September 2012

September 30 2012

Wait not,

do responsible joy,

live gracious forgiveness,

love yourself compassionately,

and serve in friendship.

Destiny is never found,

nor does it find you.

It is nothing more than acceptance

of purposeful intent

as you put one foot

in front of another

on a path if your choosing.


A very busy weekend here. I spent most of it with family and communing with nature ala the garden. This weekend I got all my fall bulbs planted. Garlic, Onion, hyacinth, daffodil, tulip, crocus, ornamental onions, and lots of fall clean up. Hope all is well with you. I've got some correspondence and topics lined up to blog about over the next couple of weeks, in between family visits. We will have to see how far I get on that. Take care everyone and have a great week!

September 28 2012

In my dreams, I want to dance on a rainbow and get lost in it's colors eating clouds like cotton candy. With sticky fingers I wanna hold hands and laugh, until I can't breathe. I won't be able to see because of the sun, but none of it would matter because you'll be there. The greatest dreams are felt with utter abandon.

The greatest love is lived with it.


The only symbol that matters is how you see your heart


So much of what we think is seen, is not as it would seem. So much of what we believe is not understood. So much of what we think we understand has never been felt. What we feel is often only through blindness. So we seek to bring our light to the heart of matter. To live life as we would see it.


Perception of the unseen is not the same thing as perspective, clarity nor discernment. These unto the self is entirely another matter. That view requires dedication to intentive thought. It's always a momentary awareness, yet when focused on it remains always present.


A great deal of worry and frustration is often given to what should, or shouldn't been seen of life, of spiritual views and thought. The certainty of the unknown having a right or wrong often takes precedent over how such experiences feel, in such that the identity of everything the viewer ever sought is questioned. Better to simply experience how the view feels to the heart. Does it give meaning to how one views the self and the world, or does it diminish that feeling? If you are still uncertain, it is safe to assume you can spend more time experiencing the view.


A hundred books, a thousand sayings waiting, yet if the heart is never read, truth will never be heard.


Focusing on the life you don't want to live again may seem to assert your evaluation life lived, although it can speak volumes of the life you are not living. When we make judgements based on painful reactions to experience we often don't take into consideration perspectives we might have had before the experience, perceptions beyond sight, and the perceptions of others. Many times what pains us was the very reason we came to this life. Although not for the reasons we think. In many cases it comes down to faith that there is more going on that we presently understand. And the belief or lack there of that we entered into life knowing what we were signing up for. Faith that we are capable and on the path to heal, love, and share our experiences not just for the greater good, but our greater good. Spirit can tell someone truth, but unless we accept it as our truth we will never experience it.


We often see the real us on the shelf behind our experiences, yet, we are afraid to reach high enough for it out of fear of falling. In reality, there is no reason to fear. For we are the shelf. There is nothing to reach for, no where to stand. It is simply a matter of how you see yourself. What of yourself, have you placed on your shelf, did you shelve it somewhere you fear to reach for?


The other day I heard someone say,

"Easier said that done".

My thought was, "Damn, that's true" 'So easy that I am doing nothing. So easy that I am done. This is a farce. There is no such thing as done. Done is a subjective state or flavor of life. If your done, you have nothing else to say, nothing else to express, nothing to share, nothing to give, no where to go, nothing to live for, nothing to contribute, nothing to smell, nothing to taste, nothing to dance to, nothing to see, nothing to hear, nothing to do. Who get's to say? Only you? Did you listen to someone else's opinion on when your done, and how to get it done? That's easy. Giving yourself permission to create your own recipe for life, That's hard.'


The least of us shows us how to be the greatest.

September 27, 2012

Random musings:

I am not sure when exactly, but there came a time recently when I realized, everything I thought I knew was wrong, and every thing I assumed yet to be was possibly probable. None of it mattered more than how I saw myself in this moment. All lies, all stupid, all irrelevant next to this present moment. Unless I lived now, unless I could accept myself now, I didn't exist. Which was interesting. Now no matter what I thought, what I hoped, the pain I am in, how I feel, I know I live and I am here. Its only this very moment that I can choose in spite, de spite, or because of any of it. But best of all I can be content with just being me. Its a process. I feel better or worse some-days, but I know I am here. I think that's whats keeping me here. I am trying to love me now. Not then, not someday. Not anyone else. I think that drive to love now is what drives me to make me and now more or less loveable as it happens. Sometimes it feels like an epic failure others it feels fantastic. I think that's enough. I think the key for me is to get my mind to stop leaping about from past to future, association to thought to memory. To just be still. That and a hug would be nice....haha


Fear, doubt, worry. All that discomforts, has at their root, a manifestation of these.


The plan to offer love within a life, be it as parent, child, spouse, sibling or friend can very often be enough purpose to last a life time.


Some dreams are forgotten

Lost to a time

last note played,

danced on stage.

But when when we

allow our experiences

to linger with

vision and love,

What seemed dead

lives again,

and again


Dances that tune



In the darkest night of my soul, you were there. I felt you. I knew you. And even though I didn't reach out for you, You held me anyway. And then when I had no one to turn to, you and yours became mine, or rather, I remembered you always were. And so even though we can not touch you, fingers to hand, flesh to sight. We live life with you still. For that, even on grave days, full of grief, there is a happiness to our souls. Because even though we often feel lost, you know our way. So today, when others memories take us to those places of darkness, grief and sad memory. In my own memory, I see only your love. Just want to say thanks.


Sometimes knowing great love, is enough to last across lifetimes. More often, finding the courage to give a little of it, is enough for a life. It is when we realize that there is no true difference, we transcend experience, understanding love eternal, the wellspring of the soul.


There is room in the heart for every feeling, but it beats only for one.


But, can be a dirty word. Don't speak like an ass.


He who fears foolishness, has never felt the joy a fool brings to an act. A comedy, a farce, a rhyme, satire, skit. Being fooled is never as fun as fooling yourself, yet surrendering to the fool, is to touch that part of us that only fools rush into.

September 26, 2012

My friend Nikki had a channeled message yesterday to pass along from her Guardian Angel on Experience:

"The choice of life, has been going on for centuries.

We have always had the choice to concentrate on love and joy and let go of fear.

Joy is the expectation of love. Joy is knowing that everything works out perfectly and as planned, always!

Joy is knowing we will not forget, therefore we do not need to continue to repeat. Joy is eternal love.

It is in choosing joy even when faced with sorrow that we align with our souls plan.

We choose to remember the eternal bonds,

the smiles, the hugs, the love that lights the way.

We do not need the physical,

we have eternal bonds of love that will never be forgotten.

When one can finally grasp that concept, there is no more grief,

no more what if's,

no more longing for the physical.

We have all we need in the memories and the love that lingers.

When one can smile, and know we are all together despite sight, despite sound, but with a warmth in their heart that they are eternally connected to all lives, and all those souls of the light." --- Elle, (Angel)


I know in my own life, I often get into the mindset of,

"Oh, I've not been doing this or that', or 'Oh, jeeze, I should have', or 'wished I had done this or that". When that happens, I am reminded of some of my discussions I've had with Erik. Where he asked me, "OK dude. So, you have all these regretful feelings. You're feeling all this resistance. You can still do stuff, Is there any of those things you'd be willing to do right now. Just pick one.".... And I'd say, "but I don't want to".. and he'd say, "Ok, well, why not?"...and I'd say, "because I want to do this".... And he'd say, "ok, fine. You're doing what you want. That's fine. Why hold onto regrets. You're living how you want. The issue isn't about obsessing over what you think you should do, but coming to terms with what your willing to do... "now". That's who you are, but not all you are. It's just a choice. It's fine. We are ok with it. If you want more, do more, but don't worry over what your not willing to do now."


Many times in my own life, I've experienced "Drama" not because life was done to me, or not given to me, or that I was being punished, but because I was being selfish.....

Not in regard to other people, but in regard to myself. I was refusing to look, feel, and live who and as I really am as a soul,,,,, out of avoidance, inaction. Out of selfishness.

This can be a visceral and toxic mode that can lead to all sorts of nasty things such as addition and self destruction. It can happen to any of us.

We can help ourselves get out of this rut, by taking action on the opposite of personal selfishness....

Focus on the intention with generous gratitude....

it's a responsible selflessness. A devotion to one's best interest, that in the light, that We are each other, experiencing each other.

Sometimes that means not giving into hiding, avoidance, ignoring, denying, and running from our perceived lack of self love.

It's a choice.

A moment by moment choice.

To live selflessly, or live selfishly.

This dualistic theme over experience is NOT something spirit, angels, or anything we pray to can FIX for us. We can not lay such on them.

They can help us see ourselves as we really are.

They can help guide us to choices and views that can heal ourselves,

They can help provide energy, love, and support while we embark on our personal salvation and transformation,

but This process is all about us.

It's a journey for everyone.

There is no ultimate do or don't, right or wrong,

It is the journey of the soul consciously participating in all that is.

Love the fear and doubt you feel,

for that is a clue that you are more than what you perceive.

Thank it,

and create something more in line with how you perceive yourself. Even if it's just you saying I am going to have a new attitude.

It is not that you will now be able to avoid pain,

but by simply changing your intent. It is now that you are more aware and in an enabled position to choose how you experience it,

and will react to it.

It doesn't have to define you.

Through such, you will be in a position to help transform others experience,

while transforming your own.

This is not something you can analytically or methodically or dramatically force your way through.

You have to feel your way through.

Heart before head, one step at a time.

Don't worry too much.

After that first step, you'll be running in no time.

Remember: with generous's a responsible selflessness. A devotion to one's best interest in the light that We are each other, experiencing each other.


Mountains, become dust of the desert blown across the sea, to become storm clouds of destruction. But even these are blown clear under the new sky's of the sun's light. Don't fight, worry or focus on the weather. Remember each place has it's season, and the sun always returns.


I had a fascinating lucid dream the other night. I think it was more than just a dream. I was walking around this huge building. The whole setting had this sort of Victorian era feel crossed with something very ancient. I was me, but not me. I mean, I was myself, but didn't really look like myself. I was wandering around going through mysterious vast, long and winding hallways. Hundreds of ornate halls, doors, windows without glass. I think, off and on I was with a group of people. I knew them, and there was some sort of hierarchy to them, but I ended up splitting off from them. I entered this one room, or open area in the building. There was an ornate and lush pool. My friend Nikki was in the pool with others. She got out and we started wandering around the building. It was us going through this massive building, marble and stone, guild, and ornate decor. In many ways it totally reminded me of something that would be sort of like a cross between Harrods dept store, a museum, and a palace like hotel. For example, in one area, There were these huge open rooms, just like in Harrods or a luxury dept store, like a food court, where you could get every sweet, cake, ice cream, candy, known to mankind. They lined case after case, like at the state fair. Every variation, every variety, every taste. Waiting for us. You could have whatever you wanted. In the dream I asked one of the counter staff, if they made all this every day..and they just smiled at me with a knowing smile. I remember looking with longing at the case full of candy and thinking..oh gosh....I want to taste bad....And I knew I could sample anything and I was overwhelmed. We wandered around some more and there were all these little interconnecting rooms, like in an antique mall or warehouse, these rooms that had like a museum like display, but like an antique store..... of fashion, possessions and things from each of the earth eras, shoes, toys, books, dresses, suits, kitchen stuff, farm stuff, plants, bedding, you name it. You could touch it, riffle through it, and feel it, and wallow in the nostalgia. There were even these rooms that was a huge mix of stuff like a general store, and I knew you could learn about stuff here, while sampling it. The whole vision, dream, or whatever it was was very unusual. I knew I was sleeping, and I could totally control what I did, and where we went, and I interacted with Nikki and she responded to me, although I have no clue what we said. Funny thing about that dream. Ive had dreams of this place before and feel like i know it well. I seem especially fixated on that room with all the food! ha ha.. Weird I know! Sure makes me wonder........


Q & A with Erik m. cont...


How do I or how can we know if we are fulfilling our life plans?


"You know, because you in the midst of asking questions about yourself, you are able to find a peace, a sense of self love, and true joy and contentment, a comfort in how you understand yourself as you make your way through the world as you see it. You won't just know this as an answer to the questions, 'Am I this, Am I that, Is this me?' You will understand and feel this on a soul level that shines through your perception of life. You will be able to say with conviction, I am joy, I am love, I am comfort, I see myself in you and I know we are united in soul in this conviction. It's not this this feeling is a plan of action, but that this feeling carries you further into plans of action of your choice, in line with who you are. If when asking yourself, 'Is this me, is that me, Am I what they say, in this situation who am I, does this experience feel like me', if in the midst of asking those questions you encounter feelings of doubt, fear, worry, and lack, then it's safe to know that the experiences, perceptions, beliefs and situation are not you. Then it's up to you to come to an understanding of why that is. Which leads you to more choices, which will lead you to more questions. One does not need a near death experience, an angel, or a preacher to tell you if you are following your life plan, the right path or true purpose. All you need to do is follow your heart and come to terms with it. It's this process that will give you the comfort and security and understanding of the path you are on. You are on the path to remembering yourself. We do this through experiences. When you come to terms with them as being relevant to who and who you are not, then you will know that they have been a part of your life plans. The possible intentions of your probable choices are planned within your purposes of your life plans. This decision to come to Earth was not planned alone, nor did you come to Earth with failure as an option. You did not come alone, nor are you ever left alone. How you see this is a choice. How you react to this is a choice. How you let this affect your further intentions in regard to more choices, is yet another question to ask. Who are you now." -- Erik m.

"In every moment of every day, you have the opportunity to pause. IN that moment, you have the choice to be open to thought, or create a thought. Should you choose, you have opportunity on what that thought is, regardless of what you are feeling. It's that thought under choice that becomes intention. It's that intention, should you choose it, that can drive an action, that creates, attracts, repels, or transforms further experience, more in line with who you are, or further out of line. It's your choice. Every moment, every day. You." -- Voices of Spirit

September 25, 2012

Being aware of and in communion with Spirit has nothing to do with self attainment, evolution or enlightenment. Self awareness through the light of choice, love, and holding the true self to your heart is the only way to liberate yourself from what you suffer from. Open your heart to awareness of your song, and commune with your highest possible self. You can do this. All it takes is you asking yourself, Is this me? Is this love? What can I do today that feels like me?


Keep what is truly yours. If it can be true to you, be true to it. Whatever you believe about it, own it. If it is not yours. It it is not you. Let it go with love and gratitude. It helped you understand.


We focus on what we feel is important. It's a value judgement. It doesn't' really say anything about us as a soul. It's about us looking through tinted glasses at the world around us. We feel it to be real, valid, and of important based on the feelings it brings up in us. If we take off the tinted glasses, what hues, what feelings will be revealed. If what we are feeling is a result of looking through these glasses, why look at something that is only important when seen through tinted glass?


We often suffer to understand what we are not. It is not just that an action, place, circumstance or situation must or need be denied, or turned away from, but that we come to fully understand in context, what we are. This is not something that can be told, it must be remembered with feeling. We are driven to create, and experience our creations, and our co creations, through which, our feelings ride on great waves of perception. Until one day, we say, I am not this raft in a storm, I am not this lonely island, I am not this fish, this minnow, this shark, this algae, this rock at the bottom of the sea, One day you will say, I am the ocean.


Your relationship to your higher self is in a way, analogous to a slide projector, or as my friend Ash said, a kaleidoscope. Each lifetime is a slide. It has personality, form, color, subjects, tells a story, invokes memory, invokes emotion, and can be played and seen again and again. But while each slide is unique and stands alone, it is also a part of a whole reel of slides. Each connected and played in a projector through a focused lens. Depending on what is focused on, light shown through. Who is viewing it, what is seen is subjective. Your higher-self is the projector. Your current awareness is the slide being projected and focused on. But, you also are aware that there are other slides in a circle around you. All of it, is you. In some ways the kaleidoscope is an even better analogy. Because, the possibility for variation of view or focus is seemingly infinite within a scope.


Sometimes thinking about what if, if only, and why, can cause us to worry and fear. It not that such questions are bad, but that such things are not about us creating experience to understand ourselves. In the myriad fluidity of possible focuses, we become out of focus, and so one can get stuck in a stagnate phase, stuck, finding this strange emotional resistance. It feels funny, we don't know whats wrong....but really, its not that anything is wrong per say, but rather we are standing still looking around everywhere but inside ourselves. Even if we can but refocus on our feet, and take just one baby step it will be enough to release the feeling and get momentum going again. But here's the thing. Life can only go on auto pilot up to a certain point. After which, the nature of the self and consciousness is such that the ego subconsciously seeks reconnection to its higher-self through greater awareness. So instead of asking, where am I, where am I going, what should I do, it starts asking, who am I, who are we. These two forces especially on earth, play out as dualistic experiences, physical vs spiritual, self vs unity. And so life becomes a journey of consciousness. Part of that journey is learning to balance experience through order and chaos into this comfort, where the who is not just known, but contextually known. This process is experience. Now some of this can be quiet painful, but lead to great joy. Very often the greater the contrast the deeper the understanding attained. This contextual experience can rapidly expand spiritual awareness in such ways that greater more joyful possibilities become more probable in ways that could have never been realized before the dualistic hardship. So in a way all these experiences, are the ultimate illusion and a sign of our power and creative drive. To be a creator one much have experience with the media. That media is life in all that is. To know a thing is not understanding it. As a soul we hunger to truly understand all that we can be within emotional context. Some of that especially on earth can be pretty intense. So much so that we often tie ourselves to experiences of contrast and duality over and over again. Approaching themes of life from all angles. So we can sit in life and try to dream up, those if - then scenarios, or we can surrender to our highest possible self and try to 'do'. Do by baby steps or leaps and bounds. Sometimes even premature starts and fits. Every move or inaction is of value in the ultimate purpose. Asking the question, who am I. Sometimes simply saying, yes I am or no I am not is enough to last a lifetime, and in the end that's a life well lived. There is always more to us than meets the eye, and what you focus on is the question.


(humor) It often seems like I am a glutton for self punishment. (haha) Nahhhh.. really I just like to learn the hard way. Same as anyone else! I like to stuff my big-ass being into an itty-bitty brain, and really get down to the nitty-gritty dirt of the earth, a super tight intense focus and dig my hands deep in the salt of the earth. It really makes me feel alive, when I can rise up from all that muck, take a deep breath, and scream, 'I am still alive, this feels soo intense, YEAH!' Sometimes I can seem to get stuck in the mud and I can get into this rut and start thinking, 'damn, I must really suck at learning'.. But really I don't think that's the case. People can shake their finger at me and wag their heads side to side, and say, 'see I told ya so, you should have done, thought, this or that'.. But I don't really care. I am trying to really get to know me and I know I'll be done, when I am done. Whatever that is, whenever that is, will be perfect for me! Sometimes that may take lifetimes, or even just a lifetime, but I will remember myself, and shine. I'll lift myself up from that muck and fly. Although I'll tell you what.... I don't think I need things the hard way, or the self punishment. I know I'll come up with better and better ways to remember myself. Habits are hard to break, especially when the world tries to tell me what to think. So just for today, I am not going to worry. Just for today I am going to look forward, Just for today I am going to take one step, Just for today I am going to be me, and do it. Wanna help?


If you feel like your a magnate for people who bug you, simply figure out ways to switch your polarity. Rather than say you don't like, don't want, wish, or even .... hate.....literally move, do, go, act, create, recreate, and say you are the opposite of what bothers you. If that means moving you out of your element, taking a year or more to enact this change, so be it. But change happens when you do. Attract, repulse, move, or change.


"Just because other people shit, doesn't mean you have to wipe it. You can show them the toilet, but you'll never be able to make them flush. Don't forget to shut the door behind you or it's still gonna stink. (laughing)"--Erik to Jason on people who are upsetting.

September 24, 2012

I had a very good time along Lake Superior this weekend. Fall is in full swing here, with lots of red in the trees. I woke up this morning to 35 degrees. Time to get out the winter hats. We went to my nephews' 2nd birthday party. Hot dogs and cupcakes. He got cardboard blocks. he'd stack them up and knock them down while screaming and laughing, to the blitz of camera flashes. It was fun. We also had a "salsa" making party with the in-laws. We made about 2 gallons of hot and mild tomato and pepper salsa from the garden. My dog, "BOO"; is a little beagle. And he is in love with my in-laws biggest Irish Setter, "Molly". In this photo she kinda looks like a monkey.. ha ha.... But he loves those red-heads! Giggle.....


Random musings:

In some way...ALWAYS of your choosing, physical difficulties are often in line with opportunities to show others how to be a light regardless of physical state. Only the soul strong, the brave, those with grit, true heart, great hope, and the greatest of love....Attempt it here on Earth. Spirit always honors your life. You live, where others fear to tread. Your light shines a path so that others may follow. Your sacrifice, your pain, serves all and heals souls.


Life unfolds best and naturally when you allow it. Take time to look at what blooms.


I've never felt like there was much nostalgia, sentimentality or yearning for a former place, time, or people in my life...I think rather what I tend to wish for is the chance to make new happiness in a place like that, or, with them, on my time. Same with goals and dreams....I don't think I've had one since I was a teen. For the longest time I always assumed that was a character fault, but now I just say, screw that someday shit. I am working at what I want right now. No regrets. Eternity awaits, get the f out of my way....haha


My heart only knows what I think I see. I feel like its truth because I believed. I tried to live it, but then my heart met you. No longer knowing what to believe, I had to feel again, what I thought I saw. Perhaps, I saw what I wanted, and wished it were true. Maybe what truth I felt wasn't you at all, maybe it was just me all along. Thats ok. I am ok with coming to terms with myself. I know that process can feel like love, if only I would believe in me.


One can come to an understanding of life experiences through fear, or through love. Really, it's just a point of view. Each valid. It's often simply a matter of focusing your intent over and over again. You can look at life from a position of lack and mistakes. Or you can look at it from a position of value and experience.


Don't worry too much about meditation, or what you think that should feel like. The mind has a strong tendency, unguided, to leap from association to association along lines of emotional attachment. Soon, before you know it, what you brought with you, hidden, under the surface of your consciousness, will take your thoughts and feelings so far from your intent that you will have forgotten it. It's quite natural. Better to simply fill the mind with intentive thought, and work at continually refocusing it. If you get lost, or way-laid, know there is a good reason. Try to separate the cascading chain of memories and look at what is behind that image, and what caused you to think of it. What emotions led you to it, and then what was it that made your mind come to rest on the uncomfortable memory or image. With some work, you will eventually be able to disassociate yourself from these series of mental leaps and come back to your original intentive thought. This is active meditation, which is different than passive meditation, and different than clairvoyance or mediumship. So, don't worry too much. There is a lot more going on than we often assume. Better to simply know your intent.


Never underestimate the drive to feel emotion in context. To the soul it is everything.

September 21, 2012

I am going out of town this weekend. I just wanted to wish Erik a very happy birthday. It is also Andy's transition anniversary as well.

A very hard week for sure, but also one to celebrate all of our eternal natures.

I know the boys are out spreading their love all around. They have a lot of it still to give.

Their love, This is what i see in you. These mothers who have lost, They have held life like a face between their palms. They show that love like that never dies, for those lives, and say, I love you always, and I will love you again. Their strength. Their motherhood. Its one of the reasons, I wish to live. Not because I am weak and need a reason, but because I see their bravery, their beauty, the hope in their life. Their souls chose it, They create and live it and make it into something eternal. Moms like that may have lost, but their giving themselves to the world, giving everything. I wanna know love like that.......never give up.

There will always be more, more you, more life, more to live, you just have to go for it. Do it.

Remember. You are full of wonder. Life is worth living.


A few of friends of mine in Spirit wanted to say something about Spirit emotion. My friend Eric (Nikki's son) started off by saying that they absolutely see the emotions we go thru. And he can relate and does feel compassion towards us. If we are sad, he knows it is us missing him and the love we have for him. His heart swells with pride at the love we continue to have and even though we are sad, he knows it is the experience we all agreed to go through. They see our ups and downs as triumphs and successes. With every low their's is a high. The biggest accomplishments often come after the hardest times.

Another friend of mine, Earl (One of Nikki and I's guides) chimes in, "there would never be guilt on our part, for instance when we see you cry or miss us, we do not feel guilty for dying or leaving you, because we know this is all part of the life plans of everyone involved and that you are ultimately wanting this on a soul level. We are not cold hearted. We often comfort you or guide you to a funny memory or happy moment. We would never want you to stay in that place of sadness. You have to remind yourself, this is all a play, an experience, you wanted to be the star and you are. We watch with amazement and delight. Because in the end the curtain goes up, out we walk as supporting stars, hand in hand and we all take a big bow.

No one is angry or upset or jealous we all celebrate the chance to have been a part of something magnificent. Your magnificence. If only you could know there is no need to worry or stress or judge, it always ends in a big party and a loving celebration. You can do no wrong. If you feel like you slipped up, well, maybe that is the time when the audience was most engaged. Impromptu lines and quick song and dance. Make it your own, we don't have a problem with that. But do it with joy and love. Whatever you choose, we back you up. You are on the right path, there really isn't a wrong one. Even with Eric the path he was on ,was his. It wasn't a mistake, it was HIS. His journey, his role, he did a bang up job and we are proud of all that has taken place. We have your back and we cheer you on. You are doing great!

Another friend in Spirit (M.) One of Nikki and I's guides) then said the following;

"So lets talk about spiritual emotion a little more.

We do not own any emotions other than love. That is the beauty of the transition, nothing but love.

We do get to watch and experience emotions thru you. Your plans and choices.

That is amazing for us. We watch you suffer and feel pain and make choices out of fear and worry. we don't

feel them but we can remember those feelings and we relate to them. We cheer you on to choose love. To always

choose love. And for some that is easier than others depending on the life you set up for yourself.

Every soul knows love. but it is in the remembering of the love that we experience our plan.

Some have layers and layers of emotions that cover up the love. The layers of fear, abuse, jealousy, vindication, loss

materialism etc. Making yourself feel good is not love, making a choice that makes everyone feel good IS LOVE.

here we choose only that which makes everyone feel love. I know that sounds impossible but when you no longer care about pleasing

yourself it is easy"

We do have the ability to connect with a soul on earth and feel what they are going thru. This is not an easy task and often it is not

a pleasant experience for the earthly soul. Our energies must merge and it can be frightening. It truly is best if we just observe.

However the merging does take place for various reasons. I hope I am being clear.

Despite not actually feeling your emotions we can see the rush the joy the exhilaration in one that suddenly chooses love over fear.

That exact moment when it all is right with the universe and they get it. OH....that we applaud and celebrate.

It is such a grand moment when one finally understands that love can and should always be the choice. Imagine if everyone chose love.

Chose what would make others feel love as well. It happens often, but can be overlooked. a smile a generous gesture, an offer to help

someone need, a warm blanket to a homeless person. When one chooses to feel love in giving and in trusting that it will be given back

there can be no fear or negativity.

September 20, 2012

Memory is a tentative thing, it leaps from emotion to association to memory. Better to let go of where you got lost and refocus on how you feel at this moment. It's that feeling that will lead you back to truth.


Sometimes to fully understand who we are, we need to create our potential. We do not fully understand just how high we can go, and so we fear how low we might be. To experience this and transform this vast energy takes great courage. It is for this we come here to this life. Courage over fear to remember who we are.


Uplift, create, and understand is to share with others.


I think one of the most important things you can do in life is to tell, show, live and feel your own truth. Be a truthsayer. Live without doubt, fear, shame or worry. Live whatever love and joy you can see. It's yours. Own it. Bring it. Do what you can today and let the rest go. Share what you can and help as you will. In the end, that's all there is. You, love, and the light of your love.


Just a quick note to my guides and soul family

In the darkest night of my soul, you were there. I felt you. I knew you. And even though I didn't reach out for you, You held me anyway. And then when I had no one to turn to, you and yours became mine, or rather, I remembered you always were. And so even though we can not touch you, fingers to hand, flesh to sight. We live life with you still. For that, even on grave days, full of grief, there is a happiness to our souls. Because even though we often feel lost, you know our way. So today, when others memories take us to those places of darkness, grief and sad memory. In my own memory, I see only your love. Just want to say thanks.


Sometimes what fear we know not, is not what unknown is lurking in the dark, but it is what joy is waiting we have to uncover. Our light shining in all the heavens. We can see it if we are brave enough to look.

What shadows you saw, what murk you felt, is not creeping up to get you, but rather it is you growing through lifting morning mist. To the budding clairvoyant, vision is like a flower. Through it's petals, light is seen, but it is not clear. It lays through flesh, spirit, and shadowed day dream vision. It's not that there is something bad waiting behind it's bud, but that it is for you to open up and bloom. To turn your head to the light and let it shine on your perceptions.

Your loved ones and angels have ever surrounded you. Nor would they allow any harm to come to you. This life is but a tool for you to remember your true self. Every tool is different. For some that is in doing. For others it is in being. For some, it is in seeing love through the fear. In truth, there is only your love creating what it will. The gestalts of the mind hold fast to the beliefs the world has said is truth. But the flower knows it's true nature, and simply waits to unfold itself in the light. Let go of what fear you can and paint your vision with love.

Visualize, picture, and imagine your guardian angel, family, loved ones in Spirit. Hold it to your heart and ask that you only communicate with them. Project your thoughts at that vision you hold and open your heart to the feelings, images, and thoughts you may get in return. For it is in those sensation's of love that your true self reside.

September 19, 2012

Hope your week is going well. I've been super busy with the new school semester. It's a mad rush to Winter through the falling leaves. I am also very busy in the garden with the fall harvest. Last night was no different. I spent a good chuck of time last night picking herbs, bundling them and hanging them in the kitchen in big bundles. It'll take a few weeks to dry and then I'll package them up for home use and family to cook with. It's one of the most economical things I can grow and it smells so good! I'll be out of town this weekend, but when I come back I hope to harvest the rest of my tomatoes, carrots, and start prepping all the beds for winter. oh, yeah, I also have all the fall bulb planting to do. I ordered a bunch of daffodils, crocus, and onion flowers, along with garlic. Although I still have 2 beds to dig for them. I'll post photos on my Flickr page as I go. Is anyone else out there gardeners? Have any photos online? I'd love to see them!


Upon what what is this I gaze that reflections of clouds dance across murky shadowed life as I gather rippled mirrors of my face. What is real? what can I touch? Can I know any of it, or is all an illusion? It is just a stream, and I am at it's banks trying to cross. Does that make any view of my gaze less relevant? No, It is my viewing, in this moment, that holds me. This too will pass, for look, another view comes, I walk by.


What is your vision of love? How will you in this moment stand for yourself in it? Life is not so much about doing, saving, change, healing, creating, but how you experience yourself. How do you wish to do this? How will you see yourself today? Does your vision include others, or does it require something of you to see yourself as you would see it? Sometimes the greatest love you can give is to love yourself so that you are in the position to love another. Thereby changing the world as you see it, one person at a time. It starts with you. Love and You.


x and y doesn't always add up. Not because your math or equation is wrong but because it does not apply to the situation like you think it should. Especially when it comes to "spirit meets physical'.


Be at such peace about what you want, that you need not do anything. That's who you are. Do what you need to, to be what you want, and be at peace that youre doing, what you can. Let go of everything else, as it's not for you, to be at dis-ease with.


A friend in Spirit of mine said,

"There is no right or wrong way to pray. Prayer is the language of the afterlife, just say what is in your heart. Your intent is "seen" your thoughts are "felt", your words are music to our ears."


I was reminded this morning that I wanted to need friends, family and Spirit. Not only have they all provided a touchstone to look at what has pained me, they've provided the foundation or key stone for me to remember myself and build something up in myself that is stronger. I think for me, they all are the mortar that holds my foundations. Like they are the cement of a family. I think it's these really basic simple concepts that what is important in a life theme. That's true purpose. Finding out about, remembering and looking at what makes up our foundations.

Sometimes, we can't see it until we become spirit again. Sometimes it takes life times. And sometimes all it takes is a life time of experience.


Erik commented on meeting and interacting with other lives, lifetimes, and aspects of your soul...

You can / will be able to also interact with your alternate selves.

You often do so in your dreams and OBE's now. Think of your soul as a giant computer running a ton of software. Some

is old, some is new, some is weird, some is cool, some is boring, some

is freaking scary, etc. but it's all running, and you can look at all

the processes at once, or one by one. It's all about consciousness focus.

And, you can have multiple operating systems as running as well. Only

in this current view of this present software, your screen shots and

print outs are gonna be kinda skewed due to the data your generating....

September 17, 2012

Sometimes in life you feel like a ship lost in a storm. You wonder at the desire to start a new course. In reality you simply need to pull in your sail, float, and step back. Then you'll see that what you thought was the storm, was simply you holding a ship in a bottle.


Purpose is not given. It is created.


Own your conscious intention, study your unconscious reaction.


The cause of your intent is never a singular happenstance. But planned with love.


Intention is relative to the acceptance of what is and isn't you.


Forgiveness is often not about the other person, but about letting go of that feeling you don't like about yourself.


A belief about the world will only dictate your course in life for as long as you refrain from looking at what you believe about yourself.


Much of truth lay beyond your present conscious focus. Better to let go of worry and focus on what feels like love.


Sometimes the bravest thing is to thank that which is mentally anguishing so that you may act more in line with who you really are. Sometimes it's not the act that is brave, but the acceptance and acknowledgement of what is or isn't you.

September 14, 2012

The only way to experience something is to make it happen, let it happen or change your view.


Whatever you decide, you will feel, and it will be OK one way or another, in this life, the next, or the hereafter.


I think whatever we do should matter to life, i mean engender living, not worry, not fear, not escapism, lots of people stop living out of fear of or for the hereafter.



I think the biggest question I have is the whole lack of feedback or lack of progression. I mean we have free will to want to do this stuff, so why doesn't it just happen. If i wanted to get hit by a truck I could walk out onto the highway and boom, done. If I want to communicate with angels why cant I?


Not an easy answer. I am not sure there will ever be one that will satisfy everyone. I used to believe that anyone, at any point could develop spiritual communication. But as my experience with various people over time passed; And while I believe that we are always one way or another in continuous communication on some level, I've come to realize that perception, perspective, belief, feelings, experience and biology are a huge factor.

Who knows. Does that mean the answer is always subjective, biological, pre life planned, or action based, or belief based or what? Heck if i know. All i can attest to is my own personal subjective experience and the material I've read. To me, that's all these things will ever be. Perspective, perception, belief, view. I really don't think there is any way, thing, or something in the physical that is going to change that. Some say to those not born with the ability (mediumship) that it can take years to decades to develop the experiences. Some even say such experiences are only signs of broken energy bodies or crazy people. I say that it's all point of view married with intention minus expectation. Even the simplest thought or prayer is communication. The breath, the will, the action, all taken with intention is received. When we don't experience things the way we expect we simply need to change our point of view. Sometimes that's painful, sometimes joyous. But it's a process. It's always fluid. In the end, it's just a life experience here on Earth and part of this play we signed up for. It's not who we are. We are more. We are spirit having an experience. It's up to us to set the stage, point of view, and act it out to our highest possible self. Sometimes there is never going to be an answer to why why why, because it's up to us to answer it, not spirit.


Just because you don't like someone else's view or experience doesn't make where either of you are coming from less valid.


We come to "this" life within agreed upon parameters of the system we chose to have experiences in. Some of that can manipulated during pre life planning. Some during life, and some by spirit. But whatever happens will follow certain parameters inherit to that system of reality. Saying you disagree and don't like it, doesn't change that system. Simply know this. It is not the only system, nor will you will you be eternally stuck with it. There is always choice one way or another.


Asking questions doesn't mean your weak. Seeking your own answers doesn't mean your crazy. Seeking your own truth is one of the bravest things you'll ever do.


Your personal experience matters and will always be represented even if you don't bring it out.


When we can't ask questions, we are just scared. We fear if we are wrong, then it means our fears were true. That's not who we really are. When we are brave enough to face our fears. Truth doesn't matter because we ultimately create our personal truth. Our personal truth will always be greater than what we imagine we have or don't have. Because we are always greater than anything we imagined in the past.


What is it about the need for validation of an objective reality? Because our subjective experience is always unique and has value. We seek to share with each other because together we are more than we could ever be alone. When we let go of worry over who's right or wrong, we can embrace and own our own experiences as worthy of living. Who we are not only matters, it has a place in a greater reality shared with one another.

September 13, 2012

We are the memory of a reflection in a meandering stream. Lost to sun, cloud, and the movement of rain against earth. Yet, the memory of that reflection remains ever iridescent in our being. Upon who's ponderance only grows brighter in the makeup of who we are. Shadowed not by fear, though fleeting, worry not over it's presence. For these waters never dry up, and the opportunity for more reflections only grow.


To the student; often times silence is not a rebuke or a mystery to discern, but rather is a call to ask more questions in new ways. Sometimes, it's not about the spirit in question at all, but rather it's about the student's self, it's place, and how it fits in line with the higher self.


The answer to everything must start somewhere, It began with a question, it's end rests with you.


The challenge of any quest comes from understanding action.


Silence means not a loss, but an opportunity to understand a new perspective. Change your approach and you may find what was hidden was simply waiting in a new light.


Attend without expectation but within dedicated intention. Focus that with action.



What can we do help enable communication with those who have gone before us?


Change your current view. Live life the best you can. Live with the belief you are not alone and you are surrounded by love. Think of it, speak to it, live with it. Let it be as real as anything you've lived before. Accept that you are heard and doubt it not. Live love now, to you're highest possible self and know you are not afraid. Do not fear. You can not be separate from a bond of love. It can not die, and it can not be otherwise. It is your birthright. Ultimately it is not how you see your loved one or not, it is how you see yourself as a spirit. I'll give you an example. Never once did I ever doubt if Spirit was real or not. Not really. I think on them, of them, and treat those thoughts, images, feelings as them. I talk to them with words, thoughts, mental images, and feelings regardless of response. I just assume and know I am heard and treat life as such. I write to them, dream of them and just live with them. Carry on with carrying on as best I can. Does that mean it's easy. Nope. It's damn hard sometimes. But I still do it. Sure it can be a faith thing. Sure it's subjective. But the weight of my subjective experience IS my objective reality. Life is too short to worry about it otherwise. So my best advice is this: 1) Imagine and visualize. 2) Speak, write, think and act to it 3) Know your never alone and love never dies. 4) carry on the best you can and do not worry 5 ) love is all there is. If it's not love, let it go.

September 12, 2012

I took a new video of my garden. It's not very good, but everything has grown out.

I've been busy planting fall shrubs, perennials, and bulbs.

September 11, 2012

Not too much going on mid week. I took today off due to illness. It's quite hot here. In the mid 90's. So I am glad I was not out and about at work. I do have one little tid-bit though.

I have a very brief comment I posted on CE, in response to a question. Additionally there are quite a few "jason's" out there in the world. If anyone ever wonders if it's me posting somewhere. I will always use the online handle jasonatshapeofacloud. Just so you know.

Ok, here is the Q & A


Erik said in today's channeling Erik blog post:, "And normally that will heal when the person who’s still living passes over and they can have a clear communication together, and then often if that person finds a medium or a psychic or whatever they call themselves, they can go to them, and then the spirit can heal in that way and let go of it."

Question: If there is no linear time in the afterlife why would a spirit need to wait until a person who's still living passes over in order to heal? Theoretically, they're spirits are also in the afterlife, due to the simultaneous existence of past, present and future. Do I have that wrong?


Jason Shapeofacloud

Hi there. Hope you don't mind me chiming in as well. Erik m once told me through Robert, that while in spirit as spirit they have the full range of emotions available, and more. Some of what comes across is intentional, so that the family can connect with that aspect, facet, or personality of the soul. Sometimes the emotion is presented to the medium or family because we NEED or NEEDED it at the time as part of the healing experience. But it's not a cold harded or fake thing. It's real. Kind of channeled emotion for them. Sometimes reliving it, sometimes in the now. And some of it is because the personality of the former life has not fully reincorporated with the higher self. Its always a mixed bag. Its better to ask questions on a one on one incident level. As far as why wait until the living person is dead. Well, it's about the state of being of the observer. On both sides of the veil. Belief, perception, focus, and perspective rules all thought based reality. So, sometimes we as incarnates are the biggest triggers for spiritual change on both sides of the veil. You very much can act the guide or angel while alive. There is more to reality than us vs erik's plane of being.

My friend Nikki had this to say about this topic:

In my opinion, spirit knows what earthly life feels like and they know exactly what we are going thru.Never do I feel that my emotions are affecting my Eric. I mean, I am pretty much OK with his death in that I know he is still around. But even when I cry and get sad I know he knows its just me missing him.

I responded with: You are correct. Although he is perfectly capable of sharing and feeling what you do when and if he chooses. And he has before, to all of us. But it wasn't because he was hurting, it was because he was wanting to share it and help us with it, out of love. When a Spirit does that a blending occurs and they feel what you feel and visa versa, ..depending. And he misses you as well. And they miss our fully conscious participation on his level, that is. But, as he reminds me often, he gets that when we sleep.

A friend of ours in Spirit then said:

"oh...its ok to cry and be said. It makes us realize how much you love us. It is all in the perspective. Tears can be love."

September 10, 2012

The greater the physical, mental and emotional contrasts in life, the greater chance change has to impact your perceptions of reality. On a personal, group, and global level.


Many times in this Channeling Erik community, we deal with loss, lack, and hardship. But many times, life is also about balance, simple experiences, enjoyment, just living, and having the physical opportunities we create. There are many souls who incarnate simply to participate, to serve, and to simply breathe.


Truly, only the strongest, bravest, most loving and compassionate souls experience what is seeming harsh lives. For it is their intention to leap beyond themselves, heal, serve, grow, and really understand. Hope is never freedom or release, but the chance to create opportunity.


When i was a boy, all I wanted was to fly. As an adult, I remembered all I had to do was let that happy feeling fly free.

September 08, 2012

Have a great weekend. I'll be in the garden playing in the dirt!


"Sometimes what seems like the biggest personality fault is just the really big light of the brightest souls begging to be re-focused. Rather than dim it's light, it might be better to aim it. (*ps-watch out for startled deer)(grin)" -- Erik


I found this image online and thought it was so funny

September 07, 2012

Q & A with Erik m. cont....


Saw this today:

What are yours and Erik's thoughts on animals and egos? Are humans the only living thing with an ego? I'm an animal lover, so these things interest me a great deal.


"You already know the answer to this my friend. Not only do animals have consciousness and souls, All living matter does. Now here's the kicker. What humans think of as "alive" is not what they think. They get stuck on putting a human face on everything. The thing is consciousness is not limited to "human-Earth" form. Nor is it limited to degree of "physical" self awareness. When Earth-humans think of person-hood they by default disregard their symbiotic and co-existing spiritual aspects. In my reality, in a greater reality. There is no separation. None. In fact all "matter"; ALL matter has "a form" of consciousness and spirit. Why? Because God source is in ALL that IS. Now, how, what, when, and how that will seem, behave, react, function, etc., is and can be wildly different than anything Earth-humans can conceive of in the physical of your present space/time. Other perceptions of space/time will recognize and interact with non-Earth-human consciousness differently. Your current consciousness and current awareness is a by product of your chosen group consciousness participation. So when you talk of consciousness and it's potential for a self aware ego, your not just talking about a singular physical manifestation, but many spiritual co-existing ones, AND all it's participating group consciousnesses as well. So when you ask about personhood, ego, consciousness, and things like that; you are correct, but it's important not to put a human face on it. These things exist, just not as current Earth-human perceptions perceive them. It's just different. And that is a product of choice, on different levels. Some of which we as earth-humans are just not going to understand. That's why it's so important to not worry about life, but honor life as yourself. Regardless of how life is used or not used, there is no right or wrong, but much of the time, it's in our best interest to honor it." -- Erik



So if Erik can split himself so many times, how do we know we are talking to the real Erik?


There is not going to be any objective physical "something" that is going to help you with discernment. You know what I am talking about. A lot of what you feel is really about the journey of consciousness, your own perceptions on how you see the nature of yourself as spirit. It's not just a belief system, or feeling, or series of physic and paranormal experiences. It's how we see the nature of our souls as they experience not only multiple dimensions, space time, but as they create and interact with physical manifestations. What is part, what is whole, what is neither. What I am trying to say is that "realness" is and always will be subjective. Not because proofs of connection can not be had, not because a medium or spirit describes something a specific way at one point in time, but because how we see our own ultimate reality is never fixed. It's fluid.

Erik has always made a pointed effort to get me to understand that humans concept of a Spirit "being with" someone is misunderstood. When we think of that, we are trying to put a loved one, a spirit into a linear space time place. With or with out us. Our souls consciousness and it's aspects do not work like that. There is no "where" to be. There is no time to be. There is no one connection. It's a state of being. A perceptual awareness. A view. It's a webwork or network of individualized action oriented creative thought. It's never a matter of being with or realness. It's a matter of "energetically tuning into" other energy. Think the internet. When a connection is made, the observer or user is "with" the server. Realness is always a function of two way intention, perception, and perspective.

What is the message that is passed between the two? How else would one judge, evaluate, or experience any measure of realness, what qualifies as real or not real. Truth or Falsehood. The only way is to look within and experience how such things feel to you. We take what resonates with us, as having meaning to how we perceive and understand ourselves.

When Erik talks about splitting, it's a metaphor. One of many ways of trying to explain energy to a physical point of view. To split is not to separate or make one aspect less than the other as in splicing physical wire. It's like the light of a sun reaching across a solar system. It's light can reach many places at the same time, but it is the same light. How bright, how strong, and how useful is subjective and depends on many states of beings. We can only understand other views when we seek to understand ourselves in other ways.


If you focus on what ails, you will only see more pain. Instead focus on what feels right to you. Then you will draw your attention to something that you can participate in which will feel more inline with who you are. It's about seeing opportunity for creation as opposed to examples of what is wrong. Build up what is right, That which you can personally touch. Do what you can, but don't focus on the pain you can not love.


The difference between being evolved and experienced is one of perception and perspective ruled with intention.


Time can not be found, seen, discovered, or even remembered. It can only be created now.


Infinity is the crossed heart eight, that made me late. Now, is the circle of love, that brought me to you.


As I go about my day, do you think fondly of us, of me? Where does your vision gaze, when the universe lays before you?


Stars crossed in cosmic dance,

souls move in happenstance.

Each seem random,

each in tandem.

Rules, and tools

used or planned,

even panned.

Worry not

over suns and their light,

just hold to hand

and feel our gaze.

Wonder at it all.

Feel this moment.


Fear to slumber, for should I loose the mind whose thoughts of you lay trapped. Fear to wake for might they never be found again. Yet so long have I held them, these thoughts of you, I can not but help to feel to them, I belong.


Just because you don't like a particular experience,doesn't mean that another part of yourself, your soul isn't eager and willing. Souls tend to want to master everything. Don't let worry and hurt get you down. On a related topic, in a recent past life, I've been told I was in the entertainment industry. Which I find very funny as I am not a fan of those things. I sort of dislike media, musicals, and the stage. I just can't imagine me doing that sort of thing. But some part of my soul does, and is apparently pretty good at it. Totally weird. Everything we are in life goes back to our higher-self and is not lost, but that doesn't mean that your personality and memory are doomed to eternal continuance of suffering. It just doesn't work like that. Just do the best you can and go with what feels like love.


Allowing yourself to float in states of being such as indecisiveness, stagnation, agitation, and resistance is about refusing to make a choice. It could be action oriented or perceptual. It's that feeling of getting stuck and just sitting in the car because your not willing to get out and go get help or look at the tires. The point then is not to choose right or wrong, but to simply make the choice to DO. Try to do something positive. It doesn't matter what it is, You just want to connect with new energy. Just get up and do. What,.. will sort itself out once movement is back in place. Just keep doing it, and it's momentum will enable you to eventually make more choices. Choices in line with your higher-self which will get you past stagnation and resistance. But the key is in creating movement, not in fixing what you can't see.


Chase me under the rainbow and see what color lights my face. I'll wait for you there, sipping dew drops on clouded shape, wait for you my sun, to chase away the rain of life.

September 06, 2012

A reader of the Channeling Erik forum asked the following questions. A friend of Erik's and mine, 'Ashley' responded. I thought so well of her answer that I wanted to post it here.

Can we get the higher-self to alleviate our suffering?

The only Broken promises I've ever encountered was my lack of imagination in that moment. My ability to see more of myself in any given situation was never the fault of anyone or thing. It's always been within me to create something that needed nothing but the promise of more opportunity. We can live up to that, right now, right here.


The touch of a loved ones' hand in the dark of night, to say they love you forever is enough to know it's all worth it.


Let Anger know it doesn't own you. Let Worry drown in the love of I am good enough. Tell doubt to "bite ME" Goad hesitation to "jump off a cliff" Yell at fear, "It's my Choice!" And don't forget to tell someone you love them.


When searching for answers, dont forget to look for the self youve always been.


." Everyone needs a message they want to remember. What they focus on is always a choice. We are not going to tell them yes or no. Do what you want because it feels right, feels like you, not what someone else says or because you feel uncertain in your quest for questions. Life is for living not waiting for the unknowable". -- Erik


Experience tends to be the journey of consciousness. You know, you do, you are. It's not something that is a monolith out in space. It's a nebula giving birth to stars.


Think of your higher-self like the ultimate guide. Trying to chart, map, and place all the if, thens, buts, maybes, possibilities of all that your soul is and can be while in the body can be impossible, confusing; and to be frank can be a bit impractical. We see it, and us in a linear time space, but it is outside of that. It's like doing higher math. It's just not applicable to most of life, except when it is.

Think of it like a snapshot. You perceive yourself one day as this life, this job, this life. Take a photo. Do you understand it all? Is that all you are? Did you get everything in the photo? Now perceive yourself a parent, a neighbor, a coworker, a city dweller, a country man. Take a photo. Do you understand it all? Is that all you are? Did you get everything in the photo? Now perceive of yourself as more than just this body, life, and place in time. Take a photo. Do you understand it all? Is that all you are? Did you get everything in the photo? Now perceive yourself as all of it at once. Take a photo. Do you understand it all? Is that all you are? Did you get everything in the photo? Your higher-self is not the photo. Your higher-self is the camera. You are a self aware aspect of it peeking through it's focused lens. You both get to decide what to focus on. Take a photo. Do you understand it all? Is that all you are? Did you get everything in the photo? You get a lot of independence and leeway in what angles you shoot of the subject. You even get to decide how many and how long your photo project will be. But there will always be a subject, always be a camera, and always be photos from many different angles.


Going with the flow and just letting yourself experience life can be just as important as asking questions. Where they meet is in how you relate it to being you.


When you let go of trying to control a moment, you will find the peace of presence to be in it.


It's about connecting, not being connected.


Sometimes faith is just about accepting belief as your reality. Everything else you can let go of as worry you don't need.


Other peoples beliefs, opinions and concerns needn't fill you with worry. After all, it's not like you can realistically live their view. Their stuff, It's not about you. You can try, but all that worry is not going to feel very good.


Belief correlates to the work you are willing to do to make it your reality. Anything outside of that is just a knowing feeling not really understood. Your not really going to understand who you are in that belief unless your willing to do the inner work of experiencing it.

September 05, 2012

Life is a trigger not of what needs fixing, but rather of the questions you are asking about yourself. Sometimes it's a new idea. Much of the time, it's just about clarity in context.


To the soul, we dress not for the reflection in the mirror, but we dress according to what we see of the man in the mirror.


Ultimate purpose, as opposed to completion of physical task, is more about completing a process of understanding your emotional self through the opportunities situational life offers through narrow focus. When you can come to terms with who you are and who you are not, through experience; you will have truly met a life goal. This is a peace that passes all understanding. You will just know.


Truth is always born from belief, and is felt to be perceived. It is only when you experience it, that reality is formed...Until your truth changes.


Personal truth is not an answer of the moment, but rather the participation in the moment.


I always get a kick out of when I hear about his (Erik's) pranks to others. I am glad I am not the only one. This weekend I was cleaning house for an extended in laws visit, and of course I was worrying over it. So I go to the linen closet and turn on the hall light. This is the hall that has the AC /furnace thermostat. And of course the light starts flickering on and off. All the wiring is new, light is new, switch is new. And I didn't touch anything but was bent over trying to fish out bleach. Then I get, up and the thermostat resets it's self to 85 and then wont come back on. Sigh.....he thinks I shouldn't worry, cause "it can always be worse, so just chill out" ..... whatever e. ... you don't have to make your thoughts literal for me... to which he replies, "you do that every day, by thinking about and acting on what you feel".


We all help each other re-evaluate our current understanding of ourselves in the world around us. Dramas, traumas, successes, joys. If we don't like how we feel about our experiences all we need to do is pay attention to our outlook. What do we want to do about it, what are we willing to do about it. Everyone helps each other do this. We each hold the others light up in the dark. It helps illuminate our own path. Each of our lights helps the other see that we are not alone. That we are all seeking Spirit. Each in our own way shines a light for the other.


I don't reallllly believe in failure or mistakes. I prefer to think of it as experiments, practice, or just something that didn't interest me anyway. I am ok with that.


Two questions I would like to always remember to ask. 1) Is this love? 2) Is this me? I figure the rest will sort itself out and isn't really my deal.


I used to think all rainbows were unreachable. 7 colors, water, light, air. Untouchable as music, stories, and some feeling. Then I ran across people like you and Eric who reminded me, that's all there really is. Music, stories, and the feelings we give to this dance called life. I am Hoping the end of your day is full with as much color as you


Sometimes lifes a total drag. Painful, boring, tedious, hard, long... yet there are those moments where it's more, something wonderful. I keep telling myself not to wait for those moments, but create them. It's not so easy a lot of the time, but I figure if I tell people I know that they've given me some of those moments, it's gonna turn my mind to more of them.

September 04, 2012

Coming off of our Labor Day Weekend Holiday, and with family still in town, and the start of a new school year; I don't know how active in posting I'll be the next week or so. We'll have to see how things go.

Q & A with Erik M. Cont.

From the C.E. blog web forum:



Would love to hear what Erik has to say about these and more importantly how they can be controlled/removed?


"Dude, people's heads have sooo been ruined by their fear. Dopplegangers. Me myself and evil I... ha ha..Old stories, movies, books, all that smokin the fear crack pipe. Entertainment. Basically by asking me how something you assume to be a category of a spirit, can be controlled, youre putting a limit on your understanding of it. Here's the thing though. 99% of these stories people here are just sensationalism. The remaining bits are not just one thing that can be labeled so and so and then remedied. Of that 1% there is several things going on. Most of it, appears confusing, strange, scary... because those folks wanted to learn about themselves through opposites, by experiencing spiritual fears, and other emotional issues reflected back at them. Some of it involves psychic energy and some of it is biological, the brain. Much of the time what seems to be a doppelganger or even what people think of as shadow people are actually a psychic reflection of themselves as a gestalt, you know, reflected back at them. Sometimes from their other aspects, sometimes from their guides to show them their state of being, mind, or thought. Sometimes it's meant to be a kick in the pants. Like if your attitude sucks. Or it could be a grief or fear focusing thing. Or it's a psychic cue of a soon to be death. But it's always a energetic gestalt, a blend of input that gets jumbled in the brain with fear, and then reflected out for the person. It's what some people know as a 'thought form'. It's not an independent boogey woogey man. know what I mean. That body double shit, is just hollywood shit. Old country folk lore. Now there is a teeny tiney percentage of people who set up or agree to in life to have spiritual experiences with entities or spirits who enable these fear based manifestations for them. Again, it's mostly about setting up fear experiences. But for the rest of us, it's not to get all worked up about, except as whatever part in creating duality it dishes out. Now, as far as controlled or removed.... That can only really be dealt with on a one on one basis. Because such experiences are so individualistic. They are so heavy into the people involved, beliefs, emotions, and spiritual perceptions, it's almost impossible to give you a 'to do list'. A lot of the times, it's just for the person involved to change their physic skill set, or develop it. In those cases, it's not about control, but balancing our fear through creation of love and gaining experience. Now you wanna know about Poltergeist. Dude, forget what you read and saw on the tv. It's not about that at all. Again. It's all fear experiences. Contrast, but jacked up a butt load of notches to really crank up the emotions. Now that's for the rest of us. But for the people and yes, kids experiencing what folks think of as noisy spooks, it's about all sorts of stuff. It's more highly individualistic experiences. There is not one single category that is gonna fit your preconception of a little invisible grimlin chuckin shit around the house. It's almost never some telekinetic kid. It's almost always a group effort on both earth AND in spirit, to set up a group fear based spiritual experience. Now again. This is not to fuck people up, or life. It's a spiritual experience of opposites. Opposite to who, how, and what they are in Spirit. And there can be a lot of reasons for that. Many that happen all at the same time. Fear, love, self love, name any emotional experience. But the key is, that it's a group experience, where as the first one is usually personal. Hope that helps. Just remember. It's the old fear crack pipe again. Just say no. It's not about control, but perception of experience. Lots of love at ya dude!"---Erik


You mean our boy, Erik, can actually read your unspoken thoughts?!! (the rain thing) I don't channel but my mind sort of surfs - thinkin about that Medus boy, wonder what the dog's doing, what's on tv tonight, should I read that book, ya da ya da - then a really bad thought drifts by - 'damn, I'd like to drop (fill in the blank) in a vat of hot, boiling vegetable oil'. Most of the time I wouldn't mind someone checking on my thoughts but, occasionally, I'd prefer confidentionality, depending on what drifts through my mostly vacuuous, day-dreaming mind. Can Erik read our thoughts - blog people - as we think about him or the blog? Or he read yours because you were already in channel mode?


From Erik--

"Dude! Yes, I can get your thoughts, when I focus at you. I have awesome filters though, so no worries man. None of that fear shit--now (haha). Just be yourself. Shit, take Jason for example, I have to put corks in my ears or they'd bleed! just kidding.. ha ha. Na man, it's like this. See, everyone's projecting on a range or series of signals. beep doop deep.. and I've got this scanning radio, see. And if you intentional shoot somethin out to me, I'm gonna pick it up. Then I can adjust my scanning to focus on your narrow band, And I'll pick it all up. It's about focus and intention. Now once you're out of body again, depending on one's state of being, you will have a certain range of experience in filtering, blocking and manifesting your own signals. So it's all about experience and state of being. But, yeah, where your in the body, your perceptions or scanner/equipment is so specific that there really isn't much hiding from any spirit. Don't worry though. Your GA has you covered. (grin)."

New article from Linda and the Dragon of Personal Drama website:

The Path to Cognitive, Emotional and Spiritual Maturity

Series One – An Overview