October 2011

Oct. 31, 2011

The world never changes through feats of external activity. It changes from within the hearts and minds of individuals who choose love vs fear. Through this choice awareness of self expands allowing conscious intent to mold experience around itself. This shift is the great hope. It is who we are.

Oct. 29, 2011

Question Answer cont.


I have read many various descriptions of how Spirit's see their bodies or form in the afterlife. There seems to be huge variation of description and experience, why?


"It is because at a base level the core construct of what you view as a soul is emotional energy. Can your scientist describe this in a meaningful way in your linear perspective? NO? well, know this then. Just as the phrase, "You manifest what you think" is tossed around on earth. It has more objective meaning in the spirit realms. You literally manifest what you think. If you see yourself with a body and form, your thoughts will manifest it, by attracting the energy and arranging it into a solid experience for you. This does not limit yourself in anyway other than that which you perceive. Now what you perceive is always in motion and so the opportunity for growth and change is always more. How you experience this will evolve with experience and knowledge. This too is ever expanding depending on your focus of thought. It is not given, it must be created." ---Voices of Spirit


Someone told me to be prepared for what may come on Earth. (question of fear and worry as a result of a mediums message)


"If it would calm your nerves about any life change, think upon the possible vastness of your soul's experiences through your perception of time and space. You are not just a spark a mote on smoke aflame, your soul is like the roaring fire with deep glowing embers that have burned with many a life. Not only are you aged with experience and time, you can easily compare the ages of man, his history and see that change is a constant bed side companion. As decades merge into centuries, societies give way to peoples, and culture gives way to ages and epochs. You will see that change is an ever present Rolodex of cards forever in motion, repeating itself as it spins around a life. Where it pauses will depend on conscious choice or unconscious choice. But each card has been written and read before. What you do with it this time, will always depend on you. You may pull the card, reinsert it, or change it. Change will always be of value. You can not but hope to be a complete index of all you may be. You are full of possibility. The probability of any experience will always depend on your awareness. As such, it expands and grows to be more. So too the choices available to you. Ease your hearts and minds. You will find your way. You will remember. Love experienced is best created one small step at a time." --- My Spirit Teacher

Oct. 27, 2011

A shooting star is brightest in death, a bright blaze to let us know it was there as it plummets to earth, seared in our imagination..... NO--- A shooting star is the blaze in our imagination that calls to us to see the endless cycle that is our own humanity, our own struggle, our own creative beauty blazing across the sky, flaring in effervesce descending to earth, To live forever in not just in our hearts and minds, but in the birth and rebirth of the universe. So too are we the brightest of stars. Flames of glory seemingly quenched only to be reborn in sparks of light to travel across the universe again. Never despair that you are a lost comet on a fiery plunge to earth. Sometimes, the opportunity to rise up through the ash pile of life grants the gift of a self transformation so great that it moves the universe. If surrendered to and embraced, it can propel the self to a re-awakening to one's true self. This is one of the greatest feats of existence.

Oct. 26, 2011

When does the desire for comfort, outweigh the desire to explore? I say, study your discomfort regarding the choice. If you feel a push pull discomfort at the thought of having to make a choice. It's not that you NEED to make the choice, it that you seek to understand yourself within the choices you have already made. If you like who you are, then why not explore both at the same time? No one said you had to give up one for the other. It's how you feel about yourself.

Oct. 26, 2011

"The mystery of life buried in the heart, vibrates like a great solar storm waiting to burst forth and pour it's light across the universe. This great act is waiting to play in the center of each of us. Burning up and down, it will merge into a great transforming flame of conscious expansion. A great awareness of all that you can be. You being you.

You ask what possibly could this mean? Is is simple, you are a reflection of nature in every way. From microcosm to macro you radiate with reflections of your inner being. Just as you absorb what you attract, so you project who you are. Who you are is never limited to what you can perceive, but who you are is all you can be. How far this goes, is only limited by the intensity and power of the light you shine.

Know that nothing, is beyond you. In time, you can encompass all that you perceive and more. This is the great hope that you bare. It is the promise that you will become all that you are capable of. Time has no meaning, you do. It is this promise that will carry you through the ages and lift you up. As you rise so will you carry others on the back of your experience. Uplift yourself and uplift all those connected to you. Always individual, but always more. You light will burn forever, transformed into ever expanded rays of you." ---Voices of Spirit

Oct. 25, 2011

Empathic tech tip.--

(I am not talking about feelings as a result of a personal situation,

I am talking about unknown feelings you may pick up from others.)

To say your dealing with highly charged emotions beyond you is one thing, but that doesn't mean you have to free fall over the cliff. You can reach out and grab onto the feeling. The trick is, if you don't look at what your grabbing for your going to grasp air and fall again. Often, what you reach for is a belief. If you explore what's behind that belief very often you can transform that emotional energy or let it flow around you.

This comes down to a choice. Is this emotion me? If not let it go and push love and security back up the uncomfortable feeling. You may even be able to dissipate it by visualizing it's source and picture it spinning out and away from you. One thing is for sure. You should not wait for a better feeling to come along, or happen upon you, or beg the universe to make it go away.

The only thing that can change what you feel is to activate your intent for the greater good. This can manifest as energetic thought, or physical action. But it's important not to become bogged down in the practice of allowing feelings to overwhelm you. If you do not feel comfortable with visualization, or you doubt imagination, simply stating affirmations to the effect of, "This is not me. This does not match my highest possible self, I am sending the source of this emotion love. I am sending it security", may work for you.

It is important to understand that this does not mean you are controlling the emotions you feel. It is vital that you do not just feel, it is vital that the emotion be acknowledged. It means that you are either seeking to understand them, and study what is behind them or, to release them as not being you.

It also means that you reflect back what IS you. If you don't, you are likely to manifest physical discomfort and pain, and reflect the unwanted emotion into the world around you. Then it is doubly reflected back at you from your personal interactions with others. It can be a vicious circle to deal with. If you don't deal with it, you could feel tired, depressed, in pain, quiet, bottled up, sudden mood swings, anger, localized pain, trouble sharing, focusing on others, trouble with intimacy, lack of motivation, hiding you, unaccepting of you.

All of these can lead to even further serious medical conditions. You can radically alter your ability to expand your spiritual awareness with repressed or unacknowledged or unexplored emotion. All of your time and energy will be spent on repressing you, when it should be spent in conscious living in the moment. It's important to record, pay attention to, acknowledge, and study emotions not only from your experiences, but from seemingly external sources.

We are all energetic emotional thought. It is the stuff that we are made of. We are what we imagine. We are what we see, and how we see is changed through active intent by living to our highest possible self, today. So hang in there. It does take work, time, and bravery. But looking within at what you feel is one of the keys to remembering who you are. It will be worth it.

ps. Always start your day with afirming your intent and visualizing sheilding and what you will do if you encounter emotion.

Oct. 24, 2011

"It is better to live in the action of ignorant impulse that to dwell with passionate ill intent. Our emotional states create our realities in the here or hereafter. To die in true innocent ignorance gives way to honest rebirth. To pass with judgement in our hearts immerses one further into whatever passion we could not release. It is far better to release what you can so that understanding of who you wish to be is taken to heart. Do it now, or do it later. The choice can be made, to live now. Intention behind all action stems from the emotional root of who you are. Examine it, study yourself. Understand the choices of all you see and peace will be yours." --- Voices of Spirit

Oct. 24, 2011

If you haven't gotten a chance lately to look at Linda's (Dragon of Drama) Lesson's on life and metaphysics lately, take a look at her article archives. Good stuff lately on the nature of our personal reality.


Oct. 21, 2011

When do I get to be me?

The drive to ask ourselves, 'who am I?' Is so deeply apart of who we at the root of our soul that we frequently look into our past and future for answers. We wonder how our past is influencing us. We wonder who we will become and what we might do that will define us. While interesting, looking behind we frequently see choices not made or already taken, and while looking ahead we see them yet to be made. In either case, any of it is little likely to have been fully thought out. In our pursuit of who am I, we have forgotten one word. Now.

Who am I, now?

If we can turn away from backward and forward glances and look inside, Now. We then are often confronted with choices we can make about who we are. We do this frequently by assigning value judgements on who we think we are, because we are still looking around us. That will most definitely, not, be who you are. You may feel you can not touch, grasp, or feel who you are. This is OK because it's you making a choice.

You've looked around and decided that what you saw, felt, and understood is not you. If in that very moment you can pause and say to yourself, ' I am not my past, I don't see the future; so what do I see? I see me now. I just am. I cant help it, i just am. NOW.'

And just being who you are, is OK. You. You are you, and it is OK. Now, at a peaceful moment you can consciously look at new now moments and ask, Is this who I am? If you decide it is not you, it now does not have to define who or what you are. More choice, more now.

So remember. The past and future does not have to define you. It is the choice you make about yourself now that matters.

The when of who is always going to be now.

Oct. 20, 2011

When it gets too much, its ok to stop. Stopping is not the same thing as ignoring or running away. Stoping is really about forcing a calming action to recenter your awareness of who you are.

People worry about stopping beacuse they fear loosing themselves. You cant ever lose youself, you can only forget or remember.

You are who you are. Perfect in everyway. When you give in to worry the struggle to stop and feel peace turns into a fight or flight reaction. This causes you to ignore you, until you forget again.

Running can be a viceous cycle. Better to let yourself know, its ok, to stop. Stop and remember the peace inside the perfection that is you. Remember, if you've forgotten you, it ok to stop and remember.

Oct. 20, 2011

Desire and fear are both strong focusing tools. Intensive perspective, repitition, reinforcement, vivid visualizations....With desire we often foucus on the fear that we might not get what we think we want. With fear we often focus on scarcity of what we think we desire.

Using these emotions to manifest only creates worry.

It is far better to focus on what we do have and express how and what we feel about it. If it is positive or based in love we can explore how to share it. This will create an abundance of what will invetably be from our highest possible self.

Oct. 19, 2011

Worry sucks. Live life mindfully. Your doing great. It will be OK.

The ghosts of the past will never be stronger than how you feel about them.. It is in this space that you can decide who you are in spite of what haunts you. It may be that spector looms in souls shadowed space. It may also be the opportunity refocusing your inner light on the path that leads back to you. Your light doesn't have shine through the gloom, it can be aglow that beckons home.

Oct. 19, 2011

"It is human nature to move through life with the epitaph I did the best I could. It is the nature of Your Spirit that says, I AM doing what I can with all my heart."---Spirit

"You can not take anything with you that you have not fully given from the heart. What you cultivate, you have always had. There is no loss of who you are. Ever."---Spirit

"Guilt and shame are a selfish burden stemming from misplaced desire underneath discomforting action or inaction. It feels beyond your control because these perceptions were never meant to label who you are or define your experience. It is ultimately a halting action. You cease to live in your unease. It is better to let go what you can, and embrace that which brings you joy. Wholeheartedly, unabashedly embraced, the love you then seek to express will become your new definition. "---Spirit

"Your emotional state is the eternal body. It is who you are. It is better to examine it than to give into worry of the world. Once examined with the self assurance of mastery, life will gravitate around your conscious awareness. "---Spirit

"You better wipe that mental diarrhea now or it's gonna stink forever. You know how those thoughts run and run and run around in your head. And you can't make it stop? There's no cure for it but paying attention to what you put in yourself. Saying you don't like what you experience, is nice. You think you just know it stinks. But if you take the time and look at what you ate and what your doing, and what your thinking, you don't have to sit there and hold your nose over life. Sure it's no fun. But who says you can't dip your broccoli in cream cheese dip? See..... It don't have to be all bad. "--Erik

"You keep saying that you want help. You keep complaining. But when is the last time you asked with the intention of helping yourself? You want some magic pill, some fairy dust, some angel wings... But you just want your pain gone. That's all you think about. This pain. Not what is there under it, with it, in spite of it. You will attract what you put forth. I promise. You are just as much an entity as we are. We are no different than you. True freedom we can inspire you to will come from your hard work. This life is your journey. Your glory. We can turn a light on for you, but it's up to you to run, leap, or walk step by step. " ---Spirit

Oct. 18, 2011

Like an arrow, your life can fly. How high, how fast depends on your strength. How true, depends on your aim. To target, mark or maim is set with intent. The courage to pull and the courage to retrieve your fallen arrow is not just the sign of showmanship, but the good faith of an athlete in the sport of life. Participation and good will count for a lot!

Oct. 18, 2011

"To look within at emotion and know you have a choice of how to apply them through action, is to summon up the courage to experience who you are; not, what you wish to be. This realization of who you are within any experience, will help carry you through any experience. This ah-ha now moment is- who you are, not, your circumstance. This moment will not change your pleasure, displeasure, discomfort, or love of the circumstance. But surrendering to it, will allow you to accept that you are- more. Because you are more, there will ever be opportunities to live in harmony with your highest possible self. You always have the option to create more now moments. In harmony with others, you have the chance to change the very face of your world. This is a shift in awareness. This can be now. It can be you. What choice will you make?" --- Voices of Spirit

Oct. 16, 2011

"One's perspective on Life is only about the choice of perceptions the current state of your consciousness chooses to hold onto. How you view yourself in this construct is your state of being. It is your current awareness or reality. Always in motion, it shifts with how you feel about your understanding. This is a creative process in a relative moment, now. Control will depend on intention choice of action. Neither good nor bad, it will be your experience. How you feel about this is who you are this moment, not what you are."-- Voices of Spirit

Oct. 16, 2011

Question Answer cont.

Q) Is there a limit to how many lives or past lives one can have?

A ) The energy you put into you beliefs will directly relate to what is available to your consciousness. I have been told that Erik has lived over a thousand life's (no details). I have been told that I have lived over 700 earth lives not counting lives elsewhere, in other systems, other realities, or non physical lives, or other aspects. One of my guides has lived THROUGH multiple universes. It is important NOT to assign labels or make value judgements on perspective as it would limit you available experience. Choice within your state of being always leads to further opportunity.

Oct. 12, 2011

Question Answer cont.

Q) What does one do when the love you knew feels lost in a hopeless place of emptiness?

A) "Look into the hole and determine if it's return would make you whole. Is the piece you feel absent who you were? How did you define yourself, and how do you define yourself now? Are you this life, this body, this thought? How any experience define who you are. Most people are not going to want to entertain this contemplation at such a moment. They simply exist inside the experience of the emotion. They feel that any suggestion otherwise is false, cold, unreal. In such that their perception of said experience is so engulfing that it becomes the focus through which all life is now viewed. This in an of itself is an experience. For others as well. To view one in such an experience is an important reflection to understand their own imaginings of self. Most will attempt to codify and label such experience without trying to understand the self behind such thoughts. The process is actually an energetic psychic action that creates ripples of emotional associations throughout one's dimensional experience. This causes conscious or unconscious continual readjustments to how one perceives the self in All that IS. In a word, it is evolution. Spiritual evolution. It is important not to label this as good or bad, but to seek to understand the self behind and through the feelings of any such experience. This will put yourself in a better position to understand further experience and to help others. We know it hurts and nothing seems like it will ever help. You want to be done with life and find peace. You don't want nor can you see anything beyond. The only thing that will ease your pain is the choices you make from this point forward. In those choices you can express the love and new understandings of yourself despite this experience. You are always more. There is always more. There is always a choice and it in the end will always be one of love. There is hope. You are not alone, ever." ---Voices of Spirit

Oct. 12, 2011

In today's society labels are more pervasive that ever, but unlike other eras there is more sharing between different groups than ever before, so that shared labels no longer have constant or reliable symbolism even between like associations. So rather than make an attempt to redefine labels in strict definitions it is better to address the various ways of spiritual communication with the caveat that it be understood that there are as many beliefs perspectives and opinions on such things as in any theology or tradition.

Oct. 12, 2011

Question Answer cont.

Q) What can I do to help others?


"Learn to take realized empowerment and empower others

Learn how to untie emotional entanglement to express remembrances of love.

Defend the journey of another without self desire. Their discoveries through their own experience will be yours. Guide with gentle love when opportunity appears, help when asked, protect and defend when called upon. Connect it all back to the self and then reflect outward.

Seek to learn.

Seek to share through acceptance." --- Voices of Spirit

Oct. 11, 2011

Question Answer cont. & To be cont. at a later date.

Q) I would like to know if you can make contact with someone deceased through lucid dreaming? And how would you know it was really them?

A) Well, I am not so sure I have an answer right now because this topic is actually something I am very interested in "outside of channeling". Actually I'd never even entertained or thought of using a lucid dream to contact a dis-incarnate. I've been so focused on Clair skills to communicate it just never occurred to me. Although I don't see why as plenty of people talk about such things.. ..I personally have not had the chance yet to explore dream work, or do the research that I wish to do with it. I really am interested in the topic. My guides lead me to the works of Robert Bruce to study in regards to this topic. And after reading the first 100 pages, within a weeks time, I had a lucid OBE.

It's called the Collected works of Robert Bruce. Here is a link/URL to it online,


Or a downloadable version.


and the authors website.


Also take a look at Erin Pavlina's website. She talks a lot about such dream experiences. Although I think her's is more from the view point of astral travel.


I think I can count on one had the number of solid "lucid dreams" I've had before. I've blogged about there here on the site as well as some other related content. From my own personal experience I feel that feelings and a "knowing" are the key indicators of knowing whom you are in contact with. For me, the dreams also incorporated out of body experiences or relatives or Erik. And the clarity of recognition left absolutely no room for doubt. The experiences felt more real than real even though I knew I was not fully conscious in 3d physicality. There was this sense of ownership that I am not even sure how to describe right now. It's like someone asking you, how do you know the sky is blue? Well, I don't know. But I see it and it is real to me. Although I read about the chemistry, and physics of it and know it is not really blue because it does not exist quite like I perceive. But what I do perceive is very real to me and means a lot to my own reality and how I interact with it. Does that mean that what I perceive is wrong or somehow make me less than? No, I don't think so as I think consciousness IS all about perception and focus of a particular facet of who we are. I see, I feel, I think, I react.. =reality. Yours? maybe not. But for now, in this moment it is mine... I think this type of concept is true for a lot of Spiritual matters surrounding various states of consciousness. I am comforted by the belief that whatever I do perceive, that I will still be me. :)

Now as far as what I know about various dream types:

I don't have very much experience with dreams. I've not even done very much with research in that area. What little experience I have had was highly symbolic. In the case of standard dreaming, I've had Robert (from CE.) or another CE blog reader help me decipher it, or I worked on it-over time getting a sense of how it pertained to my life. Those types of dreams are usually the brain attempting to interpret multidimensional experience through symbolism and gestalt. This is it's way of recording the spiritual experiences. Some times these types of symbolic dreams are influenced by past life memory, other times they are representational metaphors for astral experiences. Other times it involved future events. Most of the time though, they are about emotions.

The other type of dream that can be this "real" or level of recall with detail are lucid dreams. In lucid dreams the same sort of subjective representation applies, only you KNOW that you are dreaming. And to a certain extent you are "viewer" and not "just' the experiencer. In my own lucid dreams, Spirits are usually interacting with me on some conscious level. And when awake, I've had Erik et. al. to verify my interpretation of them.

Finally the other type of "dream scape-escq" experience is the obe and or astral dream. Where you are lucid, and a participant on muti-dimensional levels. This is where "bedside spirit visitations" occur, and where you "visit the spirit world so to speak". This is related to shamanistic travel and stuff like that.

All of these are real and the last two usually "feel more real than real". All are highly emotional and communicative. And are part of the other lives we lead when we are not perceiving through our waking consciousness.

I also highly recommend the Seth books for information on altered states of consciousness and dreams. In them he talks about how All lucid dreams can exist as a reality or part of a reality in dimensional space. It's the filter and interpretation of the brain that makes the fuzzy memory.

I can ask Seth at a later time or ask through Robert this question. I am very interested in multiple view points. So defiantly stay tuned. I have every intention of doing so at some point. Although Knowing "them" they will want me to do more "homework" first! ha ha..

Oct. 11, 2011

A lot of self destructive behavior comes from not acknowledging why one feels needs and wants. It's not the desire itself that is the root cause of the behavior that is ultimately destructive it is the identification of that part of the self that is unacknowledged that is the root cause of the desire. The only way to permanently change the self in such a way that the behavior is altered is to look at the desire and then look behind it at the self.

If you tell yourself that feeling such as you do is not wrong, allow yourself to feel it, but, but ask yourself, is who and what you are behind that desire who you really are? Who you want to be? The heart felt answer will leave you more satisfied, happier and at peace than you were before.

If you do not look hard at the desire and what's behind it, you might feel yourself spiraling out of control, weak, and anxious. This will lead you to anger and self loathing and cause all sorts of exacerbated effects not in your best interest. It is easy to confuse the emotion brought by desire and what's behind that desire. It is not an easy one step process. It is an ongoing continual ever evolving step by step process that grows with you. Once you have all this clear in your mind, you wil come to understand that your emotions do not have to rule you. That who you are behind the discomfort can be expressed in ways more in line with who you really are.

Oct. 11, 2011

Fulfillment might not sound like attaining a dream, you might think it's settling, but there is something to be said for finding purpose in something that brings you joy.

Oct. 10, 2011

Tech Tip:

When you encounter crazy unexplained emotion it is sometimes because your energy is out of balance with your various energy bodies. There are many possible reasons for this I don't have time to get into, but there are several ways to approach a solution. Here are a few. You can ask your guide/s to elaborate or show you more. Connect to them first in whatever is your usual way.

1) Creating a energy stream to carry out negative unbalanced energy away from you and into an environmental ground. I use the visualization of me sitting or standing under a waterfall. The water IS energy from source and it streams around me like a shower and pools around my feet and is carried away. You can even "push" the water off you like water from skin

2) Clearing chakras and using orb /shell/ light visualizations to spin, push and smooth energy from you.

3) Creating a energetic stint using vortexes from reiki symbols on your heel and palm and crown chakras. Energy comes in and goes out into the earth.

4) Creating an energetic link with source energy, routing it to your guides, and then the ground. So that you are creating an energetic circle that routes, cleanses and flows the energy through and around you

5) Creating vortexes withing and through your shields to route building and unstable energy out.

6) Directing Reiki energy to your chakras in and infinity loop to cycle the energy in and out and heal it as it passes through.

There's others as well as some variations. Most traditional Reiki is about passive applications. This is more akin to clairvoyant light work. But I still use all the Reiki symbols as focusing tools for my intent and visualization.

Oct. 08, 2011

Question - Answer cont.:

Q) Hi, I have a question for you. Is it possible for someone to feel a connection to, or feel the spirit of someone who has passed around them, who they never knew when alive - meaning the connection was only felt and experienced once the person had passed? And why would this happen, why would you only feel such a strong connection to someone only after they have passed? I know this may sound odd, but if you choose to answer this question, would you be able to channel Michael Jackson for the answer?


*Jason here. Well, MJ is available to answer this and is adding his voice, assent, and agreement with my Spirit Teachers, but I am preventing any further communications in this particular case out of respect for his still living relatives. It's just not something I want to get involved in. But given the Spiritual nature of this particular question I am putting it out there anyway.

From my Spirit Teachers and MJ.

In MJ's soft voice,

"Of course of course there's a connection... I've shared lives with many many people. Wonderful people. So have you! It's not anything to worry or be scared of. We love catching up to old friends, loved ones, people we knew in past lives. You know, you can see and feel it. It's normal. You feel it after they passed on because the life they used to live, no longer blocks who they have been, who they really are. And you are picking up on that. You are picking up on that because you feel energy."

My Teachers.

"Incarnation depending on the life chosen, goals, and body will inhibit or expand the ability to pick up and transmit Spiritual projections of the self. This is true for the projector as well as the receiver, and in fact true for societies and worlds at large. To those currently experiencing such receptiveness and to those undergoing Spiritual expansion, picking up on such "reborn" energies is common. This happens when thoughts and emotions are directed with intent in any direction. The focus of emotional intent knows no barrier. The object of that focus DOES have a choice to reflect it's own intent back or rebuff such focus. You would perceive such efforts then as fruitless. Some Spirits must be taught to shield and manipulate their intentions. For others it is a simple choice. You as a sensitive soul would find it easy to touch whom you would and would find fulfillment depending on your own Spiritual intentions-set to work or development. As Michael has said, Spiritual associations are not limited to most recent incarnations. Like attracts like, and emotional intent is the base of all associations. It seems amazing, because your society often inhibits spiritual blending's. Your part in 'All that IS" does not."

Oct. 07, 2011

Question - Answer cont.:

Someone sent me this question. I am uncertain if they were serious or not; But, Spirit gave me a serious answer. I've recorded it below.


If every living being has a spiritual mission then what is the spiritual mission of PLANTS ?


"What does the term mission mean to you? And what purposes might such context apply to that which is considered Spiritual? How do you view a plant? Is there diversity in what you know as flora that may influence your question?

A soul is a collective unified conscious energy that seeks to understand presence within contextual moments.

There are innumerable variety of such energies. And equally diverse individual intentions of the conscious self and group associations of the self. The moments created to understand are as infinite as all that is.

These moments are creatively created by directed emotional energy. It is a type of spiritual energy. All forms of consciousness have such energy. Now the degree of awareness that energy resides in, is variable. How you may perceive and interact with such depends on how you see the matter of matter. Never the less, it is of the same essence as you, only differing in quantity, vibration, and expressive intent. All life, All life is born out of the same source to know, experience and understand all that is, all that was, all that may be.

Thus, what you term purpose of plant life; will greatly vary in relation to your own purposes. In such context, this interaction is a joint Spiritual mission or a exercise in getting to know yourself. A partnership of association if you will.

The Flora in your terms as you are relating to pertains to that which you conceive of as plant life around your manifestations, your physicality. That whose space you share and that which helps sustain you. In such scenarios the basic existence of flora is an expression of energy in which is a purpose, as well as their interactions with you, which provide contextual relationships to the world you understand. These are basic Spiritual purposes. Ones to be grateful for. For how you feel about these purposes will tell you something about yourself. This will further your understanding. "--- Voices of Spirit

Oct. 07, 2011

Question - Answer cont.:

Q) why cant I hold onto this feeling of spiritual connection, why cant I just be happy.

A) "It is because you have forgotten who and what you are, what is yours, and what you are. You have temporarily lost the context to allow you to utilize the structures that make all realities. That which is of conscious emotional energy. You constantly manifest your experience but because you have forgotten, the conscious knowing seems absent in so that, the contextual connection between what is energy and what is perceived seems separate. This is normal. To fully focus and immerse yourself in your role you have blocked what is right in front of you. This provides the structure needed for certain soul objectives. But as your experience grows, awareness increases of the greater realities. You now have more opportunities to express more as your conscious awareness expands. This shift in focus allows a greater degree of interaction with the greater systems of the soul and its environments. More experience and a chance to remember. You can do this now. Allow new perspectives to be felt in the context of how you see yourself. More participation. More you. More of you now, present in each now moment." ---Spirit

Q) How does one in spirit move from the pervasive love connection of all that is, to the singular connection of romantic love? And why does it persist? A) "Because of your move to use time as a focusing tool while passing through the state of flesh. You are lost in awareness of your own creation. So complete is your wonder at this that you loose awareness of what is never lost and in fact cannot be lost, only ignored. This is part of your power, your strength. So strong are you in these creations that you form limitations to control the energy. With purpose your essences form opinions and preferences with the context of self identity. These are frequently shared by those of us who share like vision and perceptions. So then desire to share builds and fondness for energies are immersed in emotion and this energy blend takes on a form of consciousness. This is love manifest from a joining. This is romantic love. Its own energies evolve and can be nurtured or diminished. But the changes are just that, transformation into other tools that become self identified with. Identified with a type of association. A like to like, or repelled from that which is not. That power is always yours. How it persists and how it evolves depends on the degree of focus you bring to bare." ---Spirit

Oct. 06, 2011

Thoughts on who we all are:

Whom am I is simple. I am what I see reflected in the world around me. I am you, I am my neighbor. How I feel about this, how I perceive it is a reflection of what I want to understand about myself. Or, myself in spite of my perception of this experience. I am the harmony or discord of what I choose to reflect. How this reflects depends on what I am willing and able to transform. This can be very hard work. This is creative personal reality. It is my reward. Self realization. My emotional struggles are part of this process of transformation. It is part of the grace of who we are. We seek to know ourselves, we seek to experience who we are. We are constantly living through contrasts and telling ourselves who and what we are. There will come a day, a time, a place, that we will cease to tell, and we will just know. Then, we will achieve a state where we can truly "begin to" experience who we are. This will be. What we are. We all are MORE. We are love seeking to know, understand and express.

Oct. 05, 2011

The love we generate when we come to epiphanies of the soul are those can carry us to the moment of action that can change the course of lives. The dusk before this moment can be born on feelings of loss and pain. The still of the night can help bring about the inner reflection to gather our light. Then upon the breaking of dawns light we see the moments of opportunity. These we always then see as not what we were looking for, but what always existed in the shadows of our inner twilight. It only takes the light of love to shine illumination on all we know. All we are.


There are those who see themselves. There are those who see others in themselves. And there are those who feel what each of those perspectives feels like and make the choice of how to express each moment with creative understanding. I believe this choice CAN always be love. That's what life is about. Understanding the moment and expressing our highest self. In each person, this is a journey. It is manifested differently for everyone. For all are unique and everyone journey matters. We all help each other come to feel the connections that join all that is.


Without hands on experience, I am just a parrot of what I've heard about. Once experienced I will truly know and understand how my love can be expressed in any given situation. I am love and I want to know what love is. If I can experience some small part of the love in me, in each of us through gradations of love and the absence of love I will understand more fully who and what I am. Why would I want this? Because I exist. I want to know.


Understanding expression through expression is the introspection that will give way to understanding and is far more important than that speculation that is heard about.


To be the voice for another is of the noblest pursuits, but to express your inner voice and understand it as passionate truth is an ultimate promise.


It's because no one can tell you the answer. The is nothing to find. It is all already inside you. It is only a matter of remembering through experience. Live what you know, seek to remember what was forgotten. Express it and you will know the truth of what you've sought. Life is more about the question than the answer. The only "supposed to- is what you say it is. That's what it means to have divine creativity reflected in you through you. Who, what, where, are you?

Oct. 04, 2011

Random Musing: Spiritual and Emotional Resistance.

Defining who you are on your own terms.

Finding the strength to carry on when you've fallen to the ground and can't find a way to get back up. When this happens, we often find ourselves seemingly bombarded with "helpful" tips, hints, words, advice and a whole hell-of-a-lot of woulda, coulda, shoulda's.

But instead of propping us up we feel this inner pressure that builds and want's a release. Hopefully it's not your mother's china! But seriously it's almost as if you want to put your hands on your ears and scream, "Go away! STOP. Leave me a alone".

This is Emotional Resistance to a Spiritual truth.

It's an emotional resistance to expressing life the way people say you should.

This is a conflict of what's inside and what your perceiving as being reflected back to you from your environment. This conflict reflects out from your inner core and the universe ricochets it back at you. This 'can' would, hurt, deflate, or explode. But there is the option of release. There is hope for healing. Your soul is more indestructible that you could ever imagine in this incarnation. You are divinely created and blessed with the creative powers to manipulate and create an infinite possibility within the parameters you set before life. The God force, the Source of all that IS, did not make a mistake, and you will not go so wrong as you think. This is the hope. The self realization that you are more within your state of being. You can find a way.

Some people heal by sharing, some by work, some by introspection, YOU will have your own unique way. There is no right or wrong in how this happens, but know it will happen. In this life, the next one or the hereafter. You are worth finding this out and feeling it now.

I think sometimes we feel funny when anything we see calls attention to what's in us. I am not so sure it's good or bad. Just is. And I think that a part of us don't wanna look.

I know for me, that any time anyone relates anything in their life, I often find myself comparing my own experience and then it's a struggle not to interpret that, as opposed to just letting it be. I also know I am not fond of anyone telling me what to do, criticizing, or offering me their opinion. I know that for me, It stems from a deep fear that I am not worth everything life has to offer. That I fear what others think of me. That I fear what I might think of myself. I fear living in a creative way that empowers me.

Or should I say, I would like to say,.. that I used to be that way. I could go on and on, but I think part of me hates looking inside and part of me doesn't want any experience other than my own. I think this is Key. Living a life that is our own and not what someone tells us should be, or could be. Our soul knows this and tries to get us to feel this see this and live this. This soul action is the origin of a lot of the resistance we feel.

And this resistance is a Spiritual cue for our emotional consciousness. It is a call to attention. A call to focus or refocus. It is a call to get us reconnected to a greater reality and sense of self. Our own self and who we are amongst the connection with everyone else and all that is. It is a call to do, a call to creative action. To feel yourself. Many times we are not comfortable with this. We don't want to feel. We are afraid of it.

Sometimes we feel resentful when we are not doing anything. We feel jealous of others inner work, when we know we should be doing our own. And other times this attention makes us crazy, because we want to be done and over. We know this is not our real life or who we are, or who we want to be. We feel, 'Been there done that, ok, can I be done now'. And looking at others drama instead of our own just reminds us that we are not done yet. And it bugs us. This disturbance creates more resistance and troubles the balanced still waters that is our higher self. This conflict is what is being called into our attention.

Then a big struggle for people is the unconscious knowing of this. This manifests in anger, disappointment, grief, and they beat themselves up for it. They want to do it "my way or the hyway". But they don't consciously acknowledge this and the tumultuous feelings get worse. It's turns into a vicious cycle.

I think that's normal. Everyone wants to know themselves in their own way. But we forget everyone is trying to do the same thing, we are all in this together.

I think a lot of suffering is experienced when people do not or feel unable to understand their inner reality, who they are and who they wish to be. In some cases its a failure to see themselves in others, or others in their own life. The fear of what they do not know or know how to express. Many times the phrase, "know how to express" is key. Knowing how to express who we really are IS a key goal of a life time. Knowing how to do this within different scenarios and situations give a greater understanding of our inner glory. And knowing this and fully exploring it allows us to nurture it in others via experience.

Some say each to their own path. And others say we all hold responsibility to share inner truth. Who is right and who is wrong, is irrelevant. What matters is that we come to terms with how we feel about ourselves at the end of the day. We can take positive action or we can look outside of ourselves. Only when we acknowledge our own role and do what we can to make tomorrow better able to express the love inside all of us will we see a new collective era for humanity. It's not the bickering of who should that will win, but the expression of I can that will. I can, we can we all can if but together.

I am not sure the point is ever, "what if, then, maybe scenarios and examples from earth life", but how we see our-self in spite of everything. I don't think there is a right or wrong, especially since none of us here know what the other has experienced in this life or in past lives. The point is to see ourselves as more than just this life and in whatever small way, express our understanding without fear.

You ask yourself, Do I exist for a reason, or do I create my own reasons? Who am I, why? And What do I desire now? List it out on paper. Does that list really represent how I see myself? Is my life about me wanting or is my life about seeing what I do have. And if I do have something, is it worth sharing? Can what I see about myself help someone else, Is this a reason I can cultivate in another person. Does my unexplored, unattained, unknown desire overshadow what I can find out about myself? Is this the reason, or are their many reasons for life? Can I uncover and create my own answers or is this something someone or thing has to show, tell, or create for me? Is life about "doing" or is life about choosing to express what we feel in accordance to how we understand our highest possible self. I don't see that choice as something that can be helped. I dont' see it as few or more, I only see it as being who I am in the moment. Every moment. I see it as choosing to be me. I think your wonderful. I want you to just be, and share it.

Part of discovering and remembering who we are is not in the seeking of love or acknowledgement of it, but utilizing ways to express it once we come into the knowledge of it. So even though we are hard pressed to see love, we still are aware of who we are. It is not the universe's or a Spirit's responsibility to prove it to us. We have the tools inside we just need to use them. Reality is created unconsciously or consciously depending on what we believe, perceive through action or inaction in balance with our karma, and our interactions on a creative level with all life. We always have a choice. What we see as that choice will depend on perception of personal self. This is awareness in action.

Many times, once we know about something, the universe will then present us with opportunities to explore and try it out, in different situations. So what seems like hell, might be an opportunity for personal transformation.

Oct. 03, 2011

If life were about preserving what was or what you think is; you would not stray from the stars of your soul. As it really is, you seek to shed light onto all creation you can touch, grow, and understand. Sometimes this light burns, sometimes nourishes. It always illuminates.

How can you hope to seek yourself if not for expressing a whim? Why bother then? Why would you want to know yourself. I think life can be humorously beautiful. The chance to laugh out loud with joy is one of those reasons. Why seek the love in me that is a part of you? Why be one? Because you already are and it feels good to allow yourself to express who you are. You say to me then, But, I don't feel funny. I don't feel joy, I don't feel love.

I say to you, why not? How do you see your reality then? This not something that I or anyone else can show you. You must come to this conclusion on your own. And very often it is simply a matter of letting go, and surrendering to the whim. This may then seem like your ignoring real life and your very real reality. That is OK. Time is on your side, one way or another. You will eventually find your joy and laugh.

I know what was said just above make it sound like My own life and perspectives are in perfect harmony. That's not so true. I am frequently am in pain, discomfort and self abusive to my own life. I am on the same paths as everyone else. But what I do know is that it is temporary. And an illusion.

There is the notion that salvation is required to achieve a oneness with God. I say that you are already so, only you feel separated due to the particulars and goals of your incarnation. You seek to understand your connection by examining through experience with all that is. Through this you come to beliefs about yourself, thus creating your reality. Reality changes as new perspectives are entertained based upon your experience.

These experiences give birth in you such desire for, more or less. This is emotional thought that generates the force to carry you forward through experience. In the beginning you seek for things, others, to tell you, what you desire. Then as you experience what you think you desire, you move through it and release them. You come to realize your own desires. They are made up of broad spectrum's of love and absence. As you pass this by, you gradually let go of these false desires and start to realize that everything you desired, you already had. So in actuality there was nothing to desire as there was to understand. This process will start unconsciously and move to conscious intent. Through this, you will know what to do as naturally as the sun rises. For you are no different. Your sunsets always give rise to ever illuminating light. This is your true salvation. It is in you now.