Shadow People

It's a world wide phenomena. One in which I have seen. It's one of the many experiences that launched my investigations into the unknown. There are countless of websites, many videos, many radio interviews, books, many photos, and innumerable anecdotal evidence in peoples personal stories from all corners of the globe. Details and content will vary "Greatly" depending on religious context if any.

A popular perspective is that if this isn't "real", then the entire world is experiencing a mass hallucination. That these hallucinations are just a part of normal biological brain/visual function.

But, dig just a wee-bit below the surface and you'll find a plethora of opinion on the topic. Like most topics beyond the measurable tangible sciences; this topic has no hard data beyond theories.

Some of which-pertaining to their nature are:

-That they are dis-incarnate souls (human) unable or unwilling to move on.

-That they might be astral traveling humans or dream forms.

-That they are evil spirits of an unknown nature.

-They are demonic.

-They are extra terrestrials.

-In metaphysical circles they are thought of as doppel gangers or the so called "Shadow self" Your dark side made manifest in Spirit.

-They are ultra-dimentional/multi dimensional beings of unknown origins and agenda.

-They seems to be different than so called "residual haunting".

-They appear in 3-5 different forms. *humanoid, *hat man, *cloak and cowl being, *hag form, *misc. shaped-orb, **some have read eyes and features. They can vary greatly is size, height, and movement.

-Many stories feature malevolent feelings, fear, silent watching. Some people say they are dangerous others say they can't actually harm you only feed off fear.

-They are frequently associated with sleep disorders such as sleep paralysis.

-Locations vary but frequently feature bedroom visits.

-Some stories would seem to indicate they can seem 2 dimensional to 3D, and can flicker between both. It varies widely. One idea is that this flickering or movement between 2D and 3D shadow shape is because they are traveling between dimensions and trying to be in two places at once.

-Supposed communication is often scary, disturbing, or of no help to human existence.

-A few stories and theories say that they are just another way "normal" dis-incarnate spirits can appear.

-Some believe that any Spirit can materialize in a "lesser" form that to us appear as any type of shadow or shape. This includes shadow orbs. And that these shadows can be any being or any type.

-Lastly, according to many who claim to be clairvoyant; They are often seen before a death and are associated with foretelling.

As you can see there is a huge variety of opinion on the subject.So much so in fact; that I see it as pointless to post any links or further info. Just searching the internet will get you more hits than you could ever look at. It can be extremely difficult talking to children and others who see them or have had experiences with them. The problem is usually 3 fold. 1) A proper response is going to depend greatly on the religious beliefs of the household. 2) They viewer is usually terrified. 3) The experience is and will often be considered one of the most "REAL" experiences of the persons life. How does one deal with that? How do you talk to children about that? Well I am not going to presume to tell any parent how to raise their child. BUT, if it were me and mine, I would take the traditional Spiritualist afterlife view and talk about the need to raise everyone's spiritual level/vibration (closer to God), etc., and that we as a family need to seek God's and higher level spirit intervention- to ask the being to move away. Now the caveats: 1) If you believe these are non human spirit beings then you need to seek to educate yourself with protection methods that mesh with your beliefs. 2) If you believe they are extra-terrestrial- dimensional non human, you need to seek help from those in that field.

I, myself have seen them a few times. You can read about that in my journal. Once I saw a cloaked form with the red eyes; But I thought it was just a spirit. It didn't scare me, just surprised me. And it was an extremely brief experience. The other times, were in the reflected surface of my tv set- in doorways. And that was human silhouette forms that seemed 2D and flickered in and out of existence. I certainly don't claim any expertiese on the topic, but I believe that communication with your God, the light, whatever, your Spirit guides, Angels via yourself, or a medium, ect. can help you get through it.


Shadow people archive

Image search: 1, 2, 3, 4


Darkness walks

Rosemary Ellen Guiley's Viewpoint