May 2013

Darkness and sorrow are but the shadow cast by the light that stands behind our backs.

A road sign not to any destination, but a directional sign to turn us around.


You ask why things of ill happen in the world. And so you ask through the eyes of this body, and the feelings that emanate around your reactions to what you believe. Yet, what seems to be of good and evil, is simply energy. Energy knows not of good nor evil. Rather it is chaos or balance. Either can be harmonious or dissonant. Each knows a magnetism pulling and pushing amongst it's self and each other. When we feel ourselves approaching the bridge between the two we come into a comfort, a clarity of view, and a particular understanding. But this understanding is not the answer to who you are. You are in everything, both the chaos, and the balance. Comfort is created by accepting what feels like you, and letting go of what is not. Suffering comes from attachment to beliefs which generate false desire. These desires create obsessions that hunger for everything that is not like themselves. But you can not understand what is and isn't you until you are able to know what you are in every thing and what you are not. This must be experienced.

Life is a tool to do that. A tool you choose.


In the playground of the soul, the life that swings can not soar up into the sky if it did not plummet to the earth, the momentum and energy of this action propelling ever higher flight. Play until you get dizzy, get off, or let go. Swings are not for everyone. Some like to go around and around. Slow, fast, or just to hang out with friends. Worry not. You are not alone, and always watched over.


When we understand the measurement of a life of love, we will realize there is no need to measure up.


Look to nature and see yourself in her example.

Does the eagle fly with snakes, twisted, writhing tangle, fangs and rattle? No. He deeply pierces and examines to the point of death or she lets go and soars.

So too with doubt, fear, and worry.

In life with duality, all belief twists and coils upon itself, some even has fangs, has venom. But the only way to not get bitten or grounded by its weight is to let it go or experience it to the point of mastery. It is the wise eagle who then realizes such dangerous food is not necessary when there is many fish in the sea.

It is the wise creator who remembers that there are many birds, some who even seek the choicest of fruits.

Like the bird when confronted with scales, look but remember you can pass over, let go of, and fly higher, soon you will see ripe fruit or seeds just for you.

You can't worry about what your not holding on to.

That's not to say everything in life one can believe in is like a snake or dangerous. All life has meaning, all has purpose, all can nourish and grown in it's own cycle. But it's up to us what to go after, what to hold onto, and what to eat.


There is no need to seek love. If you allow yourself to feel, it will find you.


Truest love wants nothing. It can only accept and give.


If you realize what you are, what you are not is never needed.


Worry not over two hearts meeting as one. Embrace shared purpose whenever you see yourself reflected in another. It is in this union, these heart beats in harmony, that you will approach an understanding of how connected to the universe you really are. Acceptance of this, with selflessness, knows no guilt, shame, ownership, worry, doubt, fear, jealousy, anger, or fear. Understanding the connection is to know no separation truly exists.


All that is, is driven to know it'self through creation of expression.

Not to define, but to understand the process of knowing.

This is experience incarnate.


You can not experience the highest love until you understand limitations we can put on it. This is not to say limits are bad, poor, or otherwise, but rather to ask - How big is the love I am capable of? How will I shape what I experience with this love?


Thinking about my own feelings on life,

The discomfort of yesterday

Past loves lost

Experiences shunned

Friendships pushed away

Images forgotten

Feelings denied.

Present Embraced

Loves Acknowledged

Gratitude twords Experiences

Love's Expressed

Images Looked at

Feelings Felt

worries Let-Go

experiences Accepted

feelings Owned

knowledge of self Embraced

ignorance spoken Selflessly

Loving your Comfort

Brings Presence in Every Moment


Doing is often not as important in life as in the energy created through emotional focus.

If you are able to simply be yourself, and find comforting acceptance, you will find yourself 'doing'.


Someday, the dusty clay that soils your coat, wont feel so like dirt, trodden from rutted trails. Someday it will look like love worn adventure, rose covered hillsides on the way back to Paris, back to the grassy dunes of the seaside, and it will smell not of mud but the open road of freedom and sound like the wild trill of cardinals. Someday we will have forgotten the heart ache and the weary feet, because there will only be laughter, songs, and the clap of feet on boards of our own making.

Someday I'll be there and so will you.



For many. Many..... Our lives are not so much about doing, accomplishment, or fulfilling anything but the process. The process of becoming ourselves. It's about developing our inner contribution to unified balanced energy. Whether that is learning about love through loss, love through fear, or experiencing the wholeness of self love through experiences of lack. The completeness of our inner transformations is what will lift our souls up to our highest possible self.


Some people walk through clouds of fear like crack whores smoke. You cant change things like that. You just have to walk away cause it aint about you. They can only change themselves. They may try to engage you in that fear, its not that they fear for you, rather its that they are trying to see their reflection in you. Dont give into worry. dont give into that energy. Just be polite and do youre own thing.


I think a lot of the grief, doubt, anger, pain, fears that I've had in my life stem not from the emotions being based in reality, but rather from self induced resistance to allowing myself to feel or accept my perfect unity with everything else. I have this tendency to desperately want to belong. To be a part of something. To belong to someone. To own someone, or own their love, etc. All of it automatically and inherently engenders separation. But What all of it does, is give me experiences that increase these feelings. it's only when I can move myself into a state of being, or accepting non resistance, when I can let go of desire, and realize I can never be separate from anything else. Only then can I realize that all those feelings are false. They are just a tool to feel our unity. To feel comfortable with how I exist in balance with everything. Sometimes when I am feeling down, I can feel so lonely and feel like, if only I could die, I could be united with the other side. Only then could I truly co-exisit with anyone who loves me, if such exists. But it's only when I am able to return my feelings to the understanding that there never was any separation that I can over come that urge. Then I know that it's not faith in the other side I need. But it's faith in myself.


If you really want to the get the most out of life, it's good to be focused, disciplined, tenacious and willing to put yourself out there even when you don't know how. But this isn't really about a litness test for doing, but rather its simply a statement that we have it within us to do, be, see, and feel more of ourselves wherever life finds us. In the end, it's really up to us. But it's a good thing when we remember that we are never truly stuck. It's all about perspective.


One of the best pieces of advice anyone has ever given me was,

"that it can take multiple life times to work out a theme of experience, so give yourself permission to enjoy life.

Just live it the best you can, and don't worry."



The other day heard something on tv about a life of meaning vs happiness. It went something like this.......

"So you want a life of meaning? Or a life of happiness? No-both? It can be hard.

One or the other?

A life of happiness means living utterly in the present, letting go of anything not in the moment. A life of meaning obsesses over the past, over the future, consumed with desires.

The question is, can you let go of everything and still find meaning? "

I asked my friend Nikki, "What would the gang, angels and what not.. say about such thoughts.........."

--- Spirit gave her the following response:

"What you do with your life is what gives it meaning.

That being said all that matters is love.

It is the act of loving,

the love we give not just to others but

to ourselves that will be remembered and define our life.

If love is the choice there is no wrong.

Actions based on love produce laughter, joy and happiness.

The meaning of life is not complex the answer is ALWAYS love."



I heard these books are a good read:

Don Miguel Ruiz, Author of "The Four Agreements"

Don Miguel Ruiz Jr., (his son and author of)

"5 levels of attachment"


All communication requires energy. If one is not of sound mind and body, even emotionally disturbed or ill at ease, continuing can exacerbate the conditions and lead to disturbance, weakness, depression or worse. Better to look within at one's emotions and inner being, rather than give in to worry and obsession over spiritual phenomena and the desire for, or worry over communication.



Question from CE reader

Q & A w/ Jason cont....


Hi, I read different channeling about celebrities and im wondering how sure you can be that its really he´s spirit/soul?

Another reason is why im wondering about channeling stars is that they dont talk about who has murdered him

or how it is in heaven or in afterlife in generell. They only speak about average day-to-day topics like if they were

not dead. Isnt that strange? I mean they could also say things like "let my mother know that i love her"

or things like that. Or describe jesus or god. Another thing is, could demons personate as /michael j./ j.lennon or other stars??

Greetz from Germany/Heidelberg



Hey Lukas,

My name is Jason, I am friend of Elisa and Eriks and have been hanging out off an on here for a few years. Welcome. But I just wanted to say that this forum isn't regularly used by Jamie or Elisa as it might seem. What I mean by that it would seem as though you are addressing your questions to them, but I am not sure they will see it anytime soon. The reason I am saying that is because the types of questions you are asking, the answers or response is going to vary quite a bit between mediums, believers, and investigators. It's not the kind of thing someone can just slap down statistics and say, here ya go; This is the way it is, there is no room for anything else.

Really these types of experiences become about 'the journey' as opposed to validation, dogma, and law. One of the very first things Erik told me, was this. "The weight of your subjective experience will become your objective reality". And for me, as the years have gone by, crazy or not, paranormal or spiritual, loving or scary experience, I've held it to my heart like a mantra. For me, that journey becomes about faith, belief, and asking questions. Not really about the experience or what is really going on, but who I am inside and outside of that experience. What is the nature of consciousness, what is the nature of my soul, what is the nature of inner and outer realities. Who are we?

This sort of journey takes place in every religion, philosophy and is a part of the nature of who we are, and why we are alive today. A lot of modern spirit communication developed out of Western Spiritualist tradition. This includes the paranormal hunters of modern media, the investigators of consciousness, and the fear and condemnation from traditional religion. Really in seeking spirit communication we are seeking something about ourselves.

Elisa, Jamie, and Erik are seeking to show how these commonalities run through all life, even lives we think we know well. The point is not to offer validation, proofs, and pass private messages. It is to show us through this medium how we are all connected, and how the hope that we are more than just this life is something that we can guide our lives by.

So perhaps rather than asking is this real? Are they who they say they are? We might find ourselves asking, What of myself is real? Am I more? How do these messages resonate with me, and how do I see myself in that?

I know that's not really what you're asking, but to properly serve your questions, you would need to go on a journey to explore spiritual communication, spirituality, and how you see the very nature of reality. It can be a long journey, but you have started. There is more.... just like you.

Keep reading Erik and Elisa's archives from the begining and see if you change your mind.


Q & A w/ Jason cont....

A good friend of mine asks me about a few past life readings she had that were confusing. ...

I thought it would be helpful to others to share how I responded....

Hey. Jason here.

So about this whole, past life thing.

Just wanted to say thanks for sharing with me your experiences. The past life readings you had; what other mediums told you. About the women you supposedly were, about people you knew and how you interacted with them. I can't say one way or another about whether or not I think it's true. I am just not picking up on that sort of thing. All my past life revelations tend to be about whatever emotional experience I am presently going through or are triggered during some altered state of consciousness. It's rarely a casual on the fly thing. And even then I too frequently question the experience.

I wouldn't worry too much about other reactions to how you yourself perceive spirit, even higher spirit. In my own experience, the spirit world can be quite numerous. All the emotions we use, they have. And every person, soul, and creature has more to their consciousness and personality than is perceived by another person. Medium or not. And others perceptions and experience even if it appears to be about you, doesn't necessarily mean it actually is... Things are not always as they seem......

That, and the nature of other life times....

You know, I think about that topic in general quite a bit. Over the past 3-4 years or so, I've had quite a bit of metaphysical experiences and interactions with spirit/s and mediums, of which I seem to have gotten quite a bit on past lives. Some of it sounding quite fun, some of it down right weird and scary. And some quite bizarre.

I'd even go as far as to make lists and try to chart out some kind of soul history, so to speak. But to honest, it was all quite subjective and fragmentary. And, according to my so called guides, we are only ever given data, info, and what not; only given it, IF it pertains to our present life plan or the emotional experiences in that life. So a lot is left out.

But yeah. I too have been told wild and weird things. Both from a mutual friend/medium R., and other mediums. As well as having vision experiences of them. But the kicker is, that most of the time, they only generated feelings of worry, frustration, and never was I nor the other mediums able to provide enough content, context or information to resolve the emotions such experiences brought up, nor resolve the emotions and issues they were related to. To be honest, other than give me a sense of the immortality of my soul, on a subjective level., I can honestly say they did nothing to guide, improve or make my current life more fulfilling. Now don't get me wrong. Some of these readings and vision experiences were cute, comforting, and fun. But none of them are really about my present personality. Anything that feels like or generates worry, doubt, fear, confusion, sadness or angst is not you. Nor will it ever be. Even simple innocuous things like numerology, astrology, angel cards or anything like that.... anything that does not lead to the present completeness that is presently you.. ... it's safe to discard it..... true... or false.... Just say no- to worry.

I always like to keep in mind......

thoughts on the nature of our souls consciousness, higherself, and how that differs from incarnational consciousness when talking about these topics. I say that because perspectives and points of view can really become askew. In the end I have to ask myself... Is this love? Does what I am being told, or what I am experience feel like me?

I'll give you a personal example. R. and I in the past have had quite a bit of shared vision experiences. In one, supposedly he and I were married and Erik was his kid.... (if that is to be believed); In another vision, supposedly he killed me. In yet another experience supposedly I watched my children being killed, and yet in another experience a medium told me, I was a serial killer. And yet other mediums have told me I was the disciple of spiritual guru's.

So you see, for a time, from time to time, I would get really into the emotions behind such revelations, and worry what it all meant, and who I was, and spent a lot of time and effort trying to figure it out. I am not so sure any of it was especially fruitful.

I'll tell you why,

All of these past and future scenarios.... and how I feel when presented with them.... they can only exist here and now while I am incarnated. Because my consciousness has to deal with this filter of a body, this tightly focused perception.... I tend to over judge, evaluate, and critique these experiences, and at the same time, under-rate myself.

I am here on Earth with a plan. And that plan is about gaining experiences. Not necessarily in a upwardly mobile curve, but as a means to create myself. I am infinite possibility. But how much of that becomes a probability, depends on my free will in this present personality. The past has nothing to do with it. We all want to feel special and as if we belong and fit in somewhere. But the lesson to learn is that we are special now. That there is no where to fit in as we can not be anything more that what we presently are. So the point of this life is to 'bring it now'. Everything else is just outside of us.

We all think the answers are or can be outside of us, in other peoples and in spirits words; but God resides within. Moses saw a burning bush, Mary spoke to an angel. Revelation never has to be sensational. The quiet whisper of the wind, the call of a bird, the laughter of a baby, a rock song,.......What voice speaks to your heart? How does your heart speak to you? What feelings speak of you, as you? We must bring our own light to the darkness, not the light of distant past, nor the hope of the future. The light we can presently present, resides within.

Most​ of what ​ ​ we are told as it pertains to other lives is either for 'contrast', or because it relates to emotional experience. I have to ask myself, ... What is the message behind any experience, any vision, what is the message that feels like a higher love, the higher self? It's all about Discernment.

So yeah. I do understand the confusion your going through. I've had experiences with astrology, tarot cards, angel numbers, divination, life paths, religions, dogmas, ​ ​ ​many theories, many so called fact, labels, judgements, realities. All of these have had their share of positive messages, and scary ones. Impending changes, life paths, points of view, meaning behind meanings, others interpretations, what i "think" others are saying, vs., what feels like me.... what resonates w/ me, vs., ignoring worry, doubt, and fear and finding me in every situation, painful or not. Doing vs. being., fear vs., doubt..

In the end, what brings me out of it and back to a comfort zone is relying on the trust and faith I have in myself and always turning to joy and comfort that feels like me. It's a daily adventure. To reject what's outside of me, and accept what I already have inside. Somedays I feel successful, other days like a total failure.

In the end, All I really have is me, my experiences, and how I feel about them. Everyone and everything else is just a mirror reflecting back at me. As MJ sang, "I am just the man in the mirror".

As Erik always said, If people would spend more time looking at, smelling, and cleaning up their own shit, instead of looking for something to explain away what their feeling and what they don't like about their experiences, that if they did that they could move themselves into a spot that felt more like joy, and less like worry.

Not that I am saying this is you, I am simply saying what you are being told by these mediums seems a lot like frustration, worry, doubt, and well.. not you......

For me, It's simple things that get me through life. That get me to tell myself, I don't know what's going on or what to make of it all, but I am going to keep going.

I don't think I can tell you any more about these past lives. If what you are being told is "real" or not. I don't think I can explain the discrepancies or that which is odd or even fun sounding. All I can tell you is that your heart in the present moment will always be the key to unlocking who you are. The future is now. And we are forever in motion. When it comes to other divination's, visions, and spiritual experiences... I find that if it doesn't feel right's for a reason.

In my personal experiences divination, past and future life has yet to resonate with my present perception of daily life....... It can be quite the filter. I wouldn't be able to say more. Everyone has the right to hold validity to their beliefs.


Thought I'd pass this along. It's a 'tech tip' of mine for the visual (minds eye) clairvoyant'​.....

​** ​If your​ inner minds eye​ vision morphs disturbingly it could be because your energy is out of wack, or the channels are bruised or inflamed. This can be temporary or permanent. It can happen due to obsessions, attachments, fears, other emotions, beliefs, or substances ie. drugs/​booze OR..​​ Medications.....​​.

ALSO it can happen if you are ​trying to force or direct the visuals instead of allowing them or passively viewing.

If this happens you can work around it at a certain level by not relying on images but instead speak

​ or clairaudiently (think AT)​ and describe your intention, or focus on feelings disregarding visual. Your message will still get across​ (to spirit).​


Check out this awesome interview from Afterlife TV!


Question from CE reader

Q & A w/ Jason cont....


Personality constructs

If a soul is reunited with it's 'total' self after death then how does it retain the specific personality to be accessed/channeled? Like I imagine that JFK is all of his lives combined.. not just 'JFK' any more.. and yet it is specifically him that is contacted and who replies. Is it just for our benefit that he appears as that person?


Hi there. Jason here. Good question!

You're on a good track, but what we will want to think about is how we all see the nature of consciousness, and our phraseology, or word/ terms. A lot of our language has to do with separation contexts. Reunion, totality, parts, etc. All the terms we use can imply something that isn't quite how it is. Personally I like to think of soul consciousness as a multidimensional diamond, that is symbiotic, and fluid in nature.

Each life, each personality, each perspective and even experience is a facet of that diamond. Unique, valid, special, and an important co-creation of the soul. And instead of "living" and Dying" in that reality from a linear space time perspective... It is a facet that the soul projects itself through.

It projects a portion of it's light through it's co-created experiences/ creations. Once a facet is set, it does not go away, but rather the point of view, of the consciousness changes. Now how that works can be variable, and a whole other topic besides. But basically what is going on, is once an incarnation or point of view is done with it's focus; that experience is re-processed or expanded into and through the whole self/s. It's not really an A, B, C, process, but more of a wave function collapsing in on itself and then rebounding outward in new broader directions. And it happen concurrently with all other wave functions, only the view and perspective change with the consciousness focus. And that changes through awareness of experience.

Now, as far as specific earth time space personalities go; particular incarnations.... most mediums and sitters are not seeking to commune with a higher self point of view. They are seeking something to identify with from their own tightly focused incarnation. Something that is familiar with that singular perspective.

And those perspectives from the higher self or the whole self view, are simply projections of light. Or tightly focused aspects of personality based on a dilemeted range of experiences. Now the kicker is, that in our linear space time perception, this feels like some sort of singular separate experience. We want to claim ownership and possession of the uniqueness of a particular facet, because we can't see, feel, or presently co-understand all the other facets, let alone other souls diamonds. What is key to understand is this. We are always more. We always retain every experience. We always retain every perspective, life, and point of view. What is key is to realize that while we can remain in that facet, that we can evolve and refine the reflection of that facet projecting our light; that we are so much more.

For more insight into this concept take a look at when Jamie and Erik interviewed Leonardo Davinci. So yes, JFK is not just JFK, but the parameters of the channeling session was to connect with that facet, or personality aspect. That doesn't negate all the rest or limit what comes across, rather it sets the boundaries on what is perceived and communed. So rather than our "benefit", it's more about requested point of view.

I'll give you another example. I've got a few spirit guides, friends/family who I communicate with. Now in these cases (erik m included), not only were they alive in this most recent century, I've also shared past lives with them. What's been interesting for me though has been that they are just as likely to come across to me looking as they did in other lives and interacting with me as if I was still of the facet of my soul that shared that life with them. For example, to me, Erik often shows up not as some teen, but a child or father figure, and when they project their thoughts at me, I often see myself as they would see me, and have seen myself as other genders, species, and ages. So for the "whole" soul... perspective is fluid, multidimensional and circular.. where as our present perspective it is linear-and space time based.

You can see this in some current popular books as well. Where the sitter asks the medium to connect to the higher self as opposed to the life personality. Both co-exist at the same time, and both can evolve and refine at the same time, and even co-create..... There is no separation. Only expansion and focus.


And just so you know that things at my place are not all serious woowoo and stuff, I am sharing with you an Erik approved video!


We can never see ourselves by looking around. We can only see by feeling from within as we seek to look.


We are only alone in life if we refuse to see ourselves in others.


The greatest high in life is the feeling you get when you can say, 'This is me, this is it. '


Personal opinion alert! Cover your ears! :)

A very good friend, a buddy of mine and I have talked about soul groups and reincarnation off an on for while now. The other day they forwarded me an article on the nature of souls. And asked me what I thought about or what was my take on the nature of soul groups, monads, and the organization of souls.

I replied:

"confused.......? Always. Understand........? hmmmmm....

Well, You know.... it's like I've said before... All this stuff comes from Western and Eastern Esoterical traditions. All the way back to Hinduism, through theosophy, to various philosophical / religious belief systems. All "human".

Personally, while I never discount anything...... and I try to keep an open mind....... My personal "ultimate" life philosophy is that I don't care who says it... dead OR alive... or about what... 'I am not going to believe anything until I can experience it in a personal meaningful way. That's a bit of a limiting filter I know..... perhaps totally lacking in faith....

And for me, I don't think this kind of thing is knowable, or understandable from the point of view of a human incarnation. And I strongly tend to not want to bother with, or worry about anything I can't explore or perceive.

That is true for anything. Religion, Erik, even science. Heck..... half the stuff I channel and write, I don't buy or incorporate into my daily life. It feels like nonsense from a disembodied person that's not me. I just write what comes to me. I very often feel like a very flawed individual. I am trying to love that and accept it as just fine, but it's not easy.

That's not to say I don't find such things as esoterica interesting from time to time.

But it's the same with religion. I was raised in an almost cult like poisonous environment. And so my gut reactions to anything remotely resembling Christianity is one of....well... lets just say.. it's not for me. I would say my personal belief system in a bizarre cross between spiritualism and Buddhism. With a good chunk of "I don't care" tossed in..

Granted that kind of poor attitude doesn't fly well with a lot of people. CE folks as well. A lot of the times, people have wanted me to channel Erik for his opinion or "facts" on whatever.... and my reaction was to think......"I really don't care what he thinks or has to say.. and I think the topic is ******" So as you'll notice .......a lot of my feelings stem from my abusive upbringing. I still hold onto a lot of anger and resentment and it's hard to let go of it.

This comes out in ways that even shocks me sometimes. Like yesterday I was talking to Elisa about the Erik EVP on the Jesus video. She was going on about how exciting it was to have heard Jesus.... and my thoughts were.... yeah yeah yeah. I don't care... I was listening for Erik......(* lol.... me and my dead teenagers.... oh good grief....)

In any-case.. like I said... Sometimes... anything that has a lot of structure, rules, dogma, or hierarchical context.... like this esoterica stuff on the soul... it just well.... I am not sure what to say... other than I don't like it when people say, "This is the way it is".... when personally..... I don't think such things are knowable as a human....

But that's just me. No one said I wasn't a pain in the ass, and I never said I wasn't a bratty princess who pouts.....

Sooooo..... yeah.......I guess I am not buying anything ...or am reserving an opinion on everything until I can personally experience it in a meaningful way... after all... I feel I came here, incarnated for very specific reasons. To find myself through those experiences....and anything that takes me away from that focus, at least for me....only generates distraction, worry, doubt, and anxiety, etc... and that doesn't feel good to me. I have a hard enough time in life finding joy and loving myself.... to worry about what some old dude says about my soul...."


Question from CE reader

Q & A w/ Jason cont....


I have looked into and followed the work of a few mediums in the past few years and have found the info to be conflicting! I've heard a similar version of Erik/Jamie's version of Jesus life as well as Jesus having one child only! A daughter named Sarah, whom died at a very young age! And I've also heard conflicting versions of Jesus dying/not dying on the cross! Just wondering why there would be conflicting stories at all and to what end? All of these mediums seem to be very pure-hearted people who just want to "help"! It leaves me feeling very unsure of who to trust and with even more questions! Just feeling discouraged I guess!


Hi. I too have shared the frustration you feel and are experiencing. Not only with spiritually communicating with the deceased, but with religious and spiritual figures, celebrities, but with Erik himself. I've had people angrily email me cease and desist letters saying that my inner experiences didn't match their perception or understand of said entity. I am never quite sure what to say in a situation like that. Cept, ultimately we each are responsible for choosing and accepting what resonates with each of us. And how each of us experiences spirit is as unique and valid as another. I think a lot of times, in a linear human body, we find this unacceptable. We seen the world around us as objective, tangible, and real. We seek to look at what we perceive as the past, what we hope for the future, and what others say and write; we seek to allow these things to set our course and define our reality and who we are. In my personal experience, all of it is simple subjective illusion. Who we are and what is real is always inside us, and none of the rest matters one bit. One of the very first things Erik told me several years ago was, "the weight of my subjective experiences will define my objective reality". Now what that has meant for me, was; That my beliefs, knowledge, or what I think I know, my feelings about it, my experiences, and my reactions to it all will consciously and unconsciously form and contribute to a group of psychic filters that data from spirit flows through... aka my brain. The seat of my consciousness isn't originating from my brain, but is filtered through it, into my body. I perceive with it and through it. Now fortunately or un, depending on view, this is natural. We come to life to experience very specific themes of emotional experience. In my experience, fear and doubt vs.,/ my inner faith and self love. So to achieve that, my spirit and spirit team set up scenarios that would engender fear and doubt, forcing me to either wallow in it, OR turn inward and embrace what was inherent to myself all along as an eternal loving being. Now, this didn't mean I would cause or create all these experiences per say, but rather that they and I would be guided into co-created experiences in this playground or learning lab of experiences called life on earth. You see, subjective experience. Illusionary reality. The holographic physical universe. So I run into people who's experience, teachings, and perceptions are polar opposite, or seem very different than mine. All of which caused me to start questioning. Ask questions. Who is this, is this real, who am I, who is right, who is wrong, what is going on, who can I trust, who can I have faith in. And the more I ask, the more I keep looking and the more I doubt, the more I focus on everything that isn't me. And so I generate more and more of the same distressing experiences. But.... somewhere along the line. I start to have experiences and for whatever reason.. something clicks. AND it resonates with me. What's inside me. Suddenly I started to say....hmmm... this feels like me.... I like this message. I like how this feels... Then suddenly I find myself saying. This is me. This is right. This is how I see it. This is how I felt. This is how I feel. I am ok. This feels like love...I am love.. The rest doesn't matter. Suddenly my objective reality has a whole new look.

In my personal experience, the real answer to your question can never be answered with satisfaction because you have a predefined or undefined expectation of what an objective answer should be. And so when others subjective experience of their perception of spirit registers with your own filters of experiences, the two don't match, and their is disharmony. The only way to engender harmony of experience is to look within and allow what is inherently you to come forward as your ultimate truth. For in these historical matters of a certain age, it is the only way to define objectivity. Allow others to define reality, or embrace your own special view. You will never be responsible for others perceptions or truths, but only your reactions to them.


A colleague of mine in the CE spiritual community ( posted on her blog about problems while trying to develop clairaudience, subjective and objective. I replied thus.


I think your problems with clairaudience really isn’t a problem so much as a normal development process. In my personal studies and experience, when a sensitive has a full complement, or fairly complete skill set of the clairs, Clair audience usually is only triggered contextually by the mediums inner dictionary. The brain is just a giant bio-filter of data based on experience. It’s like a mushy translator. So if the data coming from Spirit can’t find a match in it’s data banks that energy will manifest as imagery. Then it becomes a gestalt, symbolic guessing game, where likes and akins of pictures stand for concepts. This merged with tactile sensations, feelings and “compressed downloads of knowing” form what others call psychic data. Really what’s going on is all quite normal. It’s two or more spirit energies using a human fleshy body computer to translate data. Over time-experience, this can get easier, but there is always that mix match comparison mentally that has to take place. It’s never really a consistent experience. In my experience the only time this eases, or gets easier is when we go deeper into a trance state or altered consciousness. That’s why physical mediums work so hard for independent direct voice manifestations or other 3d phenomena because it totally disconnects the mediums consciousness from the brain. so to speak. And that almost always takes multiple spirits or a lot of energy. So I wouldn’t get to discouraged at the pace of your development or the desire for more objective seeming audience. A tip to “hearing” objective voice is to use the same tips one uses for OBE’s. Wake yourself up in the middle of the night and then go back to sleep. Basically you want to interrupt your sleep enough that you alter your state of consciousness. Independent direct voice is done through spirit creating an energy voice box OR creating a vortex within your aura/ energy body and body, which is why it often sounds hollow or as if it’s coming through a tube like structure. And it’s actually rare for that type to contain more than 3 words or syllabils. The direct voice via energy box, takes a whole team of spirits and can take years to develop, depending on if they are using the mediums energy or environmental. So the mental communication is by far the easier. Although at times, a total pain trying to sort it all out. What makes it easier though is to just toss out all expectations and just go with the flow. Which is helpful as potty talk with the dead…wooooo.. ha ha.. Erik in the bathroom isn’t going to go away anytime soon, I am sure. bad joke. Sitters expectations are interesting too, cause they usually come with heaps of impatience. Better to have a small group and do the old school tradition of having a development circle, where you can play and experiment. Then everyone can be honest about their goals, and what they hope to get out of development. Persistence and patience, and taking the emotions out of it also helps. Kinda like dream journaling. Just record it all and what is, is, and what isn’t, is find enough to let go of for now. .. Anyway. I really enjoyed your blog and ce post. Especially your ascended master cracks.. I had the same reaction. Almost to the point that I had to totally stop reading and shout at Erik… Ascended master? WTF?!… gag me with a spoon…. such bull SH**. ‘Erik!–The only thing your a master of is foul smells and humor’… all kidding aside, though… I thought your follow up was totally brilliant. And your arguments about separation and it all being human terminology was so spot on. Anywhoo.. sorry for the novel.. just wanted to say thanks for putting yourself out there. Your bravery helps me too. thankx



Q & A w/ Jason cont....


Am I the reincarnation of Calvin Colidge? Or some other person? July 4, 1872 – January 5, 1933?

Hi, my name is Poh Shun Quan. I am 21 years old this year. I am an Asian dude from Singapore, born on the 4th of July 1991. I stumbled upon your YouTube channel while watching some NDE videos . I feel that maybe the guardian angels above made me stumbled upon this website of universal knowledge. I have a right birthmark on my right arm. I really believe that I may have died a tragic death in my previous life. My current life has not been going very well. After finishing my secondary school education, things started to go downhill from 2007 onwards. I did my full time army service in the Singapore Armed Forces back in 2012. During my service I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Since than I am jobless after leaving the army and have been a computer addict for the past 10 years since 2004. Fear of being judge, fear of failure has box my mind in. I am having suicidal thoughts, I recently did a Glen Russell reading on my soul plan, I was told that I was some leader in my past life, I avoided work, deflated my guilt to other people so well to make my ego feel good and laziness got the better of me. I was told in this life I reincarnate back on earth to be a worker of this world to learn life lessons of not being lazy and to be a leader for positive changes for others to follow. I also did a past life regression therapist to see whats beyond but all I could see was dark blue, purple and black light during my session. Can someone out there tell me what is wrong with me? Why is the feeling of fear clouding my life. Fear of being judge, fear of failure, Laziness. Manipulative with my words. My mind is crying out in agony for some answers. I am willing to email you the full PDF file of my soul plan for you to read. Thank you for taking the time to read. Please forgive my poor use of English words and my grammar.


Mr. Poh


Hello, Mr. Poh. My name is Jason. I am a friend of Erik and Elisa's. Elisa does not normally take facilitation requests any more due to time and funding constraints. As I read your note, I was moved to reply as I think we all can relate to some of your experiences and it's good to know you are not alone.

What I personally get from Spirit when it comes to what you write is;

You came to this life as have others, with quite a few lives under your belt. Naturally, some of these result from what today might be considered a tragic death. There is only so many ways one can die after all., But that word or phrase is a bit misleading, as from your current perspective there is no way for you to contextually gain perceptive on the events.

The reason you were feeling it is/was "tragic" is because it leads to the feeling or suggestion of fear vs/ love in the face of fear. Like many people on earth at this time, you are here to explore yourself and gain experience with emotional themes.

For you, this is love /vs fear, focus vs/ detachment, dedication vs apathy, self love vs/ fear, attachment vs/ detachment, obsession vs/ letting go, ect.. It is up to you, not necessarily to create or discover who you are or were; but, rather it is up to you to come into a sense of remembrance, acceptance, and becoming of who you already are. - Now, in every present moment.

Because of this you chose a brain/body that would enable, or trend towards experiences and energies that moved you through experiences to become obsessive-compulsive. This does not mean that you are broken. Rather it is a tool. A means to an end. A method to focus your energy. With this energy, it can seem or appear that you are lost in a mental battle not of your own doing. It can even seem to get out of control and lead you down a spiraling path of chaos. You find yourself using that tool to look everywhere outside of yourself for answers. ie. Past lives, fears, worry, doubt, schooling, jobs, psychic readings, avoidance of life, obsession w the internet and computers, fear of criticism, judgement, guilt, etc. ect. .. All of which is not who you are. Never was. Never will be.

By giving into these emotions you are closing yourself off from using that intense ability to focus on your inner being. You're attaching yourself to things that are intangible and engender separation from your true nature as a loving eternal being. You are not here so much to learn anything or get it right, but to allow this inner true nature to express itself in every little thing you do. It's a daily, minute by minute choice. Am I worry or am I love? How will I react and interact with the world around me. Will I sit in front of the computer and give into these uncomfortable feelings? or will I get up and take one step after another towards something I find joyful. Something that I can take ownership and responsibility for it's outcome? You want attainment of what you do not know and so you wallow in chaos of the mind. It's not something you will ever be able to attain or find release from unless you can look those feelings right in the eye, acknowledge them, and say to yourself. This is not me, this is not who I am. I am loving, I have something to offer, I can do this, I can let go, I am getting better every day.

Now it may be that some of these turbulent things are indeed how you self identify. If so, then acceptance is the key and letting go of regrets, guilt, shame and self loathing. But if they are not you, then you will want to let go of worry, doubt and fear, and embrace whatever brings you closer to the comfort. What feels like you? Be it love, be it your vision of your highest possible self, or the joy you find in doing, service, and compassion.

But most importantly, you need to take some of that intense obsessive energy and channel it into compassion for yourself. Forgive yourself. Accept yourself. And love what you have to offer yourself, and life, through living.

For many. Many..... Our lives are not so much about doing, accomplishment, or fulfilling anything but the process. The process of becoming ourselves. It's about developing our inner contribution to a unified balanced energy. Whether that is learning about love through loss, love through fear, or experiencing the wholeness of self love through experiences of lack. A plan of opposites.

The completeness of our inner transformations is what will lift our souls up to our highest possible self. The time and energy you put into examining your inner emotions, thoughts, and experiences IS what will release and ultimately heal you. This is something worth living for.

All the best,

Jason, Erik and Spirit.


"To those to feel upset, disturbed, saddened or fearful....

The burden of belief is never on the shoulders of those we listen to, but rests surely on the shoulders that carry our heart. Should that we choose to dress those arms in life after life, through all expression, through all creation, should that God live in and through all experience; surely then we have the opportunity to understand ourselves in every subtle state of being our consciousness can conceive of. Planned or not, we would then all then have the chance to experience our natures. Be it pauper, be it baron, murderer, saint, mother, father, child, leader, follower.

What is the nature of our ultimate reality? Who are we? Are we this life? or are we more? Where does the point of your consciousness reside? What does looking through the eyes of another mean to you? What do you see when your reflection is staring back at you? I like to believe all life has value. Even the ones we create within the darkest corners of our minds. We can not see light without shadow. Balance needs chaos to find any comfort. It is through the dramas we create that we will find the release back to our truest self. For this I am grateful for all that might share their story. It helps us understand who we are. Not what others think, but the stories we share with each other. Thank you all for sharing your stories, Spirits we all are." -- Voices of Spirit



One of the reasons I don't care for foretelling, divination, predictions, or fortune telling....even the most innocuous, helpful, or fair intended, is because in many, especially me it often has a tendency to engender feelings of fear, doubt, anxiety or worry. I'd rather not know. I'd rather be oblivious and unprepared and take things by the seat of my pants and go with the flow. This is especially true with numerology, astrology and even angel numbers etc. To be honest, my distaste is so strong, I don't want any messages in number form. If I had or have a say in it, I'd ask this, to not be aware of synchronicity. I want to master myself without forewarning. I want to be able to offer balance, find comfort, and express myself without conscious influence. That's just me though. I think we have more opportunity for self expression in any possibility if we have the chance to make probable something based on what would feel like a free will choice. Not something based on uncomfortable emotion. But like I said, This is just me. Everyone has their quirks. This is one of mine. It can be a hefty filter, but there it is.


Disappointment, anger, resentment, longing,

and wishing for what I don't have,

comes from attachment.

I wish, I miss, I long, I hunger,

all of which points to the ever fulfilling voids of desire.

It blinds us to what we do have,

thoughtless need hides feelings of contentment

and wholeness ever creating unity.

If it is not how you expected

it may simply be

that in your present mind

you can not see.

Perhaps there is no where to go,

nothing to grasp,

nothing to gain.

I hungered for physical affection,

emotional comfort and physical enjoyment.

Not having desires and expectations met,

I encountered aspects,

shadows of what I thought I wanted

in poorly understood relationships.

Projecting my desires upon my perception

I formed attachments.

Not approaching unity in these frameworks

I focused on what seemed to be missing.

With this attention,

these feelings regenerated and

renewed themselves until I was in pain.

These led to beliefs that such comfort

is not possible this lifetime,

and that all is delusion and illusion.

Possible, but impossible

perhaps to prove or disprove.

If there is nothing you can do

about something today,

perhaps it might be best

to just let it go the best you can.

Watching these feelings

doesn't make it feel any-better.

I think feelings just are.

I am not so sure telling myself

they are unrealistic changes them

or makes them go away.

I feel what I feel,

I suppose what I can do

is not torture myself.

I think what that leads me to

is making sure I don't simply

give up into apathy and

play the waiting for death game.

I think perhaps finding peace

where-ever we're at in life

is one of the biggest challenges

in an incarnate life.

The physical body is designed

to always seek out that which will sustain itself.

That carries over into our spiritual perspective

bringing emotional desire

behind blindness of perception.

Perhaps letting go

isn't a goal into itself.

Perhaps acceptance

plays an equal part.

I am not so sure acceptance

is the same as acquiescence.

This is where non-judgement

plays an important role.

When you judge yourself

you're not really evaluating

what you do have,

youre giving into what

you think

you don't have,

surrendering to misunderstood desire.

It's only when you look behind

these desires

that you can see

how attached

to lack you are.

Looking honestly at emotion

and what lays behind it

is the only way

we can see

what we can and can't change.

And if we can't change

we can then understand

we can let it go, or accept it.

But if we can change

we can then approach

the steps to realize what is needed

to enable a change.

This is work.

This is effort.

This is a life purpose.

This is a reason to live a life.

We can not understand

who we are,

until we experience

what we are not.

Every experience seeks understanding.

Who are you?

How do you see yourself in this feeling?

Does it say anything about you?

Or are you something more?

What will you do about it today?

Speak, think, be.
