Tech-talk Channeling

*note ( I thought long and hard about how to present such content. There is really so much information on it scattered all over the internet. Some good and helpful. Some super vague and not so much. Some is free, and some you have to pay for. I really felt uncomfortable posting content already written and links. Development is really up to you and your guides/angels and your higher self's plan. So if you feel drawn to this you will eventually find your way.)

Phenomena Tech-talk: "Channeling"

YEA! Another fuzzy Spiritual term.... "Channeling".... For the purpose of this article I am going to step back and talk about this definition and the word as I relate to it. What ELSE does this term mean? Well, one way of thinking, is the action of a channel. AKA... think water.... Water channeled is constantly moving... Already in motion......

What does this mean as it pertains to Telepathic (mind/mind's-eye/thought) communication??

What else is "channeled"? Is not gas channeled into an engine? Is it not lit by a spark? Is not the process of channeled gas already in motion before the spark? Is not the engine already lubed? If the engine was our brain, what is going on? What is the spark?

Answer: Thought and belief. --- bio-electrical impulses firing between cells and connections. The cells are primed and already in motion. You think, you jump from thought to thought to thought... You think, you ponder, you visualize, you imagine, you mix in feelings and senses, you remember. Its a constant swirl of back and forth that is automatic. How much is you, how much is external, how much is SPIRIT??? What do you believe? How much can you simply accept?

With a few exceptions, guides, angels, and departed loved ones work with our biology. Our neural chemical pathways. Everything in the universe is in harmony whether or not we can understand it. Thus, for me; unless I can find a calm, non-distracted, moment; their communication in my head often uses my "voice" (the way I sound to myself) only their voice will not use my typical syntax or speech patterns. Now, If I can find a serious, quiet, time alone and actively close my eyes with intent to connect to Erik or my guides--- Then, their Voice takes on a sound that is not of me. There are other variables and circumstances. But that is the gist. It takes less energy on their part to use our speech pathways.

For me it feels like throwing a switch. It works best with the active intent to "talk" in my head. Compartmentalization and visualization helps. I imagine "me" talking from the base of my skull around my mouth. Then immediately without hesitation I expect and switch my hearing to a space between my eyes on the top of my head. And they reply from there. It's like the mental switch or activity of me speaking out loud to me shutting up and actively listening to someone in the other room. Frequently they will include visions and imagery with their so called "speech" at me.

Now this works differently for everyone keep that in mind. For me if I try to meditate and find the so called inner void or nothingness... They've told me that's akin to telling them to be quiet,; or that I am mentally blocking. For me, it's the physical and active intent of back and forth conversation. Talk, listen, talk, listen. Some times it helps prime the pump so to speak if I just barely start to think a reply to myself, and then they will take over that neural action and reply. And if they don't reply like I think they should, I just ignore it and keep on talking or try to change my perspective. I don't worry about how they sound, I just give in, let go and assume it's them talking. Accept it and go on. I assume what I hear is and is whom I have in mind while "speak-thinking".

In the description above YOU are initiating the conversation. When They initiate it, it will often sound hollow or in 3D, or faint. As they will use Their energy, where as in the description above you are using Your energy.

Now, I'll describe what it was like and what I was doing when I first started being able to hear VOICE back this past Spring (2010). It was only after a many months of Spiritual exploration that such an experience was possible that I started actively wondering about channeling. Then once I met my guides, it was months until I was reintroduced to Erik.

I've decided that the best way to describe what happened as it pertains to me beginning to channel is to simply share my journal entries from that time. I'll just post below as is:


End of June/ Beginning of July, 2010 (a really long post)

So much has been happening with me of late on a mental and spiritual level. As I sit here I am not even really sure how to go about writing this journal entry. I've struggled with saying anything at all. Struggled with what others might think of my state of mind, my sanity if you will. Worried that you would think me mentally ill. Not that I myself think such of my mind. Far from it. I am 100% certain in what I am experiencing is real. I was only afraid of causing a rift between friends should they ever read this. After all what is truth to one person is fiction and falsehood to another.

With that worry in mind, I contacted someone in the physical mediumship world, whom,--through her internet presence I've grown to respect. Because of her calm reassurance, in reply; upon taking her advice-over the past few days I've decided to just 'go-for-it'; if for nothing else as a record of my personal journey. SO here it is. If your my friend, I just pray you'll still be there even if you think I've gone off the 'deep-end'. Even though this post is so long, I feel I am leaving out a lot. I'll try to elaborate as time goes on.

What I've not recorded so far is that;

2 things have been happening to me.

I may have mentioned this first part before;

1) Off an on, from my recollection (over the past year-with certainty); I feel like I have been and am seeing what I would describe as visual static, or hazes moving around me. Some of which I am imaging to be human shaped, or limbs, torsos, heads, ect. Almost looks like the heat coming off the car on a cold day, how it distorts the air. but more static like in nature; fuzzy if you will. I am not experiencing any fear with this; perhaps at times, a little feeling of uncomfortableness. I say that because at the time I wondered if this is just my astigmatism, or optical illusions. I would tend to think so if it weren't for everything else that has happened. Also when this happened I'd notice shadow orbs or fast movements out of the corner of my eye at the same time. I didn't know what was going on, because this "fuzzy haze" was most always "moving".

2) Over the past few weeks, ever since I've started reading Spritism/Spiritualistic texts online, I've felt like I've been experiencing what might be another distinct entity 'talking' to me inside my head. During the day. Off an on, all day. It seems to be communicating clearly and very differently from my own inner voice/thoughts. You know how when one 'thinks thoughts'? The thought, has the quality of sound, that you-think-you sound like, in speaking-- and how you typically think in the first person. Well,.. This new voice is the opposite: Sounds different, speaks in a way I do not, and says things I was not thinking of at all, and would not have thought of. It's exactly as if another person was standing in front of me talking. But, in my head. I've mentioned before I've 'heard' external noises before, voices, music in an audible form AND in my head like a bone phone,.. resonating in my head as sound. This isn't like that. It's in thought form, but it isn't me. I did know if I was experiencing this or not. But I know from my correspondence and internet reading that this is common to medium communication and/or with those communicating with a guide.

I don't' even know really where to start in describing this phenomena. It first came from "out of no-where"; I wasn't even expecting it. This voice was answering spiritual questions, giving advice: while I was reading; while I was taking walks contemplating what I'd read; and at home. Sometimes it even gives unexpected commentary on my thoughts. All positive, all of a moral, spiritual nature. It was very very surprising, shocking. Part of me questioned my sanity, part of me swore it was imagination/delusional brought on by what I was reading; But,.. Most of me-- my whole being 'knew' it was very real. You see this wasn't some little voice in the back of my head, this is full blown clear conversations, long and varied over many days.

My question was: (Assuming no mental deficiency such as schizophrenia-of which I don't exhibit the other symptoms): --Was this my guardian angel, or spirit guide, or relative? What is the difference between them? Should I be worried? Am I crazy? Am I imagining this?

I asked this inner "Voice" these questions. And I clearly heard, "Take it slow, be patient, these answers will come". Other times, I've heard something like the answer was "you need to be stronger, stay in tune with God".

In fact, this whole experience, while shocking, has felt incrementally comforting and nice. And a couple times, I've really been startled as to what seemed to be briefly hearing my grandparents voices in my head speak affirming things. That was totally unexpected. As they've been passed on for a while now. My biggest worry over the past was the fear of the unknown. You know, fear of fear. And fear of being overshadowed. Of late I am reassured that if I keep my being on God, I will be OK. And I have been. In fact my Entire world view, out look on life, and how I felt was changing (for the better).

At this point, I felt I needed help. So, I wrote to a physical medium circle in hopes that someone there could advise me. The reply, as I said, was very wonderful and reassuring to me. Among other reassurance and correspondence there, was some advice on a plan of action.

In brief, the advice was two fold:

1) To start a routine of setting aside time each day to "hear" from this voice. To set an appointment if you will. To say to the voice, spirit, what have you, as you would anyone else, what time, and how long you'd like to communicate, or visit. How to open and close such communication, only do this with the greatest good and light, ie. Thoughts on God.

2) After a short period of time, to then take that time and use it with an intent or purpose. Such as communication with 'others' or sending out healing energy, etc.

July 04, 2010 -- (the appointment-from last week, actually happened the week before)

Where to begin? Such an experience is definitely not the norm in today's world. But if considered as akin to experiences by those in religious communities, it holds many common similarities. So in that what many would consider a delusional crackpot experience to many others is a mystical experience of life changing importance.

I am afraid this recounting of events/happening is not going to be as complete as I'd like. Because as I've mentioned, this new found interaction / experience is almost fairly constant. Or, at least I feel like this presence is almost always in the back of my mind. Or with me. And I find when it's quiet, it can still pop in at any moment for commentary; or should I speak/think out. That probably sounds nuts to many people, but it's as if I am never alone. Although if you've ever read any material of Spiritualist information on the afterlife, according to that; that is exactly the case. There has been so much communication so far, I feel somewhat at a loss to even relate to you the details of it. It's mostly conversations of a spiritual and moral nature, explanations of the way life works, the afterlife, my day to day life; but full blown conversations.

Surprisingly, a lot of times, if I divert from asking about topics outside of a spiritual and moral nature, I get replies akin to, "That's an inappropriate topic", or "you need to wait and learn life's lessons", or "when people go into such topics and seek information and communication outside of God's guidance into day to day trivialities; that is when they get into trouble and risk influence from lower level spirits". I've also gotten feedback along the lines of; "you're not strong enough for much other communication yet", you need to be patient and improve your spiritual knowledge and learn spiritual lessons before you should attempt anything else".

Time for my appointment drew near. And as I mentioned before, the thought/voice was seemingly subdued. I wasn't sure what to think of that. As time approached I was feeling anxious. I had decided that I would meet this appointed meeting during a walk along the river. Of which was fine to the Voice. While waiting for the 'meeting', I was feeling strange. I was expecting my guide to just sort of 'pop out of no where, and shout boo! Here I am!' But I was getting the feeling of being watched, and I had this feeling in my head as though I could heard someone offering a good natured laugh or snickering. As though of someone trying not to laugh.

I thought to myself, what is going on? I tentatively asked, "You've been here all along haven't you?". The Voice/thought said, "Yes, I know you are early to everything, and knew you'd be wanting to start early, so I've been waiting for you"

My guide thought this was funny. So as I got up to take off for our 'meeting-walk', I got the feeling that they were filled with great mirth at the whole idea. My guide went on to explain that while he might not be physically near me in the earth plane all the time, that we were strongly connected mentally and that in Spirit and thought we were always together. That for him, I did not need an appointments or specific meeting places. That in the far future, if I were to ever work with any other spirits- that, that was when appointments were proper. Not only for politeness sake, but for practical reasons. He explained that much of the time he was close to me near the earth plane, but that if he wasn't I could feel his thoughts or presence in the back of my mind as a far off sensation. And that if I wanted to communicate, we could still but it would not be as strong. And that if I really needed something, emotional support or spiritual protection or some such, that others would be able to take his place.

To my readers: I'll give an example, the night before this walk/meeting; during my nightly prayers/ I typically ask for protection and comfort; Well, as I said, I felt like this Voice/thought was subdued and quiet, errr or not around. So after my prayers I went to sleep. But a little bit later I woke up to feeling of someone sitting on the end of my bed by my feet watching me. I strongly felt something sitting next to my feet as if the covers were being pulled under them against my feet. At the time it did not scare me, but it did weird me out. I kicked my foot out, pulling the sheet. I think could have sworn that whatever/whomever was sitting stood up. Looking back on it, I feel that it was someone else looking after me that night.

Ok, back to the meeting/walk. We were walking along and my guide was expounding on the nature of our meeting; explaining and talking about Spiritualist texts I've been reading; and talked to me about my spiritual journey; Where I was in my current position in my moral and spiritual journey- where I needed to be to advance, and what I needed to do to get further, and how to go about it. Along the way explaining the reasons why. Nothing judgmental, but explaining how up until now I wasn't ready to move further along. That all I had experienced in life so far up to now had guided me to learn the necessary life lessons to get me to this point.

It ended up being 45 min. of amazing revelation and companionship. I ended it with commitment of pointed daily communication, and a promise to learn what I could and work hard to improve myself.

On a side note: During the past two weeks I've learned a few things about my guide that really surprised me.

- My guide and the few other interactions I've had, have shown them to have a great sense of humor. I was really kinda shocked by that.

-The other thing was that my guide was always mysterious when I wondered what gender they were or what there name was. Well several time, while mulling this in my head; my guide would suddenly switch to a female voice. I was sort of floored, by this demonstration. They said, it didn't matter what gender they were. That they could reply as a woman or a man. I didn't really understand it. I found out during our "walk/meeting why". Which leads me to the next revelation.

-My guide was, up until that point was always quiet about their name. I didn't ask, because always before I got the impression that it didn't matter. But during our walk he told me, that he had lived many lives before. As both genders and had-had many names. So it was hard to pick just one. That we had so much in common, he appeared to me as what felt comfortable to me, to put me at ease. As we were walking along, I thought, "well, what if I want to call you something?" "what would that be?" My guide laughed and said, "Well..., -why did you pick the 'pen name' that you did?" I thought;, "well, I picked first and last names, because one was my middle name, and the other a family name; and I just thought the middle name sounded cool. "I spoke that middle pen name I had picked out,- "Roger". --He gave me the mental image of a big grin and said, "You can call me Roger".

-The other interesting revelation, I first experienced with clarity was a new physical sensation. At an early point in our walk I started feeling this tingling tightness on the top-back of my head. I almost would have said it feels like someone with their hand on my head. My guide explained that they were near me and touching my energy to improve communication.

Well, dear reader; That's all I've got right now as it pertains to this experience. Since then, I've had some more instruction on how to improve my life spiritually, some courses of action to take. Of which I've done to help me fix some inappropriate behaviors and thoughts. Trying to get me on the path to a more healthy outlook on life and how I live it.

Last night was the first night of family gathering for the holiday weekend. I did have an interesting experience at my parents. All of a sudden during a big jovial gathering, where everyone was laughing and having great family time, I had a sudden vision of my step grandparents resolving into a mental image, which overlapped the back of the rooms furniture. Part of the overlapping image was as if I was peering into a well lit long hall that faded back into the distance. They were standing there grinning and laughing. I suddenly felt the urge to tell the other that they were here! That they were standing with us!.... Then I heard my guide say, that "they were so happy to watch the family and all the love everyone had for each other. But, They couldn't come in clearer, as they were busy", (with what I don't know...); "but that they were so happy to look in on the family. As even if loved ones and family couldn't physically be with us in the earth plane that they could see and hear us via thought and spirit."



The other thing that is vital to understand about all this is to mention a few concepts:

1) Every one who this happens to, experiences it slightly differently. Everyone is a slightly different instrument. A bio-electrical, magnetic, quantum computer / nervous system - which is attached to our Spirit. This connection is a kin to the so called chakra and acupuncture sciences, the chi, the aura. These subtle energies that connect the body to a Spiritual form. This form is then connected by the so-called silver cord to the soul which resides on a multi-dimensional level. Our Spirits are actually comprised of multiple parts like an onion or Russian doll.. One within the other. In those of us who are more connected than others for whatever reason... Spirits and our self's manipulate this energy body soul connection and inter-layering to "See, hear, feel, communicate". This subtle aspect of our being as well as that of Spirits reside on a higher molecular/subatomic level than can be precieved by 20th century science. But can be explained by quantum mechanics. Spirits and the levels of the afterlife reside between the vast distances of atomic particles. Either they lower their energy vibrations or we raise ours to meet them half way. Often, oh so often they have to work with what we have in our brains. And thus the manifestations are only precieved by us alone. In cases where exterior manifestations occur. They will pull upon their own energies or use ours or external energies. Quite often guides will combine energies amongst themselves and other spirits to manifest to us.

2) Guides are usually just people. They are not magically perfect. They are specially trained. But they each have their own personalities and methods. So what might be done for me, might not be done for you; For very good reason! It is vital that we assume nothing in regards to motivations or experiences because these are often ultimately controlled by your higher self before you were born for a very good reason.

3) Our language as it pertains to the Spiritual is full of unhelpful "blanket" terms and catch words. It's important to define concepts while sharing experiences. Some examples of words that mean different things to different people are: Angels, Guides, Energy, Enlightenment, Heaven, God, Spirit, Spirits, Levels, Manifestations, Mediumship, psychic, Light, and so on.

4) Just talk in your head like your talking to yourself! If you think you might get a reply that you suspect might be other than you, just go with the flow and answer. It might sound like your talking to your self but your not. Try not to get discouraged. It's about perspective, and discernment of thought.

5) One of the biggest lessons I am still learning is that manifestations only happen on "their" terms, not ours. And that nothing will happen unless our "intent" is in the 'right-place'. Meaning.. What do you want the manifestations for? For example. When I first started for me, I had been reading about 'Spiritualist mental and physical medium circles/groups in Britain. As well as old fashioned circles from the 1800's. I was entranced by the idea of so called 'ectoplasm materialization's' and trance mediumship. So, for a while I tried to 'discover' or shall we say, 'will' experiences into existence. Well, nothing happened. It was only after I gave up control and asked my guide to communicate for the purpose of guidance and spiritual growth in whatever way they deemed necessary that the experiences started up again.

6) Types of Channeling: (not an all inclusive list-may types within each group and many related phenomena)

Telepathy--mind's eye visions--direct writing--inspired writing--trance