July 2011

July 31, 2011

"One "opportunity" of overwhelming experience is that it can provide the chance to to reflect, reassess, and to rediscover who you are within and without your life experiences. Redefine what your soul wants to discover about yourself. Why should you bother? What have you got to loose? That is the question. Are you your experience? or are you MORE? "--- My Spirit Teacher Z and mentor Linda.


Accomplishment in life is a poor second in the race to remembering who you are.


Don't search for anything you lack. Practice it, and it will find you.

July 31, 2011

I started reading this last night. It's a wopping 800+pgs but so far really cool. It's about astral projection, OBE's and lucid dreams (so far). I can't speak to any of it except It has some very interesting content. I put my download on my kindle.

It's called the Collected works of Robert Bruce. Here is a link to it online,


Or a downloadable version.


and the authors website.


July 29, 2011

"You were born first into the universe, in Spirit. I know this goes against traditional western theology, but you were spirit far longer than you will ever be in flesh regardless of how many physical lives you incarnate. Your physical body does not come first, you are a spirit with a physical overlay." --My Spirit Teacher

In our lives, Boredom is one of the biggest causes of effects we dislike. It is an unconscious killer in modern society. But really it's your soul trying to tell you that you have the freedom to explore. So go-Go do, do some more, and do what makes you like yourself..don't know? The go explore some more, you obviously have the time. -- Lessons with my Spirit gang.

July 29, 2011

Many people write saying that they don't recall dreams of their loved ones, or can't seem to get or recall a visitation, let alone remember their dreams.

Spiritual experiences are almost always associated with emotion. To better remember, train yourself to connect emotion with said imagery. You will remember your dreams better. When you suspect you had a dream encounter with a departed loved one, Try to remember to say or shout in your head the words, "I love you" and then write it down first thing in the morning. This is why, so often when you have a so called, "bedside visitation", it is frequently very emotional. And you often wake up repeating an emotional thought or phrase in your head, over and over again. It is a spiritual tool to make the brain remember.

July 27, 2011

Do not fear your emotions:

Do not fear your emotions, seek to understand them. Understanding leads to balance and harmony. You are NOT your pain. If you can find a way to embrace your pain, accept the emotion within the experience, if you can begin the process of understanding how it applies to you, it's reasons, it's background, it's outcome and what you learn about others and the world around you; you then might transmute pain, suffering and foster healing, forgiveness and love. Thereby releasing Karma and elevating Spirit, your Spirit.

July 26, 2011

Question - Answers Continued:

Q) -- Are there certain times of the day / night that make it easier for spiritual contact? How about times in regards to level and intent of Spirits or type? Are we at more or less risk for influences or obsessions?

A) -- This is actually of significant debate in the various "afterlife believers" communities. It really boils down to belief based on experience as to what you could subscribe to. I can certainly tell you what I think based on experience, and what the Spirits I communicate with think. But I will also tell you that there is going to be a fair about of disagreement out there among sensitives.

Personally, I think there is no barrier to communication other that your beliefs and perception within your state of being. Time or moment does not matter. What matters is your awareness within your emotional state. Same could be said of Spirit perception themselves. Time is not linear, and time/day matters not. What matters is intent. Now if you are a spirit and you wish to make communication. And if you are inexperienced, you might choose a time of least resistance. Such as in the middle of the night. So to many incarnates, it would seem that spirit communication at night are of low level beings. Beings close to earth realm. It is further fueled by tradition, culture, and society. Now proponents of things where numbers and astrology matter will disagree. But in my personal experience such things are simply tools for the mind. But then I am willing to be wrong. Also from my personal experience, dark thoughts dark intentions wait for vulnerability. This could be at anytime of the day. However good thoughts and good intentions wait for all and every opportunity that serves the greater good. To encounter fear, and show love will always turn darkness to light. Awareness of such interactions are usually part of a life plan. Our guides and angels have our backs and will not leave us to the mercy of fear. What this means, totally depends on perception. It's not for me to say yea or nay to any belief. Just my two cents.

July 26, 2011

It's often impossible to compare and contrast certain understandings of Spirituality with certain Religious beliefs or theologies. The systems very often, just offer no room for co-habitation. Within these are many concepts that have little common ground. I think some of this is because different groups are into telling the other, what's right and what's wrong. And somehow proving the legitimacy of the said belief. For me, None of that matters. I am sticking to how I feel about my personal experiences and calling it a day. Perhaps that damns me in the eyes of others. that's ok. One such concept that pushes buttons is that of "Grace". Here is what grace means to me. Thanks for listening.

Inherent grace

I desire not any grace, other than opportunity to serve. I need nothing more. I unto desire, to see your beauty, your will, the strength that is you. I am grateful for you, your impact in my life. I desire not your goodwill, other than that which you are willing to give. What you are, able, helps me grow. I am grateful. No favor required. What you give, freely given, goodwill. I am blessed. My desire for kindness, matters not how mirrored. No mercy needed, no grant desired. No favors needed, take what you will if it serves you well. Favor me not, yet give as you wish. Just that you are, is merit enough, for me to see, that the only grace for me, is for you you to just be.

July 25, 2011

Question - Answers continued:

Q) -- What do you mean when you say God lives in me, through me?

A) -- I'll give you a great analogy that is not new, and one that's been tossed around in modern eras quite a bit. I'll paraphrase it.

To the mind of God; however one 'thinks' of Divinity. Be it the creative source, energy, or some kind of manifestation/s in the eye of the beholder; In any case, the point of this question is an answer that suggests the nature of God. That perhaps the consciousness's or Great Awareness that makes up 'all that is', that perhaps to this awareness, the past, the present, might be simultaneous.

Now it is common theory in modern physics that time is not linear. So to our educated minds, one can make this leap, if you believe in Spiritual matters. If so, one also might take this a step further and suggest that any entity of a certain consciousness awareness or level might be able to achieve some degree of broad awareness that comes close or inline with such Divine aspect.

Look at this monitor in front of you. Look at the keyboard under your fingers. Or look at the sky above. The galaxy. When you look at it, you are looking at it within the atomic vibration of your physicality. And with those physical senses you are looking within a tiny fraction of the spectrum of light onto the spectrum of molecular matter. Now the speed of light is what; some 186,282 miles per second? To our physical eyes this is somewhat instantaneous. But when we look at spacial distances in our galaxy, we have to take into account the distance between the stars when thinking about the speed of light. For example it roughly takes 8 minutes or so, for light to travel to us from the sun. So that when we look at the sun we are seeing light that was "created" 8 minutes ago.

From this, without instrumentation, or other means, we can not know of the event or circumstances that existed in that moment of creation. That moment of light we now see, would not be affected by anything that happened afterwards, so that what we see is not the sun as it IS, but as it WAS 8 minutes ago. So anything "new" that could take place afterwards, such as a storm or flare- we would not know of it. Such light-time-distance contexts becomes even more noticeable in our awareness when we consider other stars. Because the distances are even greater. For example let us suppose that a star is 50 light years away. It is so far away that it appears fixed in the sky. We are looking at it as IT WAS 50 years ago. It could explode and we would not know if it until our children grow up and have kids of their own. In the same 'light', other stars, no,--most of the known universe is even further away. Light could take thousands of years to reach us. How old, dated, skewed is our perspective?

No suppose that a human at 186,000 miles from where you are right now possessed the ability to see what was happening to you right now as clearly as though he was standing next to you. A person so placed would see everything a second after the time it happened. Double the distance, and he would be two seconds further still, and so on. Have the human stand at the sun. And he would watch you, not what you are doing now, but 8 minutes ago. Move him 50 light years away. He/she would see the events in your life 50 years ago. Do you exist?

So now we come back to the nature of what / who we perceive as God. We have already supposed that God see's past, present, and future all at the same time. How would, could this be, given the nature of physical light and space time? How? Well, God therefore might just be in everything. All that is. Here, there, and now. Everything simultaneously. Everything God is inter Connected. No separation. All must be happening now, not just in-front of such great consciousness, but within such consciousnesses, all must be present. All that is. All born to know thyself. The Source of all Creation constantly and continually creates. Each creation creates, all expand to that ever present, all seeing viewpoint of simultaneous existence. So you see that God lives in you, and you in God, and everything else that exist in all that is. You have more in common with each other than you have differences. For really, from the Divine point of view, there are no differences. There is only one. So treat your neighbor, your neighborhood, your planet as you would treat yourself. For you are all one, under creation.

July 22, 2011

"Live your life until you love what you've found. Live Life until you've found yourself. Play and have fun with what you find. Play until you want to find more. There is always more life to love." --- Voices of Spirit


Question - Answers continued: (from you to Spirit, My Teachers and Guides)

Q) -- How are we to ever manage and keep track of what goes on in our minds, our feelings. How do we navigate that which we don't like about ourselves and the world?

A) -- You ask and so you intend. You intend with honest feeling, and with feeling that is greater that a whim, or a simple desire. You empathically wish to manage, and understand your mind and heart. This tells the universe you are serious. This says, I want to work. Help me know myself. Help me work it out. So then you are being guided to. Right this moment. Those who love you in Spirit help your find yourself. This can take a life time. And it is a purpose of your own creation. What to do with it depends on how much effort and work you are willing to put into yourself. From the soul perspective there is no rush other than what you are internally driven to do. Do not worry about how. Just take the simple step by step approach. If you get distracted or lost, or overwhelmed; just pause. Pause and look in the moment. Within that moment you will discover who, where, and what you are. This will help you work out where you wish to step next. It is better to take an assured step than an uncertain leap. Although both are available to you. But if you leap before you look, you will also experience the effects that such action generates. There are many conscious ways to keep track of your actions, thoughts, and emotions. You already know many of them. It is simply a matter of dedication to the self. Do not worry. That you keep trying counts for a great deal. Keeping all this in your mind, or returning to these thoughts with conscious awareness will help you navigate the pathways of your journey to self discovery. If on your path you encounter troubled waters that do not serve your journey, you can always set a new course and look to new stars to guide you on your way.

Q) -- If you see a shadow as you wake up from a dream, is it the same thing as seeing a spirit?? or you can only see them in meditation or deep trance?

A) -- Shadow is often nothing more than an effect of function within spirit mobility. Although it can be an effect of intention and personal expression. It is important not to place human value judgement on Spiritual physics. It matters not to your life. Very often such manifestations are a by-product of energy manipulation, dependent on power flow within the entity's prowess and knowledge. It is not an indication of vibration or as you worry-good vs/ evil. To see anthropomorphic shadow, or other forms is and is not the same as seeing a spirit. It can be a direct manifestation of spirit or it can be a by-product of spiritual energy. It can also be the way in which your physical and energy bodies interpret such things. But for your purposes, it is an indication of Spiritual activity. How you see this is not determined by your state of being, but how the spirit interacts with your energy and how you interpret that. It is not dependent on your state of consciousness but rather awareness of possibilities with your perceived environment.

Q) -- How does cause and effect happen in spirit world? I always thought since spirits are more powerful and multidimensional , cause and effect would be a physical concept to them?

A) -- Cause and effect is not just a tool for the incarnate on this plane of existence. Your reality is more than just one perception, one physicality, one life. There is more to you than just the physicality you think you feel now. Across dimensionality there are more to existence that the human label of "spirit world". In actuality this is just an erroneous interpretation or label the incarnate human uses to assign value to aspects of it's self it can not remember or consciously see. It is a poor phrase that does not give any sense to existence beyond your current body. Just as you think you perceive a long chain of lives held to by the personality the awareness of the "I am". Know that this too is an erroneous descriptor of the "you" within all that is. Non-physical life is so far beyond your current perception that I can only tell you, that you are spirit just as much as your perceived Spirit world. In these new thoughts, know that what you understand as cause and effect are also somewhat limited. Cause and effect are a part of the great dualities that are spiritual tools for self exploration. There is not judgement associated with them. Karma is not about what is due, payment or recourse or and owing. It at the heart of the matter is about balance through mastery. You are what we are, and we are realized something more. So too will you become yet again. You will remember. Cause and effect is a universal tool. It about action consequence. It is about action responsibility. It is about accepting and surrendering with full knowledge of the effects your emotional causes create. These manifestations of the self always create effects regardless of your dimensional awareness. We do not hold to the limitations of your label for physicality, world, or spirit. Power is a matter of experience, knowledge and understanding of one's self within the all. It is not an indication of available reality or action.

Q) -- Relationship villains: How they fit into life plans. How do we deal with the incarnate and dis-incarnate ethics of such a concept how does this tie into perceptions of good and evil and right and wrong.

A) --- What is a villain in the totality of your experience? Do you see yourself as this life? Are you bound, chained, left on earth, blind to all greater realities? What is the reality of your soul-scape? What exists for you? If you believe in life planning, how would you plan it? What would wish to do, see, learn, and experience? How would you go about it? What goals and plans would you set for yourself.? What is your nature, and how does this play a role in what you seek for yourself? What did you come here for? If you knew this and could remember this, your focus would be broad enough to see the methods for achieving these goals. Many life goals are purely of an emotional nature. To know thyself through the emotional manifestations of the self. In Spirit you are all you will ever be. You are knowing, you are creative emotion in the middle of expansion. How will you understand this? How will you understand the heart of who you are? You can know about a thing, but will you truly know it without experience it in a way that allows you to discover yourself without fetters? One method is to experience physicality with such narrow focus you forget all else to the exception of that which you wanted to experience. One of things is often emotional aspects of the self. To achieve this goal you have to set up situations that will allow you to encounter dualities to work through. This is where your so-called relationship villains come into play. Your loved ones in Spirit often agree to help you achieve your goals. These are deep loving relationships. They are willing to make sacrifices and hold off their own development for your sake. Say you wanted to explore forgiveness as an aspect of your soul. So you go to someone who has been a beloved family member time and time again in your incarnational cycle. You ask them to treat you badly, and hurt you. So that in the temporary blindness of incarnation you can work towards forgiving them and yourself. If successful you might just master the skill through experience. Thereby creating an expansion in your souls awareness of all that is. Then you can help guide others by not only your knowledge of experience, but by the energetic pathway your hard work carries out. Your work makes it easier for others self assigned burdens. Every one's hard work and increasing awareness changes the awareness of the other. So to then do whole groups and whole societies gain in awareness and expansion. This allows for ever greater experiences based in love. Ever greater manifestations of your self in the act of creation. Ethics, good and evil, is nothing more than a matter of your current perception.

Q) -- Why can't we use human standards to try to understand the reasons of reincarnation.

A) -- What are human standards? Who are you? Who is your neighbor? Is another's reasons the same as yours? Who makes the values that are placed on reason, life, and incarnation? Would like a choice or would you like to be told? Are you bound to another journey or do you set your own path? The only standard is that which you set for yourself. The only reasons are the ones you place on the effects you experience. Behind those effects are the causes created from your emotional intentive thought. Born into actions; some conscious, some not, you set for yourself possibilities within probabilities of your state of being. You are not just some simple piece of flesh on a rocky bit in the empty space of the universe. You are Spirit a part of a great evolving conscious creation, experiencing itself. Why limit yourself. You can if you like. Nothing will stop you but your own perception.

Q) -- How can souls incarnate and dis-incarnate have such a wide variety of opinions on the innocent, the sanctity of life,

A) -- What is your opinion? Do you feel you have a right to it? What do you base your opinion on? Your experiences? Your perception? Your understanding of what you have encountered? Your feeling? How does all this direct your thoughts? What do you do about your thoughts? How does your actions interact with others thoughts and feelings?

This process in not exclusive to those in the midst of earthly life. Why should we in Spirit give up our uniqueness of understanding, just because our awareness has increased. Why should who I am interfere with who any other being is in the midst of their own journey of self discovery?

This is not about the sanctity of human life, that is for those who are living human life. For by taking away your ability to make your own decisions on how you experience your world, we interfere with your individual will within the causes and effects you create for yourself.

We all have opinions and feelings about this, why shouldn't we? For we are what you are. You are what we are. Everyone can be more.

Q) -- How evolved does a spirit have to be to not have to come back to earth?

A) -- How evolved is totally up to you. Back to earth depends on the karma you collect, your progression through incarnational cycles you set for yourself, and your higher-self's goals within the context of the method of achieving them. Out side of that nothing is withheld from you other than that which is outside of your state of being. How you experience and understand yourself has always been up to you. There is no right or wrong in this but that which you set on yourself.

Q) -- How do people grow, improve and learn from fear based life experiences. How do we know? How do we move to only love based experiences.

A) -- By living, remembering, and moving toward your highest possible self, through action, thought, and emotion. By creating a balance of self creating causes that enable effects that serve us and others. You know when you experience with conscious awareness that you have served your best interest. You know this through experience. What you think is your best interest is not always what your highest possible self would do. To merge the two takes a working experience that enables personal awareness of the totality of the self. This frequently takes more than one life time. It is something to work at with assured knowledge and faith that you will meet the goals you set for yourself. It is not to be feared. Working through life and mastering your experiences does not suddenly limit you to only one type of experience or out come. Many masters in your history have had to deal with seeming difficulties, but even so they move themselves through it in balance that enable them to overcome, thereby helping themselves and others. TO do so with conscious awareness of what they are doing and hold to fearless faith in service to others is serving ones greatest interest. To know life, to know all it's manifestations, to know your neighbor and all their journeys is to know and master yourself. This is moving through life. This is the return to the highest possible self.

Q) -- what is the difference between learning from experience good or bad and "surviving and growing in spite of experience"?

A) -- Perception of the self within the many. Find who you are within each experience and you will understand the difference. What did you learn about yourself through surviving will determine how much your soul scape grows. Good or bad is judgement call left to you.

July 21, 2011

Question - Answers continued:

At my Spirit Teacher (Seth): On the nature of the soul.

---Q) I read about personalities belonging or being attached to more than one soul or entity. Can you explain this more. I am interested in knowing in general, how many personalities or life does the average human soul have at any given time. And each of those personalities has past and present lives?

A) Again, there is no separation. Every energy is connected to the source of all that is in reflective co-creation of the self. Reality is not co-dependent, but co-empowered. Passed along through webs of outwardly expanding consciousness. There can be no generalization of how many personalities are existing with each entity. they are ever expanding, ever creating. Each personality has free will to create further connections of it's own. This then connects to what was created first. So then each aspect has within itself the ability to create focuses of past and present creations as well as future probabilities. As was mentioned before all is co-created along co-extant boundaries, of which it's borders are only defined by the awareness created by conscious focus. So awareness of aspect totally depends on experience creating awareness. In simple terms; just as you choose your parents; You parents choose you. The aspects of all involved combine with Divine aspect and co-create interconnections, thus expanding the web of possibilities for every focus point so created. This is a connection of multiple entities or souls.

---Q) In the Seth Speaks book you describe your past lives' and talk about them as a fond memory, from what I am assuming is a personalities perspective. Do you identify yourself as a personality or do you identify yourself as a soul recalling the personalities memory. Or is the personality and higher-self/soul so intertwined that there is no difference.

A) --- Individuality of the experience exists concurrently with the perception of the "all" of the soul scape. So in one perspective it is memory. In other perspectives it is concurrent. Yet in another perspective it is like a child experiencing it's own life, and you recall the time you spent together. All perspective exists together as a unit of units. So depending on the view of emotional output, it is like a fond memory. But depending on the degree that, personality has expanded, such aspects not directly co-created by the other facets of the soul, can become distant and fuzzy. Somewhat forgotten in uncommon ground. That is not to say that connections can not be gathered and reviewed, but this is the effect of existential expansion. I identify myself as the we of I. I am but one of the all. I am a non physical entity existing in it's self created moment of aware now. Conscious of aspects of self created creations connected to itself. For the simple purposes of your question, Yes, I am so intertwined with my other lives there is no difference. Unless you or I wish it to be.... (smile)

---Q) When you think of yourself, do you think or picture a conceptual image of something? I mean, Do you visualize a blob of connected energy moving here and there. Or is each focus point move in and out of focus one at a time or a giant moving gestalt of an abstract image. Is that image the same as a concept and if so, then does "it" all reside somewhere? And if so where?

A) -- When the I of we thinks of me, it is because I think of you. Therefore what you think of becomes a manifestation for you, of me..... (Smile). Let me put it to you this way, "What do YOU think of". What you think of with intent becomes what you see. This is not just some cute proverb of the physical plane but it is a reflection of a greater truth. Sure, I have my favored manifestations, just like anyone else. Most often this is energetic based on my emotional thought, in response to received or projected intentive thought. I know that's not what you were hoping for. Don't worry, your favored attributes are retained and cultivated. They are a part of you after all. Why should you give up what you like? No one is going to take it away from you. (Laughter- I could be a blob if you'd rather, although that's awfully odd, don't you think). But, yes, the aspects of the sought for consciousness will adjust foci to bring about a materialization of the desired aspect of the soul. As to how many other aspects are focused on at one time, it is up to the observer and originator of the energy. Everyone's energy resides in a state of being based on experience and vibration. When two entities wish to communicate, thought connects and manifestations co-create a reality of various degrees of measurement which resolves into a reality.

---Q) Here is a related question. Say me, this currently precieved personality/life, becomes mostly non physical at some point. And then say, I wanna to "visit" with Z or Seth or Robert. What would that "look like".. Would my personalities non physical energy be compartmentalized from my other aspects of higher-self and personalities in a body and then the "visit" would take place? OR, would I gather up all the non physical energy that is related and a part of the entity to which I belong to and shove that into a body for visiting.... Or would it simply be a mental/ psychic energetic dream like experience where the entities involved would create hologram type projections for a mental meeting place.....

A) -- Again, you are so now. Only your conscious focus has not grown enough to experience this on a conscious level that your physical body can interpret. When you sleep and the physical consciousness "lets go" then you return or are able to return to that perspective. So too, in various altered states. Otherwise, you will have to enable or wait for an expansion. Again, what this "would look like" will totally be up to the observer and the originator of the conscious energy. How that takes place is also up to you. All of what you ask is possible. How probable depends on your state of being.

---Q) Does the higher self have a definite or preferred physical manifestation? or does it pick and choose characteristics of the personalities, or does it only exist as mental psychic energy.

A) -- Again this question stems from your perception that who you are now is somehow separate from what you see as a higher self. Some aspect of yourself that is separated from who you are. If you can but change your perception from a contained "me" to a focus point in a collective consciousness. It is not from the point of view I seek a manifestation representing who I am, but rather is is a conscious view point to project what I wish. Everything is mental psychic energy. Characteristics are the creation of personality and do not define the self awareness of any entity. What defines is a state of being, and perception of self within that state.

---Q) What is the nature of emotion in the context of thought stemming from it for Spiritual communication.

A) -- All thought is born of emotion. Emotion is the energetic life force of the universe. It is the energy that connects all that is. At it's root is the universal essence. This is Love. It expands and outflows into all creation, filling and spilling into manifestations of self creating creators in an effort to not only express itself, but to create manifestations to explore and know itself. As it creates, awareness sparks along manifestations which give rise to reflections of the creative moment. This spark is thought. The thought "who am I". Ever expanding the thought creates more thought, which creates and manipulates emotion, thereby creating more manifestations. Thus all these connections become Spiritual communication that travels back to it's source. All is connected and all interacts with other. This is the Spiritual nature of your emotional thought.

July 20, 2011

Question - Answers continued:

At my Spirit Teachers:

---Q) What did moving your point of view of "I am" from the personalities of incarnations---to the point of view of the "higher-self" or a non physical entity--- feel like? At what point did the "I am" of your conscious awareness become ready for such a transition?

A) --- When you ask this question your are asking from within the "I am" of your personalities ego. To a great extend you must experience this movement as opposed to being shown, or told about. In most physical earth lives I was unaware of this as the transition occurred after the life was over. When this happens it is just like waking up from a disorienting dream, that stays with you. A lucid dream perhaps. You wake up groggy, and confused. You are rocked by the feel, the emotional feel of the dream and for a moment it seems so real, you just can't get over it. But then as you think about it, you can remember with startling clarity every moment and movement. The phases of the years turn into broad sweeps of motion that seem as though you could fall asleep again and step back into the dream. But then you turn your head and look up and your view is changed. In physical life, in most cases you never know consciously that you are ready for such an experience. It is quite simply beyond your awareness. You focus on "life" is too tight. That's what is telling about what is happening on earth now, with you and others. The point of awareness of such transition is coloring your life. It is not a single point, but many points happening all at once. It's confusing to you because you still cling to moment by moment progressing in a string of time marching into the distance. But what is really happening is that each moment exists independently from another, but yet at the same time all is interconnected in relationships that occur at the same time. Your subconscious has always waded through these types of impressions, but it is only now that the consciousness of the ego and the personality speak to each other of it. They will fight it out in an effort for dominance of point of view, but when the higher-self wins out due to conscious decision, then you will be ready for the transition. Try not to worry. Even though this seems terribly confusing, in reality, you already are at that point, and past it. For everything about the soul exists all at once. Focus is ever changing. It is natural.

---Q) How often does the personality strictly send it's focus or view point Through the highers elf and then "live" as the higher-self? Does this occur at the transition point between the planes of existence above the so called mental plane, ie. Buddhic plane and above? Here's an example. ---Lets say personality "bob" becomes very very evolved, lets say an ascended master. Now the view point or focus of this personality is now strictly non-physical. Is this personality now "the higher self"? And then does this bob-(higher-self) now manage other personalities (lives)? who are then physical? Example, do you and Z have physical personalities still? Or even other non physical ones that you manage?

A) -- While the personality is born of and a part of the over-soul, it at the same time is an independent part of the group consciousness that is the entity that IS your soul. The soul is not a singularity in a microcosm, but is a microcosm made up of consciousness in a state of ever changing individual focus. Each personality is in a reality of it's own creation, interacting and co-creating with other consciousness's. When a personality gains enough experience to facilitate an increase of consciousness expansion, it becomes more and more aware of it's place in and amongst it's other aspects. Initially there is disorientation as the ego's fight to retain a misguided perception of individuality. But in reality this is simply due to a tight focus. In reality there never was a separation of individuality. Each perception of a life is but a connected part co-existing with the rest. All recreating it's self and generating new focuses', new personalities, new realities to explore. Ever expanding, ever broadening views. You can see this broadening, this expansion reflected in your natural world. Look at wave function, the dissipation of light, sound, ect. ; Now when this broadening view becomes available, the personality if it so chooses can function at the perspective of the overall gestalt, or it can limit it's focus and retain the perception of individual identity. The choice is available. Like wise of the higher self. The key is to change your perception NOW from the view of a singular consciousness alone in the universe to embracing all that you have been, all that you will be and merging it into all that you are NOW. You are the many now, not the one later. These perceptions can occur at any plane of existence. Although some planes provide more challenge, or more opportunity depending on it's systems of functionality. The higher self is generally never separate from the other aspects of the soul unless it wishes to restrict it's focus for a reason. Each aspect of the soul manages it self as per it's wishes. Although it is guided by the higher aspect. Life is never ending and always creates. Just because the focus gathers itself and becomes unified in consciousness does not mean that it ceases to create. Personalities co-create new personality that connects itself to the previous in ever expanding connections. So too is everything connected from the source. There is no separation other than the perception of the emotional mind.

July 20, 2011

Sometimes family dynamics not being what we wish, appear to be a great source of stress. But, from a spiritual point of view, they provide the contrast and experiences the contain the opportunities you wished for on a soul level. Sure... Maybe your in-laws are a thorn in your side, but at the same time they provide opportunity to develop tolerance, patience, compassion, and fortitude...in fact, many times they agreed to it in your pre-birth life plan.

Then again, I suppose running far far away is always an option? ha ha..

July 19, 2011

Sometimes peace comes to those who ask for it. Although most of the time, we hold judgement or anger in our hearts. This creates a duality for the universe. What is created is then, is whichever hold's the most intentive emotion. If we consciously decide what will serve us best, and embrace it, the universe will revolve around our choice.

July 19, 2011

Questions and Answers continued:

Q) -- Is it true that those born into suffering have lower energies? Or do high level beings incarnate into fear based life scenarios, and if so why?

A) - Energy does not have level in a way that you mean in this instance. In relation to your question the personal energies of the incarnate personality are not separate from the physical manifestation of the perceived life. The energies of the personality are based on emotional thought in relation to it's awareness of place within aspects of the self created duality. The spectrum of love and fear. You can not be "born into anything" you already exist as everything you are, have, been and will be. What you see, feel, know, and understanding will depend on the individual perception of the incarnate personality the higher self chooses to create in combination with all the other aspects of the soul. When you say, "born into" you are assuming that this birth is who you are. Suffering is a separate topic that requires more discussion that can be dealt with in this question. But for many reasons, suffering is a tool of duality. It's what one does with suffering within the incarnation that matters. Being borne into a life of suffering is not an indication of how or where one will live life within the spectrum of love v/s fear. Nor is it an indication of evolution. And suffering while horrendous in cause, can have effects that can be desirable to any level of soul evolution. It is one of the primary ways compassion can be fully explored and understood in terms of physicality. So then as there are many types of suffering so to are there reasons for experiencing it. Thus beings of all levels, all types frequently wish to experience it within the constructs and context of human 3D physicality.

Q) -- Is it true that guides, spirits, and angels only communicate with higher vibrational energy vs. those grieving.

A) -- False. Nothing further from the truth. You are never ever alone. Ever. Now whether or not one can Hear, or whether or not they are listening is another matter. Intense emotion has great impact on perception of not only Spiritual communication but, the perception of the self within all that is.

Q) -- Why does fear experiences seem to last a life time?

A) -- You assume experience is linear in time. It is not. All experience is eternal, and exists all at once. What you focus on with your consciousness is what dictates your perception of any experience. To what degree, quantity, and quality you see depends on how aware you are of your self, within the context of any given situation. Fear can be applied in ways that are positive as well as negative in ways that serve your life choices or ways that restrict your life choices. Do not look to others suffering as a reflection of your place in this life. Look within yourself to see what you can do now to help you help them. Within that focus you can transform suffering and energetically guide others to transcend current and new experiences from fear to love. Do not despair that you are only one voice, in doing so you do not fully realize your interconnection to everyone else. For you are one. One voice will attract it's like until a song is built that carries across the universe.

Q) -- Does personal experience, life circumstances, and Spiritual level have an impact on free will as it pertains to fear vs/ love experiences. How does one judge these things?

A) -- Great question. Aside from Karma relationships, Personal experience is one way of describing "quality and quantity" of experience. If great enough or of such quality; One may have mastered such experience/s within the context of the emotional self. If so, then it has significant impact on pre-life planning. There are many causalities within the spectrum of love/ vs/ fear that will give insight and understanding. These are individual experiences and themes available to the soul. Many choices, many opportunities. The more experience one has, the better one can personally judge the value of further such experience. Really the individual is the judge of such matters. Such determinations are made during the life review, the individual judgement and in pre-life planning. At a certain point a soul can choose to re-enter such previously mastered experiences to the assistance or request of others in love.

Q) -- How do we know when we've had enough experiences on any one topic, subject, or theme, or lesson

A) -- When the personality in conjunction with it's other aspects feels it has gained such understanding as it feels necessary. There is not littness test or timed period. It is only because of the focus of this incarnation that you are unaware. There is nothing else to do to regain this than to expand and regain awareness. It is not cause for alarm. You will remember and have a different outlook on the other side. Do not fear, the personality retains it's input in the decision for future experience.

Q) -- What is a ghost? What is a Spirit? -If I ignore it will it go away?

A) -- It is a matter of semantics within cultural context. In American society this is dependent on perception. Manifestation of Spirit on your earth reality is not constrained or restricted to any spirit, but only dependent on awareness. Assuming you are aware of any such spiritual energy, it's nature can be categorized. How that is built is entirely dependent on personal viewpoint of the observer AND the aspect of the observed. In a simplistic sense here are some generalities.

***Energy from any given experience can be imbued with enough emotion to cause a repeating etheric manifestation that cycles across physicality. It is not a consciousness most can connect with. To deal properly with it requires force or sublimity of past life energies.

***An individual personality of a over-soul/entity/higher-self can through emotional focus cling to it's beliefs, perceptions, and emotions in such a way as upon death, reality is molded into a micro universe of sub-reality that interpenetrates general reality. This is a form of unawareness and intent that creates an illusion of separation from the rest of the self. This is what is frequently described as a "stuck spirit" or an intelligent haunting. This can only be alleviated based upon the beliefs of the said personality. If the incarnate can change the point of view of the said spirit, awareness will dawn upon it and it will seek a return to it's self. Anyone with an awareness of Spiritual communication can attempt this.

***visitations, guides, angels, et. al. . There are other types of experiences that from a certain view may seem like a haunting but may be fully realized spirit beings of many types. These have many purposes, intents, and actions. Interaction with any of them totally depends on the awareness and intention of the incarnate. You can rest assured you are never alone. Do not fear, you are surrounded by love.

***Depending on your life plan such experiences may never go away and may in fact be a call to ever greater experiences. Remember, like attracts like. So do not fear and always seek those in the light. Do not fear the dark and know you are a light. You can be a light of change.

July 18, 2011

The path to Mastery of the self moves through understanding of experience. When you can live life with : the passion of a rock star, move with inhibitions of a drag singer, experience the clarity of the monk, understand the zeal of the converted, feel the power of the warrior, have the certainty of the scientist, the thirst of the teacher, the purity of the saint, the devotion of the caregiver, the love of a mother, the pride of the father, and the innocence of the child, the compassion of a priest, the humility of the impoverished, feel the suffering of the hurt, know the pain of the diseased, the terror of the victim; when you have moved through and experienced many variations of all this and many more; AND, still hold true to an ever expanding, ever evolving awareness of your true inner self and self worth, then and only then will you be able to let it all go and truly start to live. This then is what it means to move closer to mastery of 'all that is'. You are eternal. You are more than this life. You are more than any perception of life. You are the sum of the many not the singularity of the one. Do not despair. You can not but help to progress to ever greater experiences. The return to the ultimate love is assured.

July 18, 2011

Question Answer continued:

Q) -- How do people who are not sensitive to spiritual energy perceive that they are being comforted and guided by souls from above? What if you are vibrationally low.

A) -- It might be better to break apart this question as it presumes certain limitations applied with or without choice. The first part, "who is and isn't spiritual sensitive and why?". Spiritual sensitivity is often a hotly debated topic within many fields. But it should not necessarily be taken to be an indicator of evolement. As Sensitivity is a rather fuzzy label applied to a huge range of spiritual manifestation. In a general sense it can be in indicator of experience. Not necessarily evolvement. You can be experience and at a low vibrational state. Although this entails some limitations. You can also have a high degree of evolvement in which for this particular incarnation the spirit has suppressed sensitivity to go through a particular experience in such a way to understand a specific "something" of it's nature. So just to make it clear. Sensitivity is more about experience than evolution. And it almost always involves a pre-life choice in conjunction with the higher self. Although sometimes, it can come about to damage of the energetic body; pre-life or during. Regardless of sensitively, each incarnate is different and will interpret spiritual signals in different ways. In a general sense you can know know a thing until you are aware of it. And you can not understand it until you experience it. In the average human incarnation, spiritual messages are delivered via the subconscious in the form of mental suggestion, inspiration, imagination, and subtle energetic influences. The other way is through dreams and experiences had while one is asleep. Comfort is all relative as your definition is skewed to how aware the individual is of such experience. Vibrational state has nothing to do with any of it other than individual perception of such experience. If you are low, you see aspects of fear. If high, you see aspects of love. The term Low is also subjective.

July 18, 2011

Question Answer continued:

Q) -- Are rich people or people who have access to comfort and care happier and better off than those who do not? Are there spiritual advantages or disadvantages to this topic?

A) -- Absolutely not to both questions. The only advantages or disadvantages surround one's perception of personal state of being within any given life experience and how one applies that not only to the experience, but the perception of the soul. Within each incarnation there exists experiences of dualities. Created by the self and others in various combinations, these dualities manifest in various degrees to all the exploration of consciousness and the self, to such a focused degree that one can work towards balancing ones emotional state of being. This work creates expansion, awareness and a working knowledge of the self. It allows the should to work out karma and free its self from the current cycle of incarnation. Their is no better or worse as each experience holds valuable sources of opportunities for soul development. Many opportunities are very specific to certain types of experiences and no value judgement should be placed. To what degree you see these as advantages or disadvantages will depend on how tightly you hold focus in your incarnation. This is not a tell of circumstance or evolvement, but one of awareness through experience.

July 17, 2011

Energy awareness and it's relationship to spiritual growth



July 16, 2011

Spiritual communication tip:

*Pick a technique you enjoy.

*Try it- at a consistent planned time, every day for a month.

*Do not put too much emotional investment into it.

*Treat it like an exercise for the body

*Treat it as a matter of fact. ie. "why yes, I talk to dead people, every day at 4"

*Don't ever say words like; (someday, want, need, wish) Always say empowering words (I am, I going, I try, I do, I will, I have)

*Always give thanks, always be grateful

*Abandon fear, worry, doubts, as best as you can.

*Write about your journey.


Sometimes the purpose of life can be to find acceptance, strength, fortitude, charity, dedication, kindness, humility, patience, and love of the self through experiences. Finding and holding onto the self through and in spite of life can be the greatest feat your soul can acomplish. To do so is to more fully know and understand your soul. You are more than this life, you are more than this body. Your soul wants you to know this.

July 15, 2011

You are love moving through the illusion of duality. The return to self is the bridging of spiritual separation.

All life, all material, is- a direct manifestation of the divine love that permeates 'all that is'. This manifestation, this love, is consciousness, that is, self pervasive, self creating, and seeks to know itself though all that it creates and moves through.

This is an inner reality that everything feels in one way or another. It is seen and unseen. It moves through every spectrum in broad sweeps of emotional energy. Every manifestation of this love seeks to know itself through an attraction with other manifestations. This is a self created push-pull. A duality.

Each end of this expressive modality of exploration is a valid way to explore aspects of this Love. In higher consciousness, each aspect of this duality is weighed in experience which swings from end to end until a balance is achieved. From the full expression of the emotional experience, balance is achieved.

An exploration tool used by humans that is often applied is that of reason. Many times humans focus so narrowly on physicality that reason creates a separation from this love that is all encompassing. Many times, this then creates conflict with the love of one's self and the perceived love that is outside of the self, the gap between. The gap seems to be a ford that is unpassable.

Thought from the tightly focused personality clings to reason as life raft in turbulent waters unable to realize that there is no true separation. This creates fear. Reason without the knowledge of universal love can never create the peace of self knowledge. Love without reason can never be fully experienced or known. The key is to balance the two.

You can have both, but unless you mix the two together in a meaningful way you only create confusion for the self, which lengthens your journey back to yourself. When one is able to merge the two in harmony, you create an expansion of personal consciousness. A new level of Spiritual awareness.

Only through deliberate intent to discriminate our emotions and thoughts can we hope to achieve this balance. That is not to say that we are amiss or remiss when we seem unable to get out of a rut of life, or we take a break, but if we pick ourselves up and keep trying, we will eventually succeed.

Avoidance of self limiting thoughts is key. In spite of, and despite feelings of less than, poor self worth, failure, and despondence over not having what we think we should have or need; we can overcome. These feelings ARE subordinate to our ultimate reality and the LOVE that is infused into our soul.

These feelings are just a temporary infatuation that is blinded by the illusion of reason in physicality. We often become so bogged down by our feelings that we can't seem to see that our perceived limitations are self created.

In this state of mind, this state of being, an increase of awareness is impossible. New experiences are hobbled. To recognize this in oneself is to catch a glimpse of the pulse of original love within one self. This glimpse is a gift, it is an opportunity of divine proportions.

If taken, it allows us a chance for self evaluation, exploration, and opportunities for expansion and self discovery through and in spite of difficulty. This is a good thing. This turmoil means your ready for change.

Do not worry. You can do this. Ask for help and the universe will revolve around you to help you facilitate enabling change in your life. Let go of all expectations other than knowing thyself through change. Do not worry, you are worth exploring yourself. It will lead you back to love.

July 14, 2011

Question Answer continued:

Q) -- At what point does the "I am" of current awareness move from the "point of view" of the personality to the "point of view" of the higherself?

A) -- There never was such limited point of view to begin with, from the entity that is you. Rather, there is compartmentalized "many views" of self. Via the incarnated personalities, there are some that are not "consciously" aware of each other due to 3D focus. The thought pattern, "I am" when viewed from the illusionary perspective of 3D narrowly focused incarnation denotes a singularity of separation. In each of our realities, there is no such thing as separation from all aspects of the self or anything else for that matter. Where personalities get hung up is the illusion of "origin of the viewer". The personality and it's lower ego fears disolvement and loss of individuality upon death. Because of such narrow focus and previous perspective based on incomplete knowledge it is often very difficult to perceive the human self as multi-dimensional, and being made up of multi-consciousness. One way of thinking about this is by reassessing our Spiritual labels. We place ourselves into limiting categories that prevent us from seeing our true nature. Think of terms such as soul, entity, consciousness, subconsciousness, lives, death, spirit, and try to be as open minded as possible. For you are more complex than you ever imagined. Another problem people need to constantly remind themselves, is that linear time is an illusion that Spirits use as a development tool. There is no "here" to "there". Thus there is no "me now" trying to visualize the "me up there" and moving closer to "me mysterious" so that someday I will become "me the higher self" entity. What you are is a web of consciousness that has many fluctuating facets, each with individual focus, awareness, perspective, memory, drive, purpose, ect, ect. connected to other webs, connected to groups, connected to masses, connected to every thing of ALL that IS. You create yourself, give birth to all your spiritual aspects and organs, which in turn create their own selves within their own realities. All of which feed back up and up to the source of you, the source of all creation. There is no such thing as separation. All is now. People have a very hard time visualizing a multi-perspective/ muti-dimensional self because they fear the loss of who they are. When in fact there never was a "who" but rather a "what special part of WE". In reality it does not matter so much from the collective consciousness of the higher-self or over-soul. In fact we are ALL entities with many singular individual unique aspects. Each aspect a faceted jewel that reflects, redirects and becomes a creation point for the light of creation. Thus the phrase, "God lives in us, through us, with all that is to explore, learn and experience the Self." Each exploration of experience is a moment of self fulfilling creation that moves out through a web of self creating consciousnesses that reflects back the light of birth. Remember in parting, You do not move to any point of view, you do not travel to any destination, you need to know "the point of it all" is the now. How you see yourself, how you see the world around you, and what you do about it. These views are within the personality of each incarnation. Within these views you have opportunities to expand your perception of your self. With expansion and greater awareness of yourself you create ever greater opportunities for experiences, growth, and knowledge. Within this is the joys and light of creation, moving to this to is be one with all that is. Your true nature is within you, right now.

July 13, 2011

Question Answer continued:

-Q) How sad do "they" get when friends and family "go to be born" knowing for the most part that the forgetting will happen. Or are they reassured that communication will continue during sleep. Tell me about those emotions.

A--Do not be sad. Do not project weariness of the experience onto future experiences. In most cases the opportunity to re-engage an incarnational experiences is eagerly sought after. The narrow focus of tactile physicality is a lure that is unparalleled. You can not know, you do not remember just how intoxicating life can be. The opportunities for self evolvement within such emotional experiences are so intense many find it overwhelming. But yes, it can be sad. It can be heartbreaking. For many, "Birth" Is death. It is the great separation. Death is rebirth into joy.So for them. It can be very sad to enter into the forgetful focus of 3D physicality. It is the forgetting that is lamented and often feared. I promise you this is a temporary sensation. Just as life on earth is fleeting, just as time is an illusion, so too is this Spiritual perspective of sadness. In greater perceptions of your Spiritual journey your focus will widen even further and you will see the true nature of your realities. This reality knows no separation and fully understands its ultimate place in existence. The oneness of all that is. Not only will this be known about, but through rebirth and perceived separations and reunification's it will be fully explored to come back to the full understanding of who you are. You are ALL, there is nothing but Unity. Do not fear the lonely road. Your dreams will carry you through with the voices of shared love. Always.

July 13, 2011

"Who you seem to be now; the interests you take; the insight you explore; the activities you do-often-if-of a spiritual nature, emotional, intellectual nature are often a reflection of the greater purpose of your spiritual bodies and upon a return to the unfocused broad perspective of spirit you may then remember such realizations as having been a small part of the whole truth of your souls endeavors. ie. if you engage in spiritual healing, energy work, medicine,,, many times your soul is interested in such matters in spirit... ie. teaching..ie... art, science, ect. ect... rest assured who you are now, goes with you." ---Seth

July 12, 2011

Q) -- Do we live in a simulated reality?

A) -- Yes,

I believe your thought is correct. Although such a belief is really controversial to our current 3D materialist scientists. The discussion is highly irrelevant if one does not believe in the continence of the soul or life beyond. Life, 3D life as we see it is a creation of consciousness, not matter. Consciousness is multi-dimensional and creates matter by perception. It does this By the directing of energetic, emotional, psychic, focus. This happens on the individual level and on the group level. And just as light comes in many wavelengths, upon what you observe, is limited by your perception of physicality, so to does matter come in a broad spectrum. Just because we currently can not detect or understand the inner spaces does not mean it does not exist. How much of that we can be aware of consciously greatly depends on our awareness of consciousness. To experience something in a certain way, consciously you have to know it exists. Once you know it exists your awareness creates a perception and understanding of it based on experiential experience. What does it all mean to the viewer? And is 3D physicality the only way to experience a reality? And how is such a reality experienced?

The human template for 3D reality was chosen. It is not the only system to experience physicality. In other systems different "rules" apply. If a society as a group, group consciousness collaborates, experience of reality changes. Thus the structure of reality is simulated in a different way. This is a change of awareness. A new creative reality. This does not mean that old forms of physicality would be magically instantaneously altered, but rather new forms will be created through the process of physicality of the current system being experienced. Thus we all manipulate and create a simulated reality. The true reality is the multi-dimensional consciousness behind that focused experience. Our higher-self, our over soul, all our souls parts. It is only when we stop looking outward through the focus of an experience and look inward and up-ward back down the long tunnel to our true nature, does the illusion of focus dissipate. This naturally happens when we dream or go out of body, or die. But to experience that truer, greater reality while conscious in the focused 3D takes a change perspective and awareness. As an individual or group.

July 12, 2011

Today I am answering some Spiritual questions that were submitted to me.

The answers are inspired from Spirit, my guides and Teachers.

-Q) What is our responsibility to help each other improve spiritually and how far does this go? How do we know when things are getting better. And what do we use to judge this by?

A-- Responsibility might be better considered from a multiple perspective. To the Self, and to other Spirits. Who are you, and who-- what is "other"? How do you feel about this answer? Exploring this will determine how you view the concept of Responsibility. Responsibility is a somewhat limiting as it implies a grudging duty either given or taken. It frequently involves a karma in the context of human interactions. It often has associations of lack of choice and free will; self imposed or by others or some action. A better concept is the idea of Serving yourself through serving your neighbor for the greater good. What this means to you will help you answer the question of "how far does one help". When we hold our actions, thoughts, and emotions within the context of Service, be it life, humanity, or family we automatically help not only ourselves but we automatically seek to take this action to it's possible limit within our state of being. We need not worry as the only judgement of the betterment of the soul is the self realization of your neighbor, "the you", within your Love. How this feels is the "I of now". I love what I feel about myself when I see you. How can I help you. This is the desire to serve. This is transcending love. There is no judgement. There is only love.

-Q) Does happiness = higher vibrational energy. does happy and successful life always mean or equal a high spiritual vibration.

A--No. Spiritual vibration is about the speed of which your personalities spiritual energy moves within the 3D dimensionality of a particular existence, which can be of a variable spectrum. These energy fields or bodies can be effected by emotion and thought, but the labels of good, bad, or success do not apply. There have been in the course of perceived human history, extremely evolved Spirits living "seemingly" wretched lives. Success is a value judgement of the lower ego, often made without context of full Spiritual knowledge. Happiness is point of view and perception of the personality living a life chosen for certain reasons that may or may not have anything to do with others value judgements. It totally depends on the self judgement of the personality within their point of view and awareness of their place within their souls ultimate reality. Those in Spirit feel the full range of emotions from love to fear just as the incarnate. The difference is in Spiritual focus and awareness of context. Look to the past masters of earth to see examples. Did not Jesus cry? Did not Buddha fear? Did not Vishnu anger? Did not any of them express the "seeming" other than happiness? So to express and live within any emotion is not an indication of Spiritual emotion. Rather ones awareness of possibilities, probabilities, and options within any given experience is the indication of Spiritual evolution. This is worthy of happiness. To achieve such awareness is to allow the transcendence of vibrational states of being. Do not worry for your place. Be happy, you will find ever greater awareness.

-Q) Why does the universe, life seem unfair at times?

A--The word, unfair is label for a certain type of emotion pertaining to the perception of the self within the concept of "have and have not". To understand this one has to deconstruct several things. The first one needs a point of view. To simply say, "universe, life, society" is rather undefined as each of these may mean widely different things to different people. It is better to step back and look within oneself for the starting point of an unexplored emotional point that is in response to something experienced that causes discomfort. From this discomfort stems the label unfair. Fairness is a point of view of the observer in relation to how one see's oneself within experience. Perception of one's self is dependent on how ones perceives the nature of reality for not only the self, but the context and structure containing any given experience. Within and through this experience we interact with the constructs built by our thoughts, feelings; which in turn give rise to the possibilities and probabilities of action. Depending on what we do, think, and feel; this in turn generates effects, setting into play consequences we then evaluate and re-evaluate with our thoughts, feelings and actions. This is the cycle or circle of life we perceive. How closely we focus on any aspect of this defines our awareness of any given experience or situation we interact with. Within this pattern; one of the feelings we can experience and express is related to a discomfort. This discomfort can be manifested in many ways in the spectrum of love vs fear. There is no right or wrong in this, but rather what we do with any given feeling and how we apply it to the experience is what matters. Many times this discomfort is a result of perceived understanding (real or not matters not as reality is real for the viewer). Such feelings may engender ideas of social injustice, political injustice, all sorts of physical abuse, war, poverty, the list goes on. One's understanding of reality greatly depends on the context of not only experienced 3D manifestations, but ones understanding of one's place within such a perception. To fully explore and define all this also frequently causes discomfort. This is because of personal beliefs involving many topics regarding metaphysical subjects. Now all this discourse is fairly irrelevant if one is stuck within the emotions inside of the concepts of universal unfairness. It does not help. But what it does, is to suggest the only way to remove such discomfort is to closely examine not only all aspects of the experience, but of the self, the soul, in relation to it.To fully understand these is to know enough to manage the cause and effect that moves reality. For you and others. It is only fair.

July 11, 2011

I highly recommend this article from my mentor, Linda.

Changing Your Vibrational Signature


There is no such thing as anyone's better half. Your better half is simply waiting to be self created.

To come home is the journey of returning to one's self. It is the greatest journey of your life, the return to immortality of your love.

Love never leaves, love never waits. Love always is. Love is that which carries you through life when you don't know how to go on. If you can't see it, simply ask. You are not alone.

July 07, 2011

The Meaning of Life:

The only thing you take with you at the end of this body's life is consciousness. How have you used it? What have you fed it? What has it made?

Enlightenment comes from greater awareness of the self through experience. Each can have value in understanding the self within the whole. Know yourself in relation to your neighbor and you will know your place in the universe. Know your place, -- know how much you can see. What you can see is what you can understand about yourself. Who you are is how much you understand. Through this understanding, you will move to ever greater manifestations of Love.

There is MORE to your personalities' view of self. Satisfying desire through "living only once" is a sure ticket to the merry go round of karmic cycling of lives. Accomplishment, acquisition of knowledge, and experience can never be fully had in one lifetime. We are not even specks in all that is. But, Together we ARE all a part of the ALL. Together we are an integral manifestation of Love that CAN make a difference. This difference leads to real progress of the soul.

Progress is achieved through experience. Each person is unique, but many commonalities exist. The majority of incarnations is simply about gaining experience, through which ever greater understandings of the self are explored. These are unique and as varied as all of creation. That is why there are so many souls. Each is a unique creator in their own right. That experience returned to the whole manifests the development and evolution of the all as it returns to the love and source of all creation. These experiences build on themselves to create ever better experiences. Each experience can be an opportunity. Every thought, every emotion, every action is an opportunity to develop our conscious awareness.

Past present future worries are just not worth loosing the moment of right now. For it is only in that moment that we can truly understand and be. Who are you right this very moment? If you don't know or don't like it, that is your greatest purpose, and it is a good thing.

July 07, 2011

Spiritual Development

*The number of incarnations; how many remain; personal development and desire; -- All, fall before living right now to the highest possible perception of the self within the development of the whole for and with the ALL.

*We are not these bodies. Our needs are emotional constructs only successfully fulfilled through the undying service to all life in the return to Love.

*This return can be achieved many ways. Depending on personality, there are many areas to explore and find oneself. Many combinations. Passive, Active, Guided, Guiding, etc. Within each are many stages of possibilities. Each possibility leads to an area of development to explore. Each area of development leads to a path of evolution, all of which eventually return to Love.

*Each experience leads to increased awareness through personal exploration of the experience all of which can define a state of being. This process strengthens and clarifies will, powers of perception, capacity for love, within flexible focus. This process most often takes many lives.

*For every action in advancement, the personality of your body will react with equal force. To master these two forces is a psychic feat that impacts the psyche across all levels of dimensionality. Depending on reason of incarnation, the success and impact is greatly varied. To your higher self or over-soul, there is no time limit or litness test for this.

*Many become discouraged by their path, or give up early, or find they need to tread a more narrow, slower, and gradated path. This is just fine. There is no right or wrong. All return. The struggles of life among other things are to help us learn, grow, understand. So that we do not leap off before we are ready.

July 06, 2011


It is the little daisy

given to a child.

Looking at each petal,

in open eyed wonder,

who then

proceeds to pick each petal off.

Blown away in the wind.

Stem in the air,

to skip away

through vast

fields of flowers.

July 06, 2011

*Personally I think I should get rid of the terminology "wishful thinking" and say to myself, I have the rest of this life to get better. It will get better, I am loved, I am worth it." Wishing is a disabling word. Moving desires to action oriented statements are best, even if unfulfilled, it changes the mind from possibilities to possible

July 06, 2011

Dreaming: What dreams may come, a Spiritual viewpoint.

(A work in progress)

Associative Dreams:

When you sleep your consciousness splits between your various energy bodies as well as your subconsciousness. The flesh and blood brain filters such experiences through it's narrow energy/flesh connections, or filters. It does not care what this looks like to your consciousness or dreaming vision. It gathers up data, emotions, thoughts, impressions, and memories and tries to organize them. This information can come from your previous hours, your past lives, Spiritual adventure in the astral, etheric, and mental planes. It can also come from external Spiritual experiences with other entities or thought forms. Your brain in conjunction with your subconscious will often substitute symbols of people, objects, and meanings in the attempt to organize it all. This results in fast moving, strange dreams, that seem to leap from image to image, in which your mental projection of yourself acts as a passive participant or viewer. These can contain Spiritual communication, but very often it will be distorted by the subconscious. Very often these dreams are forgotten in the morning. They can be retained by dream journaling and various techniques at interpreting them. These dreams are heavily influenced by ones state of being or vibration. Neither good nor bad, they just are.

Symbolic Dreams:

Depending your your conscious awareness of Spirit and your state of being, you can initiate, have, or be given, Symbolic Dreams. Symbolic dreams are dependent on your conscious awareness of Spiritual communication. It is important to ditch the notion and label of the symbol as we know it in a modern human sense. It should only be approached from a neutral passive point of view. The reason for this is that like attracts like. Many spirits only communicate through symbolic visuals or meaning. This is because telepathy is emotional thought- based as opposed to words. You brain will be given or will translate this meaning through literal symbols OR, the visual representation will appear normal, but will have symbolic meaning as opposed to something literal. For example, A visual of a spirit cloaked in shadow may mean something as opposed to a literal "cloak of shadow". It's all about context. Context of the viewer and sender. What is one's man's beautiful flower is a woman's key to the universe is a child's toy.

Lucid Dreams:

To put a fine point on the phrase, You know you are dreaming. When you have a lucid dream you are clairvoyently viewing AND, or, experiencing something on a Spiritual plane. It could contain elements of associative or symbolic dreams as well as involving Astral travel or interaction with out of body experience (OBE). Those in Spirit often pass along messages to us this way. Many times via bedside visitations. Usually, when you have a lucid dream; one remembers it upon waking in vivid detail as though you lived it. This is because you did. The phrase, 'my dream was more real than real' often applies. Many times because of the "lucidity" of the dream and depending on the dreamers experience one can exert direct control in the dream. When this happens your consciousness takes majority control of your subconscious awareness as well as your energy body's perception. This is a combined internal and external focus. There is some debate in the Spiritual academic fields as to "how real" this is. I feel it is semantics. As "How real is thought and emotion" and "how real" is the mechanisms to interpret this? I feel the bodies, no matter the plane of existence is nothing more than a focusing lens for thought and emotional energy. So real is all about perspective. Same with any clairvoyant experience. What is the origin of point of view for the observer, turn experiencer, via sender? How and where does this manifest? Many researchers get caught up in the perceptions of threads of consciousness, detached or attached spiritual bodies, and what direction energies go. I feel this is irrelevant to the messages we might apply to our lives.

Prophetic Dreams:

This is when in the course of one's spiritual development one has not only consciousness of their energy bodies on multiple dimensional levels, but can exert some influence through them. While doing so, from time to time depending on spiritual awareness and experience one can access their and other Akashic record and retrieve one of the lines of experiences that are to come. Most of the time, high level guides or Angels can do this. From time to time, they will give you a dream containing this information or give it to you via one of the Clair experiences.

Dreams of Past Lives:

Most of the time, if experienced during sleep, will stem from associative dreams, which will then turn into symbolic dreams, and could then depending on the source and reason could evolve into a lucid dream. Most of the time Past life information comes via one of the so-called Clair experiences as vision, knowing or feeling, very often a mix of these. So Dream is probably not the best use of this phrase. Visions of past lives might be more accurate. In the adult, these visions are access via a conscious download or unconscious emotional trigger as it relates to current experiences. In dream form it is often stumbled upon. It can also be recalled by the subconscious and woven into the dream scape as a way of organizing emotions for sake of continuance of "like experiences". They can also be triggered and given by guides and angels for use, or out of affection. Children under 5-7 often have conscious recall and knowing of past life vision, memory or knowledge. The energy bodies that are drawn from Earth to make up the aura and the like are new to each incarnation when the larger soul scape sends it's energy to these energy connections, it typically drops or is forced to drop such memory to better connect by intense focus within 3D dimensionality. Many other reasons for this.But as the child does not have as full of a developed 3D memory, the subconscious can pull from past life memory in such a way that is cleaner that it would be for an adult, with less conscious interference. Personally I feel past life knowledge is pointless unless they relate to an intellectual, or emotional experience that helps us in this physical life.