Opinionated Souls

Q) -- How can souls incarnate and dis-incarnate have such a wide variety of opinions on the innocent, the sanctity of life,

A) -- What is your opinion? Do you feel you have a right to it? What do you base your opinion on? Your experiences? Your perception? Your understanding of what you have encountered? Your feeling? How does all this direct your thoughts? What do you do about your thoughts? How does your actions interact with others thoughts and feelings?

This process in not exclusive to those in the midst of earthly life. Why should we in Spirit give up our uniqueness of understanding, just because our awareness has increased. Why should who I am interfere with who any other being is in the midst of their own journey of self discovery?

This is not about the sanctity of human life, that is for those who are living human life. For by taking away your ability to make your own decisions on how you experience your world, we interfere with your individual will within the causes and effects you create for yourself.

We all have opinions and feelings about this, why shouldn't we? For we are what you are. You are what we are. Everyone can be more.