you receive a vision of future life, you are viewing one of the many possibilities of this transformation. As such, it is always in motion, always present. With your current conscious focus you can not take one of those visions and say, That one, is the one I desire. For in focusing on such desire you move your awareness outside of yourself, not only with misunderstanding on how to bring that reality to present focus, you divorce your focus from who you really are and what you are incarnated for and frequently allow fears to intermingle with such desire.

You focus on what you think you want and what you may not want. Instead we in Spirit would like to offer suggestions to let go of what may be, and return to the inner self, to refocus on what lays in your inner emotional heart. To be brave and hold your emotional experiences in your hands and look closely at what beliefs, perspectives and feelings about those beliefs are generated from those emotions.

To then feel them with honesty and know that they do not have to define who you are, nor do you have to blindly act upon them. To strive to hold your true heart and let go of and love what is not you, and to embrace with acceptance of what is you. For you are always greater than what you can see, and what you can see is only limited by the perspective and awareness you allow yourself to feel, which is controlled by understanding your inner experience. The possibilities of life are infinite and full of promise. Even in your darkest hours the chance for you to understand the best of yourself is ever present. Hope is not a wish, nor a desire, it is the acknowledgement of that promise that you are ever more, one with All that IS.

On your other question. Many ask about the participation of physical experience especially in regards to perceptions of romantic Earth love while non-physical. The reason there are so many varied responses is because when you speak to a medium you are receiving information based on perceptional experience of multiple points of consciousness, focuses from different souls in the non-physical.

Some are giving you information based on their unique understanding of their personal reality. Depending on what aspect of your soul your personal focus is on, and depending on what plane of existence it is operating on, and depending on what dimensional construct it is participating on OR creating, how emotional expression is manifested and understood will greatly vary.

Many of Earth's incarnates wish and desire to retain a physical opportunity to express sexual and romantic love. Some have been told that such is not possible in the non-physical. Know that the multiverse is far more complex and vast that is being presented. There are other areas of physical and non-physical participation than are being related and created as we speak. Not only that, but the opportunity to create your own mental-emotional constructs in a myriad of ways leaves room for ways of expressions of love that are indescribable to your present physical senses. Should you wish it, you may project a part of yourself or the current focus into a body, in harmony with your state of being, and participate how you wish with those you pull to you. But it is true that the thought process, mode of focus and manifestation are not the same. Your awareness and focus shifts. To give you a blanket statement of what is and isn't, while possible, is only limiting from a certain point of view.

Let us tell you now. Let go of worry. Let go of desire that is not a pure expression of love. All else can be limiting perspective. The vast possibilities for expressions of love are far more than your human experience could ever understand. Have faith in your own capacity to love and know that what is felt in love never dies, but is as immortal as you. Find peace in what you love, and comfort in your intention.

As we walk aside and hold you,


Masters, Guides, Voices of Light."

"You always HAVE a close connection to the spiritual world, because you are of the Spiritual world. You are the glimmer of a gem reflected over a life to gather light for yourself. To then add this light to your reflective brilliance. You feel how you do because you long with the feeling of unseen memory for the radiance of your divine individuality. You fear because life from your current view seems to have blinded you to it, you worry that it is gone. And so that fear conjures up what it knows not out of fear of further perceived separation on a soul level.

Society blinded by their own group consciousness has told you that to look back in within, at our ever present connection to this light, outside of society's guidance, will ensure further this separation and may even harm you. But you can not separate what is was never separated. You can not part that which is eternal love. It is who you are. You are eternal spirit manifesting, creating, and expressing love to know itself in All that Is.

You were born into this life with a portion of this awareness. You chose before birth to retain an ability to connect with that energetic part of your conscious awareness, of the greater portion of your identity outside of your current personality. And so you unconsciously identified with that energetic part of yourself as children and looked at your physical body as the true illusion it is. This as a tool, you felt intimidated with when given the opportunity to explore yourself with. It was not horror or fear it was the dawning of realization, that you are more than what you perceive. On a soul level you greatly favored the peace and freedom of reconnecting to Spirit in your energy bodies. When you do so with conscious awareness in the physical, you set up the contrast you wanted to get you started on your spiritual expansion, your shift into a greater conscious awareness.

One of the things life is, is the journey of the consciousness. In that you are not starting, you are already on that journey. You fear a connection, and yet you are already connected. You are not seeking an answer because the answers you seek are the questions you ask. Who am I. Who indeed. You are ever on this path. It is who you are.

Through experiences, through spiritual experiences, you can reconnect with those you've shared a physical life with. Each night a portion of yourself journeys through spiritual realms outside of the physical not to struggle with life's most recent turmoils in the hope of reunion, but to embrace loved ones in the celebration of love and life and its eternal continuance. Together you explore ever greater opportunity, not regret, not sadness, not explore love.

That is where the peace you've sensed lays. Fear not, there happiness is very real and you carry it with you always. But to soar in your energy body is not as important as looking within yourself at how you feel when this happens and what this means for your beliefs about yourself. Through this process, through your own shift of perceptions you will find the connections and be guided to the answers you seek. As you know, you are surrounded by love. Do not fear, do not be afraid. Heaven is here. All around you. Question what is right for you, and take what answers speak to your heart."

-- Voices of Spirit

Q & A with Erik M. cont...


What would you say to someone who asks, "I feel like my life is pointless and doesn't matter. I get discouraged when I see celebrities, guru's, and the upper crust of society. I don't like how I feel. How do I matter, and get to a point where I feel like there is a point to my life?".


"You look at others and ask that, but really you are only seeing the part of their lives they want the world to see. It's illusion. Who they really are is what they understand about how they feel about themselves. You desire something you haven't a clue about. It's only when you know about yourself that you're gonna be in a spot to see if that kind of life is really for you or not. And believe me, you are not just this life.

You have to look at your self and ask questions about what's behind the way you feel. Why do you feel like your life is pointless. Why do you feel like you don't matter. What impact did you hope to make. What about another's journey makes you feel that what they've experienced has anything to do with you? What do you want? These can all be rhetorical questions. And the point of asking them is to understand why your life matters. Your answer is in the questions you ask, not what you feel might be an answer or the resistance to answering them. You can shrug your shoulders look down and mutter, I don't know, Or I don't understand, why can't someone just tell me. I am tired of all this bullshit. I wanna be done. It hurts too much. But working this out. That drive to understand. That's the deep drive, motivation, pulse, breath, heartbeat, and life inside your soul. That's the point of your incarnation. When you come to terms with those questions. That's how you will matter. Now where you're getting stuck is your looking outside yourself and placing value judgements on others lives. Your taking a limited and incomplete amount of information and your erroneously compiling it into this false mirror and looking at yourself in it. You're saying, They seem good, happy, successful, without pain, they seem to matter, make a difference, be someone. I wanna be somebody. Why can't I have that, Why can't I be them. Here's the thing. What your looking at will never make you feel whole. Because you are saying. I want, I wish, I hope, I should, I could. Your not saying. I am, I am doing, I have, I can. It's a small switch inside your head that's covered with crap. Crap society has put there. It's been put there as a tool. Wipe if off and flip it. That's connected to a huge amount of power in your gut, that once plugged into is gonna radically change how you think, feel, act and ultimately how you understand yourself. But get this. This whole set of questions. It's not a one time switch. It's a energy system. And it's constantly shifting. And your feelings, beliefs, and perceptions are constantly shifting with it as you experience life. To really make an impact in your life, to really have a point, you're gonna need to create that point. Time and time again. And you do that by asking questions. Is this me? Is that me? Am I this? Who am I with that person? Who am I when I do this? Is this me? What makes life a success is actually pausing within each moment of life to ask and in that moment accepting with gratitude whatever you feel that response to be. That's what being in the moment is. Acceptance of what is or isn't you. Because it's from that comfort zone that you can act. You can take a step. And it's that movement where matter is created. Where you create. Where you matter and your point is your ultimate reality. Who are you?"

Jason said Aug 26, 2012

Last night before sleep as I lay in bed Erik said this. I typed it out on my phone, then went to sleep. (jason)

"I feel like some of my friends are getting too upset over what other people tell them, what they read about. Sometimes the basic messages get lost. I think people need to remember the stop drop and roll thing. Take some of the worry out of the fire. Put it out. All they're doing is adding fuel to the worry fire. When really they are just going to burn out without any renewal. Really all they need to do is refocus.

If you focus on worry, doubt, fear, and if, thens, shouda, woulda, coulda, youre just gonna get more of it. Focus on what love you can dish out at the moment. Now here,.. Don't get your nose in the air and tell me all about whats wrong, and what you think is wrong or should be. That's not the issue. The issue is, 'who are you'. You gonna serve your shit with love?...or are you just gonna be a dumper?....get my drift? Some folks, all they ever ask is...what about this?, what about that?, tell me its gonna be OK...., 'No no no no...none of that my friends'. You should be asking, what can I do right now. What can I do that's gonna help me be OK with myself, my family, my community. What can I do right now to help my neighbor. Wishing, worrying, asking, and fearing over a future, or possible future, is NOT going to shift diddly crap. The only thing shifting is how your heart sees itself, and that's gonna shift experience, which on a collective level will shift worlds. Not some cosmic life jacket. Start with you, don't wait for some event others have told you about. This message is eternal. Its just about your personal road map. Its been a map for all eternity. Always will be. How many times has humanity waited for saviors, events, a rule, a way, a belief? The answer has always been whats in your heart. Not the stars, not some heaven, not in some dead kid like me. You. Your heart. Your love. Your hopes and service to each other. Folks always are seeking answers, more clarification, and expect Spirit to give you what dissatisfies you. But you see, comfort, peace, and life, what you seek, your ultimate can only come from within you. From each other. Shift your thinking today. Shift your hearts. Do you choose love. Or do you choose fear." --- Erik

Jason said Sep 21, 2012

I just wanted to wish Erik a very happy birthday. It is also Andy's transition anniversary as well. A very hard week for sure, but also one to celebrate all of our eternal natures. I know the boys are out spreading their love all around. They have a lot of it still to give.

Their love, This is what I see in you. These mothers who have lost, They have held life like a face between their palms. They show that love like that never dies, for those lives, and say, I love you always, and I will love you again. Their strength. Their motherhood. Its one of the reasons, I wish to live. Not because I am weak and need a reason, but because I see their bravery, their beauty, the hope in their life. Their souls chose it, They create and live it and make it into something eternal. Moms like that may have lost, but their giving themselves to the world, giving everything. I wanna know love like that.......never give up.

There will always be more, more you, more life, more to live, you just have to go for it. Do it.

Remember. You are full of wonder. Life is worth living.


A few of friends of mine in Spirit wanted to say something about Spirit emotion. A friend of mine, Eric (Nikki's son) started off by saying that they absolutely see the emotions we go thru. And he can relate and does feel compassion towards us. If we are sad, he knows it is us missing him and the love we have for him. His heart swells with pride at the love we continue to have and even though we are sad, he knows it is the experience we all agreed to go through. They see our ups and downs as triumphs and successes. With every low their's is a high. The biggest accomplishments often come after the hardest times.

Another friend of mine, Earl (One of Nikki and I's guides) chimes in, "there would never be guilt on our part, for instance when we see you cry or miss us, we do not feel guilty for dying or leaving you, because we know this is all part of the life plans of everyone involved and that you are ultimately wanting this on a soul level. We are not cold hearted. We often comfort you or guide you to a funny memory or happy moment. We would never want you to stay in that place of sadness. You have to remind yourself, this is all a play, an experience, you wanted to be the star and you are. We watch with amazement and delight. Because in the end the curtain goes up, out we walk as supporting stars, hand in hand and we all take a big bow.

No one is angry or upset or jealous we all celebrate the chance to have been a part of something magnificent. Your magnificence. If only you could know there is no need to worry or stress or judge, it always ends in a big party and a loving celebration. You can do no wrong. If you feel like you slipped up, well, maybe that is the time when the audience was most engaged. Impromptu lines and quick song and dance. Make it your own, we don't have a problem with that. But do it with joy and love. Whatever you choose, we back you up. You are on the right path, there really isn't a wrong one. Even with Eric the path he was on ,was his. It wasn't a mistake, it was HIS. His journey, his role, he did a bang up job and we are proud of all that has taken place. We have your back and we cheer you on. You are doing great!

Another friend in Spirit (M.) One of Nikki and I's guides) then said the following;

"So lets talk about spiritual emotion a little more. We do not own any emotions other than love. That is the beauty of the transition, nothing but love. We do get to watch and experience emotions thru you. Your plans and choices.

That is amazing for us. We watch you suffer and feel pain and make choices out of fear and worry. we don't

feel them but we can remember those feelings and we relate to them. We cheer you on to choose love. To always

choose love. And for some that is easier than others depending on the life you set up for yourself.

Every soul knows love. but it is in the remembering of the love that we experience our plan.

Some have layers and layers of emotions that cover up the love. The layers of fear, abuse, jealousy, vindication, loss

materialism etc. Making yourself feel good is not love, making a choice that makes everyone feel good IS LOVE. Here we choose only that which makes everyone feel love. I know that sounds impossible but when you no longer care about pleasing yourself it is easy"

We do have the ability to connect with a soul on earth and feel what they are going thru. This is not an easy task and often it is not a pleasant experience for the earthly soul. Our energies must merge and it can be frightening. It truly is best if we just observe. However the merging does take place for various reasons. I hope I am being clear.

Despite not actually feeling your emotions we can see the rush the joy the exhilaration in one that suddenly chooses love over fear. That exact moment when it all is right with the universe and they get it. OH....that we applaud and celebrate.

It is such a grand moment when one finally understands that love can and should always be the choice. Imagine if everyone chose love. Chose what would make others feel love as well. It happens often, but can be overlooked. a smile a generous gesture, an offer to help someone need, a warm blanket to a homeless person. When one chooses to feel love in giving and in trusting that it will be given back there can be no fear or negativity.

Jason said Sep 25, 2012

Q & A with Erik m. cont...


How do I or how can we know if we are fulfilling our life plans?


"You know, because you, in the midst of asking questions about yourself, you are able to find a peace, a sense of self love, and true joy and contentment, a comfort in how you understand yourself as you make your way through the world as you see it. You won't just know this as an answer to the questions, 'Am I this, Am I that, Is this me?' You will understand and feel this on a soul level that shines through your perception of life. You will be able to say with conviction, I am joy, I am love, I am comfort, I see myself in you and I know we are united in soul in this conviction. It's not this this feeling is a plan of action, but that this feeling carries you further into plans of action of your choice, in line with who you are. If when asking yourself, 'Is this me, is that me, Am I what they say, in this situation who am I, does this experience feel like me', if in the midst of asking those questions you encounter feelings of doubt, fear, worry, and lack, then it's safe to know that the experiences, perceptions, beliefs and situation are not you. Then it's up to you to come to an understanding of why that is. Which leads you to more choices, which will lead you to more questions. One does not need a near death experience, an angel, or a preacher to tell you if you are following your life plan, the right path or true purpose. All you need to do is follow your heart and come to terms with it. It's this process that will give you the comfort and security and understanding of the path you are on. You are on the path to remembering yourself. We do this through experiences. When you come to terms with them as being relevant to who and who you are not, then you will know that they have been a part of your life plans. The possible intentions of your probable choices are planned within your purposes of your life plans. This decision to come to Earth was not planned alone, nor did you come to Earth with failure as an option. You did not come alone, nor are you ever left alone. How you see this is a choice. How you react to this is a choice. How you let this affect your further intentions in regard to more choices, is yet another question to ask. Who are you now." -- Erik m.

"In every moment of every day, you have the opportunity to pause. IN that moment, you have the choice to be open to thought, or create a thought. Should you choose, you have opportunity on what that thought is, regardless of what you are feeling. It's that thought under choice that becomes intention. It's that intention, should you choose it, that can drive an action, that creates, attracts, repels, or transforms further experience, more in line with who you are, or further out of line. It's your choice. Every moment, every day. You." -- Voices of Spirit


Jason here: I know in my own life, I often get into the mindset of,

"Oh, I've not been doing this or that', or 'Oh, jeeze, I should have', or 'wished I had done this or that". When that happens, I am reminded of some of my discussions I've had with Erik. Where he asked me, "OK dude. So, you have all these regretful feelings. You're feeling all this resistance. You can still do stuff, Is there any of those things you'd be willing to do right now. Just pick one.".... And I'd say, "but I don't want to".. and he'd say, "Ok, well, why not?"...and I'd say, "because I want to do this".... And he'd say, "ok, fine. You're doing what you want. That's fine. Why hold onto regrets. You're living how you want. The issue isn't about obsessing over what you think you should do, but coming to terms with what your willing to do... "now". That's who you are, but not all you are. It's just a choice. It's fine. We are ok with it. If you want more, do more, but don't worry over what your not willing to do now."


"Just because other people shit, doesn't mean you have to wipe it. You can show them the toilet, but you'll never be able to make them flush. Don't forget to shut the door behind you or it's still gonna stink. (laughing)"--Erik to Jason on people who are upsetting.