Relationship villains

Q) -- Relationship villains: How they fit into life plans. How do we deal with the incarnate and dis-incarnate ethics of such a concept how does this tie into perceptions of good and evil and right and wrong.

A) --- What is a villain in the totality of your experience? Do you see yourself as this life? Are you bound, chained, left on earth, blind to all greater realities? What is the reality of your soul-scape? What exists for you? If you believe in life planning, how would you plan it? What would wish to do, see, learn, and experience? How would you go about it? What goals and plans would you set for yourself.? What is your nature, and how does this play a role in what you seek for yourself? What did you come here for? If you knew this and could remember this, your focus would be broad enough to see the methods for achieving these goals. Many life goals are purely of an emotional nature. To know thyself through the emotional manifestations of the self. In Spirit you are all you will ever be. You are knowing, you are creative emotion in the middle of expansion. How will you understand this? How will you understand the heart of who you are? You can know about a thing, but will you truly know it without experience it in a way that allows you to discover yourself without fetters? One method is to experience physicality with such narrow focus you forget all else to the exception of that which you wanted to experience. One of things is often emotional aspects of the self. To achieve this goal you have to set up situations that will allow you to encounter dualities to work through. This is where your so-called relationship villains come into play. Your loved ones in Spirit often agree to help you achieve your goals. These are deep loving relationships. They are willing to make sacrifices and hold off their own development for your sake. Say you wanted to explore forgiveness as an aspect of your soul. So you go to someone who has been a beloved family member time and time again in your incarnational cycle. You ask them to treat you badly, and hurt you. So that in the temporary blindness of incarnation you can work towards forgiving them and yourself. If successful you might just master the skill through experience. Thereby creating an expansion in your souls awareness of all that is. Then you can help guide others by not only your knowledge of experience, but by the energetic pathway your hard work carries out. Your work makes it easier for others self assigned burdens. Every one's hard work and increasing awareness changes the awareness of the other. So to then do whole groups and whole societies gain in awareness and expansion. This allows for ever greater experiences based in love. Ever greater manifestations of your self in the act of creation. Ethics, good and evil, is nothing more than a matter of your current perception.