Spiritual Journaling

One of my guides once said through a colleague of mine, "When you write out the revelations given to you, you are actually working them out, thus, you are also allowing the emotions you feel at the time to have a safe outlet."

This is very commonly suggested to those who communicate with their guides. Not only is it a great way to do the above, it also develops further channeling, or clairaudient communication.

Here is a sample of one of my channeling journals. I encourage everyone to take part of Spiritual journaling of some fashion.


Jason to my guides (Erik is included in this conversation)

J---"I wish motivation came in a bottle..... Every bottle I try only makes me want to sleep. I've been told, I've had problems with finishing what I start in past lives. My response was, "Hell, I can't even seem to get started".

Guides to Jason:

G---"You have to really want to start."

J---"But I am tired..."

G---"No, your scared. All you have to do is start, and keep trying."


G---"No butts"

J---"Heh heh, you said butt.."

G---"Yea, sometimes I want to kick it. If you don't get back up your gonna give your self a guilt trip and then we have to listen to you whine. It's not that you don't want to work, work for others, or work in your best interests it's that your tired, scared, burnt out, in pain, and don't want to look. All of which is fine, but know there will come a time, you want more again. And then you'll be right back here. You know what you should or shouldn't be doing, you just want us to tell you what to do, when to do it and how much. That's entirely up to you. Work on that and get back to us and we'll work on guiding you there".

J---"What if I just want to sleep and ignore everything?"

G---"You can do that as well, but you have to deal with what will come of it. Do you suppose to think you will have an effect-less life? There are consequences to inaction as well as action. You think your the first person who stewed over doing right by themselves and others? Think on it. There is always time. Past, Present, Future; but the best time might be now. Are you willing to find out?"